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Trust them not

For they are unworthy of such—faithless, manipulative, and bereft of moral rectitude.

Over the years, this humble blog has railed against the flood of lies discharged by our woke masters in government, and in the media, both legacy and new. It has become something of an obsession with your humble blogger; at the risk of becoming a one-note Johnny bore, I shall continue to rail.

Sorry, but, hey, it’s free of charge.

Our masters tell us so many lies that it proves difficult to pick one, or two, or three, or…whatever, to discuss. I will give it a try.

As you can see from my writings over the years on Putin and Russia, I have not become a Putin Puppet. In my view, however, Putin’s Moscow ranks as a second- or even third-tier threat to the US and the West; it certainly comes well behind the number two threat Beijing, and WELL BEHINDfar, far behind, the number one threat to our civilization, the Wokesters within our societies busily destroying our institutions and the underpinnings of our national identity and culture.
Amen to that.

None of us, outside of the top-most circles of Ukraine and Russia, has any good idea of events in the Ukraine-Russia war. What we, John Q. Public, know know proves very basic, VERY basic, indeed.

We know Russia has invaded Ukraine. We think we know that the invasion did not seem well-planned or executed. We know that this invasion, as true with any other of which I can think, has caused suffering and death to the people invaded, and, yes, by the way, I include in my list of invasions that transpiring along our own southern border. In the Ukraine case, we simply don’t know how much suffering and death; we must take the media’s “massacre” accounts with a fistful of salt. Look. Face it. It’s Russia; it’s Ukraine; it’s Eastern Europe. History shows that warfare there, though, of course, not there only, does not adhere to the Marquess of Queensberry Rules, much less to the Geneva Convention. I have no trouble believing, knowing (?), that innocent civilians or surrendering soldiers can and do face harsh treatment and even death at the hands of that day’s victors–and that the next day’s victors will reciprocate. I have no problem knowing that Russians and Ukrainians can act in a brutal fashion. Read about the two world wars, the Russian civil war, the Soviet wars with Poland and Finland, the fate of Napoleon’s army in Russia, etc., and you can easily imagine brutality on the fields of battle and in the cities of that region. The Katyn Forrest massacre comes readily to mind.

On Ukraine, my big problem, and I assume (Right? Wrong?) that of many others, arises from the lack of objective reporting; the reports, for example, on Russian atrocities in Ukraine seem much like those in British, French, and American newspapers of German atrocities in Belgium during WWI. Just a little too convenient. The narrative from Ukraine appears calculated, edited, censored, and massaged to cause maximum outrage in the audience, and, of course, heighten US and international support for involvement in this war. This narrative looks like, well, a narrative, rarely a good thing.

I don’t like this manipulation, especially given the record of those doing it. We, for example, have a “leadership,” illegitimately occupying the White House, which has not come clean about the corrupt Biden family’s ties to Ukraine and China. We have a media, old and new, yet to apologize for its lies re Trump-Putin collusion, quid-pro-quo, Hunter’s laptop, Rittenhouse, January 6, the grifters of BLM, Kavenaugh, Covid-19, climate change, the 2020 elections, and on, and on, and on. I generally don’t believe what comes from these liars who wish ill on Western Civilization, and work to destroy it.

Nor should you, nor should any of us. No impartial, reasonably intelligent American who didn’t spend the last five-six years fathoms deep in Rip Van Winkle-like slumber could possibly be taken in by the utter nonsense we have shoveled at us all day, every day. Bad enough that our mass media has proven beyond all doubt that it can no longer be relied upon for honest, factual journalism; what moves the needle of our current situation from Unpleasant all the way into the Dangerous red zone is that the deceivers, multitudes of them, are also embedded at every level of government, rendering that wholly untrustworthy as well. Which leaves out entirely the GloboHomoCorp megaplex, consisting of pretty much every American business enterprise not owned and operated by the Ma and Pa Kettle types who first started the thing. Add it all up and what you end up with is big-D Danger well beyond the merely ordinary variety—Danger so extreme humanity has only rarely seen the like of it.

Diplomad closes his post thusly: Why trust anything these people say? Why indeed. In truth, none but an irredeemable fool would. Or could. Or, y’know, should. And that’s a big, big problem, for all of us.

A government so quick to deceive its own people—whose first impulse is never to come clean but to lie, obfuscate or conceal—is a government that’s well into the death throes, whether or not it’s aware of it. Such a government will not, can not, survive for much longer, for reasons that aren’t terribly difficult to discern. For one thing, the people will quickly come to regard it, its officers, and all its works with unbridled contempt. As government scrambles ever more frantically to exert ever more authority over its ever more casually scornful and restive subjects, ever more of those subjects will just ignore it to the greatest extent they possibly can: sidestepping whatever of its edicts and decrees is practicable, complying only grudgingly with those they can’t evade. None of these ratios—the gradual crumbling of governmental integrity, the number of people aware of it, the slow-burn radicalization from “mass dissatisfaction” to “mass resistance” to “mass civil disorder”—are static; all will only increase, until the government falls.

