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Strange bedfellows?

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Rapper Nicki Minaj reposted a segment from Fox News on Wednesday in which host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson supported her regarding her comments on vaccines.

Carlson defended Minaj over her comments encouraging people to do their own research and not get bullied into taking the COVID-19 vaccine. The rapper said that her cousin’s friend’s testicles swelled up after he received the coronavirus vaccine, which resulted in his girlfriend calling off the wedding.

“My cousin in Trinidad won’t get the vaccine cuz his friend got it & became impotent. His testicles became swollen. His friend was weeks away from getting married, now the girl called off the wedding,” the tweet read. “So just pray on it & make sure you’re comfortable with ur decision, not bullied.”

“It’s Nicki Minaj’s cousin’s friend’s testicles that are swollen from taking the vax, that’s the claim,” Carlson said. “But it’s not anything to do with the physical effect of the vaccine that makes our political class mad. It’s the last part of Nicki Minaj’s tweet that enrages them.”

Carlson said that “media and public health officials” didn’t like Minaj’s tweet because “they make their livings bullying people.”

When one commenter accused Carlson of being a “white nationalist,” Minaj said that she can agree with someone from another political party.

“Right. I can’t speak to, agree with, even look at someone from a particular political party,” she sarcastically remarked. “Ppl aren’t human any more. If you’re black & a Democrat tells u to shove marbles up ur ass, you simply have to. If another party tells u to look out for that bus, stand there & get hit.”

For Tweeting this dangerous, insurrectionist, white supremacist misinformation, Minaj has of course been summarily exiled from Dorseyville. But screw Twatter any old how. Sefton heartily approves of Minaj’s feisty riposte to her shitlib antagonists, as do I.

The last person I ever thought would be a voice of reason and offer even a glimmer of hope amidst the vast sea of dissolution, debasement and cluelessness would be Nicky Minaj…

For whatever it’s worth, even for just a few hours in a news cycle, Nicky Minaj finding common cause with Tucker Carlson is a life preserver in that sea of despair. Same goes for yesterday’s story about the joint BLM MAGA protest against the vaccine edicts. The beauty of the nation formerly known as the United States of America is that people could have wildly diverging opinions on even the most divisive issues, but in the end, the common denominator was respect for the other’s opinions and that the nation itself was the means with which to compromise or resolve those differences as best we could, the Civil War notwithstanding. Now, the issue is America itself. It seems as if after last January 6th, the issue has been decided, or at best is seriously in doubt.

And now we have people planning to gather in DC yet again to rally in solidarity with our fellow citizens rotting in the Garland Archipelago as political prisoners. Given the reasons why they’re there in the first place, I am filled with dread over what could happen at that rally. No doubt the FBI and the Junta have agents-provocateur in situ and embedded, along with the Capitol Police, to create yet another Reichstag Fire. To show up is perhaps to allow them to execute that plot and then really clamp down. To not show up is to concede defeat and admit that that they are indeed our overlords.

Forget about Trump. Right now we need an army of Nicky Minaj’s that throw out “woke” and are instead fully awake to just what the hell has been going on.

The “yesterday’s story” JJ mentions above just happens to be one of the multitudinous open tabs I was hoping to get around to someday, providing me with all the prodding I need to get it cleared.

Dems’ worst nightmare: BLM and MAGA activists jointly demonstrate against vax mandates
According to a Twitter feed from Leeroy Johnson, a group of MAGA and BLM activists joined together to demonstrate outside the Manhattan home of New York State Assembly member Linda Rosenthal, who is sponsoring a bill to make COVID vaccinations mandatory.  Johnson identified himself as an “independent photographer” and says he takes no sides.

The suspicion many African-Americans have toward the medical establishment has strong roots in the Tuskegee medical experiment atrocity, in which African Americans were left untreated so disease progress could be studied — in essence dehumanizing them and treating them as lab animals.

Sadly but unsurprisingly, the post goes on from there to lapse into the by-now obligatory tail-chasing in regards to what “impact” this single-issue alliance might have on voting, which misses the point by an AU or so at the very least.

Who cares? In my view, the part that truly matters isn’t how Nee-grows may or may not vote in the next guaranteed-fraudulent “election,” but the part I boldfaced. Finally, FINALLY, MAGA folks, Heritage Americans, Real Americans, however you prefer to label ’em, seem to have come alive to the potential usefulness of, shall we say, getting in their fucking faces and punching back twice as hard. And that’s about as encouraging a development as one could think of at this point.

I keep harping about the importance of re-instilling that appropriate sense of fear of their constituents into American politicians which is a non-negotiable precondition for the Founders’ Republic if it is to function properly—as vital to liberty as oil is to an internal-combustion engine. It is simply inarguable that our dimestore dictators have far exceeded their authority with the abominable (Not)Vaxx Royal decrees, and don’t appear to give a whoop in Hell about the opinion of their benighted subjects.

They need to be reminded, forcefully, that they are neither untouchable nor even all that secure inside their walled, guarded enclaves. Showing up to protest literally on their very doorsteps is a mighty fine way to drive that crucial reminder home fully—an excellent first step from whence Team Liberty can then up the ante however high it needs to go so as to achieve the desired result.

Update! The Minaj dustup just keeps getting better and better.

Fans of rap artist Nicki Minaj protested outside the headquarters of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, Georgia, after she tweeted her thoughts on the vaccine.

“Nicki Minaj told me the truth! Fauci lied to me!” the protesters chanted Wednesday, referring to White House coronavirus expert Dr. Anthony Fauci.

The fans were inspired by numerous tweets Minaj sent out, first explaining why she hadn’t gotten vaccinated yet, then defending herself against the furious backlash.

Among those bashing Minaj were MSNBC anchor Joy Reid, who called on Minaj to tweet support for vaccines for her more than 22 million followers.

Minaj responded by lashing out at Reid, calling her a racial epithet and recalling her controversial past with homophobic blog posts.

Minaj then tweeted a video of Fox News host Tucker Carlson defending her skepticism on Wednesday and had to defend herself against those who called him a racist and a white supremacist. She later claimed on her Instagram account that she had been suspended from tweeting because of her claims.

She also compared the United States to communist China in an Instagram video post.

“You can’t speak for the fear of the mob attacking you. If that doesn’t give you chills up and down your f***ing spine. This is scary! You should be able to ask questions about anything you’re putting inside your body,” Minaj said. “You can’t just innocently ask a question about something going in your body.”

It appears Nicki is a lot smarter and more aware than some people think.


4 thoughts on “Strange bedfellows?

  1. No. The Enemy of my Enemy is still my enemy – they just might also be an ally of convenience at the moment.

    Just don’t forget that they’re still an enemy.

      1. *snicker* Don’t feel bad. When this started hitting all the sites, I had to highlight her name, right click, and look her up on Google.

        “Umm… okay, so who the hell is this Sticky Massage gal and why should I care?”

        Oh. Hip Hip Thot whose basically famous for being famous. Okay.

        Still, it is fun watching her poke the woke in the eye with a dull stick. Okay, guys! Lets you and her fight! I got popcorn and beer.

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Ezra Pound

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