Derb joins in the jubilation—cautiously, as is only appropriate and wise.
As well as joining in the jubilation, I also share with the hopes, expressed by many, that young Kyle takes the Nick Sandmann route and sues the bejasus out of all the politicians and media hacks who have been defaming him for the past year and a half—starting with Joe Biden.
On Kyle’s behalf, I nurse the further hope that Representative Matt Gaetz will follow through on his suggestion that Rittenhouse would make an excellent congressional intern. Hire him, Matt!
This is a victory in the Cold Civil War—a win for normal citizens over the administrative state and all its powers.
The war isn’t over, of course. There are many battles to be fought yet. Still we can, and should, rejoice in our victories, and seek encouragement in them to keep fighting on.
As it happens, while following the trial proceedings at, I was reading Tom Morgan’s recent book Trial in Cooperstown. The book is a blow-by-blow account of a homicide trial in upstate New York fifteen years ago.
To those of us who deal with national and metropolitan news, the overall effect of the book is soothing. You are watching the judicial system plod steadily, unimaginatively through its time-honored procedures, all governed by rules of procedure that are sometimes tiresome and sometimes hard to see the point of, but that arrive at last at a conclusion that seems as fair as it can be amid all the imperfections of human things.
This is small-town America at its best—as, I’m inclined to think, was the Rittenhouse trial. Yes, the old values still stand; yes, the old procedures still work; and yes, justice free of the horrid curse of politics can still be found.
Where can they be found? In Otsego County, of which Cooperstown is the county seat. Population of Otsego County: 62 thousand. And in Kenosha County, Wisconsin. Population of Kenosha County: 169 thousand.
Where are they not much found? In our big cities, with their lowest-common-denominator mayors, their top-heavy administrations, their timid, diversity-whipped police, their rapacious public-sector employee lobbies (which I refuse to call “unions”), their apathetic voters, and their George Soros-funded District Attorneys.
“If there is hope, it lies in the proles.” So wrote Winston Smith in his diary, in Chapter Seven of Nineteen Eighty-Four. If there is hope for our country, it lies in Cooperstown, New York and in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
America is not dying. Even taking the darkest view, we are at least not dead yet. Dum spiramus, speramus.
From the Latin: While we breathe, we hope. As we not only should, but must. For despair equals defeat and death, now more than ever before. All too often over the last several decades, our victories have been few and far between, fleeting, and ultimately without lasting effect, for more than one reason. No one among us ought to be kidding ourselves about this one, either.
As the usual overdramatized shrieking and rending of garments amongst The Enemy every time their iron will is thwarted proves adequately enough, this is indeed a win for us, one well worth the celebrating. But as always with our tormenters on the Left, they will surely be back, sooner than some might expect. In their obssessive pursuit of unchallenged tyranny, they are indefatigable. Understand well: They will never relent, never abstain, never retreat until every last one of us is enslaved under their merciless thrall.
Yes, we should definitely revel in each and every victory God grants to us; among other benefits, it renews our commitment, restores our strength, anneals our bond with our fellow warriors, and erodes the morale of our loathsome Enemy. All the same, though, even while the celebration proceeds we, as guardians of the bastion of American liberty, so to speak, must also look to the patrolling of its walls and ramparts, ever alert to the unfailing certainty that the very survival of everyone and everything sheltering within their protection turns on our unflagging vigilance.
High fives all around are appropriate as long as we don’t read too much into it.
Have you not yet noticed that Jew-boy Nadler wants the Feds to go after him now? As I have said before, happiness is filthy rotting dead Jew corpses stacked deep in Times Square!!!
“As I have said before…”
With very few exceptions, it’s all you ever have to say.
Matis, being a Jewish name, it takes one to know one seems appropriate.
“Have you not yet noticed” that there are catholics that also want the feds to go after KR? Have you noticed that the president is a catholic? How about the speaker of the house, catholic?
When you only notice the Jews, you have a problem.
I merely tell the truth, which Jew will not tolerate!!!
You wouldn’t know the truth if it bit your arse.
Self haters are the worst.
Please go back to 1939 and party like your world’s coming to an end
You should go to 1918 instead!!!
“They will never relent, never abstain, never retreat until every last one of us is enslaved under their merciless thrall.”
You left out part of this – “, or until every last one of them has been driven out from us or ceases to breathe.” There, that fixes it. Slavery is not inevitable, no ground must inevitably be conceded, we must fight to make them give ground, and eventually retreat and withdraw, and be wiped out of memory. And the fight has just begun, these are the initial skirmishes which will take place until the conflict begins in earnest.
Pfft. So what?
This is a Pyrrhic victory. A couple of more such, we may as well cancel Christmas.
It’s merely the newest high-water mark in the coming flood of societal collapse, and celebrating it for more than 0.2 seconds is like people in Fukushima celebrating the ocean’s retreat, just before the subsequent tsunami.
If TPTB hunt down, prosecute, and imprison not only the Kenosha rioters, to the last man, but also Rittenhouse’s prosecutorial tormentors, and the lying lamestream media’s castles are burned to the ground, dulce et decorum est, and I’ll be properly ecstatic on any day I see that happen.
I’m not holding my breath while I wait.
Unfortunately, politicians can’t be sued because they’ve exempted themselves from such trivialities, like they exempt themselves from many of the edicts they enact for those of US in flyover country. You know, the unenlightened, the deplorables and those bitter clingers.
If politicians could be sued, Harry Reid would be destitute, not having access to his $100,000,000.00 campaign war chest and San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors would be bankrupted and in prison for their asinine “Sanctuary City” laws that got Kate Steinle killed.
I sincerely hope Kyle Rittenhouse takes the Nick Sandman route and bankrupts these LYING news conglomerates and political hacks like “HairPlugs”, Willie’s whore, those incredibly dumb negroes at the NAALCP and those equally stupid racial hucksters $harlatan, $hakedown, Lamont and Mikey Dyson.