As a deceitful government’s “elected” officials, appointees, and hirelings try to wield ever greater authority over the peasantry, the government will ironically find that very authority trickling through its fingers and away like a fistful of water. The more fiercely the tyrant struggles to maintain his grip on power, the more speedily power will be lost to him. Such displays of government’s haplessness and ineffectuality will only heighten the people’s contempt—another deadly irony that portends the awful fate stalking the reeling, tottering system like a jungle predator does a field mouse.

A like irony attends the untrustworthy government’s attempts to hide its affairs and intentions from Da Peepul: the more corruption they try to conceal, the more they wind up revealing instead. A policy of openness and full disclosure, or at least as full as can reasonably be expected these days without exposing legitimate state secrets to the squinty scrutiny of foreign adversaries, would serve both the government and its people far better. Unfortunately, the deceitful government can’t see this, and its subjects no longer expect it, assuming they ever did.

Breaking faith with its people is a self-inflicted injury that, as the crisis spirals out of all control, will eventually reach a stage beyond which a government’s collapse can no longer be forestalled. Collapse and ruin are the ineluctable byproducts of societal depravity, decay, and dissipation, hastened along by narcissism and selfishness. All the factors feed off of one another, each helping to accelerate and intensify the rest. It’s difficult at best to determine from the inside how far one’s country has traveled along the path to destruction. One can only try to ride the whole process out, and hope he’ll survive the trip.


3 thoughts on “Trust them not

  1. This is an excerpt from Aleksandr Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics, written in 1997: “The further existence of a unitary Ukraine is unacceptable. This territory should be divided into several zones, corresponding to the gamut of geopolitical and ethnocultural realities.
    1) Eastern Ukraine (everything that lies east of the Dnieper from Chernigov to the Sea of Azov) is a compactly populated territory with a predominance of the Great Russian ethnic group and the Orthodox Little Russian population. This entire territory is undoubtedly close to Russia, culturally, historically, ethnically and religiously connected with it. This well-developed, technically advanced region may well constitute an independent geopolitical region, with broad autonomy, but in an unconditional and strongest alliance with Moscow. Here, meridian integration is preferable, the connection of the Kharkov region with the more northern (Belgorod, Kursk and Bryansk regions) of the Russian territories proper and the spread of the structure to the south.
    2) Crimea is a special geopolitical entity, traditionally characterized by ethnic mosaicism. Little Russians, Great Russians and Crimean Tatars settled in Crimea in a very complex configuration and represent three geopolitical impulses that are quite hostile to each other. The Great Russians are oriented emphatically pro-Moscow (more aggressively than the rest of Ukraine, even Eastern). Little Russians, on the contrary, are extremely nationalistic. In general, Crimean Tatars are oriented more towards Turkey and are rather hostile to Russia. Taking into account the geopolitical orientation of the Crimean Tatars is out of the question, since Turkey is in all respects a direct geopolitical adversary of Russia. But the presence of Tatars in Crimea cannot be ignored either. Direct annexation of Crimea to Russia will cause an extremely negative reaction of the Little Russian population and create problems of integrating this peninsula into the Russian system through the Ukrainian territories, which is hardly realistic at all. Leaving Crimea to “sovereign Ukraine” is also impossible, since this creates a direct threat to Russia’s geopolitical security and generates ethnic tension in Crimea itself. Taking into account all these considerations, the conclusion suggests itself that it is necessary to give Crimea a special status and ensure maximum autonomy with direct strategic control of Moscow, but with taking into account the socio-economic interests of Ukraine and the ethnocultural requirements of the Crimean Tatars. …”

    And so forth, and so on. You can read the rest of it here: and there’s a link back to the (accurate) English translation – the Fourth Political Theory, by the same author, is a carefully sanitized version done as to not alarm Western readers – and even appeal to them. As for why Putin is doing this now, instead of under Trump, Bush, or even Obama, and has waited for Grandpaw Joe to take office, that’s anyone’s guess…

  2. Even the sheep that live off the government don’t trust it. That doesn’t work

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Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
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"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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"History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid."
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"To put it simply, the Left is the stupid and the insane, led by the evil. You can’t persuade the stupid or the insane and you had damn well better fight the evil."

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John Adams

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"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
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Ronald Reagan

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"I just want a government that fits in the box it originally came in."
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