Well, this is…shall we say…troubling.
This is how Stalin did it. If you dissent from the regime, “scientists” declare you insane and incarcerate you “for your own protection.” https://t.co/2Wuy33fm4L
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) August 30, 2021
It’s always, always, ALWAYS the same with these assholes, innit? As if they only have just the one playbook for all of them to work from, and aren’t bright or original enough to come up with anything different. Via my NC homeslice Wes Renegade, who elsewhere puts it plain and simple.
How do we BEGIN?
It’s a question I have asked many times. It’s a question many commenters here have asked.
I am just as frustrated as all of you that keep saying “the time for talk is over.” Believe me I know. I have been saying that for an extremely long time now.
I am tired of hearing the statement made that we must wait and not act first. Are we going to wait until it’s too late? I believe we are already at the point where it may be too late and our chances of success will be minimal. However it is better to die on your feet than live on your knees as a slave.
Our country has been overthrown/stolen from us. It’s time to quit talking about it and it’s time to start fighting for our freedom. While I’m not skilled in how to begin a Revolution, neither were our Founding Fathers. They fought for what they believed in and did what was right, regardless the certain death they faced. Are we lesser men?
Indubitably so; no disgrace in that, necessarily, since they were genuine titans among men, whose mettle very few before or since could hope to meet, or even approach. The real question is: are we man enough? We’ll very soon find out.
As for Scheller, you regime pusbags just go ‘head on and make a martyr of the man, whydon’tcha. Let’s all see how that works out for ya in the end.
Lieutenant Colonel Scheller has more guts than the entire Pentagon.
I’d hope there are enough retired but still capable Marines around to provide Colonel Scheller with round the clock security until the need for it passes.