Your Leftist masters would like to remind you not to get too attached to having air conditioning, lights, kitchen appliances, and all the other blessings of modern civilization, ‘kay?
Over Half The Country At Risk Of ‘Energy Emergencies’ This Summer, Electric Grid Analysis Shows
Millions of Americans across the Midwest, Southwest and West are expected to face blackouts throughout the summer months, an industry analysis concluded.A variety of factors, including drought conditions and low wind conditions, are expected to put Americans in roughly 28 states at risk of experiencing blackouts this summer, according to a report from the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC), a U.S. regulatory authority, published Wednesday. The region managed by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) across 15 Midwest states is at the highest risk of “energy emergencies” during the summer due to capacity shortfalls, the analysis showed.
“The Western Interconnection, Texas, Southwest Power Pool (SPP) … are at ‘elevated risk’ of energy emergencies during extreme conditions,” NERC added. “[MISO] is in the ‘high risk’ category, facing capacity shortfalls in its north and central areas during both normal and extreme conditions due to generator retirements and increased demand.”
Bold mine, because I found it so funny I nearly sprung a short rib chortling at it. Don’t miss the aerial photo of an ugly, useless scar on the Nevada landscape included in the article.
Price controls: coming soon to a Venezuela near you.
Another day, another democrat led republican endorsed scam. This one being the solar/wind power generation expected to provide actual power.
The only thing it actually provides: $$$ in kickbacks to “friendly” politicians that pass taxpayer dollars into the green death energy schemes.
That and dead birds.
Cloud people will have AC for a while after us
“Millions of Americans across the Midwest, Southwest and West…”
Good to be a Southerner.
“low wind conditions” == 95+% of the time. The green boondoggles only produce power anywhere near the “rated” power they claim when conditions are absolutely perfect. And of course that is almost never, and never when you actually need that power the most.