Big news? Big yawn.
Exclusive-Former Republicans and Democrats Form New Third U.S. Political Party
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -Dozens of former Republican and Democratic officials announced on Wednesday a new national political third party to appeal to millions of voters they say are dismayed with what they see as America’s dysfunctional two-party system.The new party, called Forward and whose creation was first reported by Reuters, will initially be co-chaired by former Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang and Christine Todd Whitman, the former Republican governor of New Jersey. They hope the party will become a viable alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties that dominate U.S. politics, founding members told Reuters.
The new party is being formed by a merger of three political groups that have emerged in recent years as a reaction to America’s increasingly polarized and gridlocked political system. The leaders cited a Gallup poll last year showing a record two-thirds of Americans believe a third party is needed.
I agree wholeheartedly, an alternative to the tatterdemalion Uniparty charade IS needed, and quite badly. Alas, this ain’t it.
The merger involves the Renew America Movement, formed in 2021 by dozens of former officials in the Republican administrations of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush and Donald Trump; the Forward Party, founded by Yang, who left the Democratic Party in 2021 and became an independent; and the Serve America Movement, a group of Democrats, Republicans and independents whose executive director is former Republican congressman David Jolly.
See what I mean? The same old hacks pulling the same old strings; the same old influencers, gladhanders, logrollers, and backstabbers, running the same old scams and shams—not much inspiring, encouraging, or new here, not as far as these eyes can see. My God, even the names are the same.
As I’ve so often said of Biden: if these career political operators really DO know how to fix what needs fixing, and really DO want to see it fixed, then why on earth haven’t they jumped in and done so at any point over the many decades they’ve been content to soak up the graft, peddle the influence, and loll lazily about in the reassuringly tepid waters of the DC swamp? What the bleedin’ hell have they been waiting for all this time, anyway?
But hey, I’m willing to be fair about this. Let’s give them the benefit of assuming they really are sincere about what they’re saying and do them the courtesy of having a look at their program before we just dismiss them out of hand as peddlers of the same old shinola, shall we?
Two pillars of the new party’s platform are to “reinvigorate a fair, flourishing economy” and to “give Americans more choices in elections, more confidence in a government that works, and more say in our future.”
The party, which is centrist, has no specific policies yet. It will say at its Thursday launch: “How will we solve the big issues facing America? Not Left. Not Right. Forward.”
Well, hey, that’s certainly a bold, innovative agenda you fellas have come up with, I must say! Nothing vague, evasive, or slippery about any of that, nosiree BOB! In fact, with the right dressing on top, that there might actually be the crispest, most flavorful word-salad ever plated up. Get ready to CHOW DOWN, American voterpersonages!!!
“Centrist,” he says. “FORWARD,” no less. Le sigh.
Another person involved in the creation of Forward, Miles Taylor – a former Homeland Security official in the Trump administration – said the idea was to give voters “a viable, credible national third party.”
Taylor acknowledged that third parties had failed in the past, but said: “The fundamentals have changed. When other third party movements have emerged in the past it’s largely been inside a system where the American people aren’t asking for an alternative. The difference here is we are seeing an historic number of Americans saying they want one.”
Oh, trust me, we do, we do. Problem is, it’s an alternative to YOU FUCKING PEOPLE that we’re all in search of here, not just the same old shit on a fancy new shingle you’re putting out.
Another somewhat amusing aspect to this shit-a-palooza: if you Duck Duck Go-search on the article’s title entire, you might notice that pretty much EVERY news outlet extant includes that screaming “Exclusive” claim, from Yahoo to MSN to Reuters to…well, all of ’em. Apparently, words no longer mean anydamnedthing at all these days. EXCLUSIVE PRO TIP: when everybody and his sister’s cat’s grandmother runs the exact same article, it is definitionally incorrect to boast that what you have is in any meaningful sense “exclusive.”
One would hope that people who make a living as purveyors of the written word might know better. One would be doomed to disappointment.
Meh. With these folks it’s “Please meet the new boss, same as the old boss . . . ”
Won’t get fooled again.
The only goal of this party is to elect (or select) more marxists.
They should be called The Split The Right Vote Party.