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Duke Nukem

Well, you gotta admit: with last night’s speech, so-called “****President****” Biden has officially guaranteed himself a truly well-earned position in the world history books: he’s now the very first national “leader” in all of human history to threaten his own country with air strikes and nuclear war.

No, really. I only wish I was kidding.

The real point of Biden’s speech was grabbing guns. (If the filibuster holds, Biden lacks the political might to pass gun-grabbing laws.) His problem is that the cities with the worst violent crime already have gun-grabbing laws.

Biden also insisted that the only reason to have weapons and ammo is deer hunting:

Background checks for purchasing a firearm are important; a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines — no one needs to have a weapon that can fire over 30, 40, 50, even up to 100 rounds [Me: 100 rounds? Someone’s been getting into the Geritol] unless you think the deer are wearing Kevlar vests or something; community policing and programs that keep neighborhoods safe and keep folks out of trouble.

The Second Amendment has nothing to do with deer-hunting — and it’s not the government’s job to tell us what we need to defend ourselves, including against a tyrannical government. And that leads us to Biden’s incoherent, yet frightening attack on the Second Amendment:

The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own. You couldn’t buy a cannon.

Those who say the blood of lib — “the blood of patriots,” you know, and all the stuff about how we’re going to have to move against the government. Well, the tree of liberty is not watered with the blood of patriots. What’s happened is that there have never been — if you wanted or if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.

Apparently, Thomas Jefferson was wrong when he said that “the Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” In Biden’s America, if you face the government, you’d better come prepared, unless you’re an unarmed civilian whom the Capitol Police welcome into the Capitol. Then, you’re more dangerous than a nuclear bomb.

Actually, I’ve been laughing about this all day today. The guy with his hand up the back of Senile Grampy Gropey’s shirt making his mouth move has well and truly stepped in it with this blunder. From what I’m seeing cruising around the Innarwebs, whatever remnants of the US military rank and file (ie, the real soldiers, not their LGBTQRXP39 replacements) that might have been at least somewhat willing to comply with the increasingly questionable orders handed down from Higher are now brushing up against outright mutiny, openly declaring that they have no intention to nuke, say, Indiana or strafe Little Rock or Greensboro just because Gropey’s handlers say they want that shit done.

With this batshit-insane threat, The Power quite obviously hoped to cow the political opposition into silence and submission. Instead, what they’ve accomplished is to reveal, for larger numbers of normal people to see than ever before, the now-inarguable fact that the REAL threat to liberty, the Constitution, and the overall well-being of the US lies not with Trump supporters, Whypeepo, or any other of the various subgroups whose sole wish is to be left the hell alone, but with THEM.

Andrea goes on to remind us of a Larry Correia classic from 2018, posted after the loathsome Eric “Bang Bang Fang Fang” Swallowswell issued a similar ineptly-veiled threat. I excerpted it back then, IIRC, but seeing as how the problem with the Left’s genocidal argument remains the same as it was then, it bears revisiting.

We are so divided it’s like we are speaking two different languages. Hell, on this topic we are on two different planets. And it is usually framed with a sanctimonious left versus right, enlightened being versus racist hillbilly, unfailing arrow of history versus the knuckle dragging past sort of vibe.

But basically it boils down to one side making the argument: The idea of the 2nd Amendment resisting a tyrannical government is obsolete, because the federal government is too overwhelmingly powerful, and has too many advanced technologies.    
First, let’s talk about the basic premise that an irregular force primarily armed with rifles would be helpless against a powerful army that has things like drones and attack helicopters.

This is a deeply ironic argument to make, considering that the most technologically advanced military coalition in history has spent the better part of the last two decades fighting goat herders with AKs in Afghanistan and Iraq. Seriously, it’s like you guys only pay attention to American casualties when there’s a republican in office and an election coming up.

Nobel Peace Prize Winner Barack Obama launched over five hundred drone strikes during his eight years in office. We’ve used Apaches (that’s the scary looking helicopter in the picture for my peacenik liberal friends), smart bombs, tanks, I don’t know how many thousand s of raids on houses and compounds, all the stuff that the lefty memes say they’re willing to do to crush the gun nut right, and we’ve spent something like 6 trillion dollars on the global war on terror so far.

And yet they’re still fighting.

Better yet, the FUSA is currently scheduled to do the tail-tucked scoot ‘n’ scurry in humiliating defeat from that primordial shithole on the jawdroppingly ironic date of 9/11 of this very year. Which, basically, means that a relative handful of under-armed, illiterate, goat-humping Neanderthals won. They rode to victory against “the world’s strongest military” on fucking mules, handily running us out of the most god-forsaken trash heap ever to be misnomered a “nation,” against all odds and in spite of absofuckinglutely everydamnedthing.

Larry then runs some numbers whose resultant sum would be enough to kibosh the Left’s gun-grabbing wet dream for all time, if any of those slope-shouldered dweebs had even one functioning brain cell—which, clearly, they do not. After that, he gets down to the forever-relevant meat of the matter.

In something that I find profoundly troubling, when I’ve had this discussion before, I’ve had a Caring Liberal tell me that the example of Iraq doesn’t apply, because “we kept the gloves on”, whereas fighting America’s gun nuts would be a righteous total war with nothing held back… Holy shit, I’ve got to wonder about the mentality of people who demand rigorous ROEs to prevent civilian casualties in a foreign country, are blood thirsty enough to carpet bomb Texas.

You really hate us, and then act confused why we want to keep our guns? But I don’t think unrelenting total war against everyone who has ever disagreed with you on Facebook is going to be quite as clean as you expect.

There will be no secure delivery of ammo, food, and fuel, because the guys who build that, grow that, and ship that, well, you just dropped a Hellfire on his cousin Bill because he wouldn’t turn over his SKS. Fuck you. Starve. And that’s assuming they don’t still make the delivery but the gas is tainted and food is poisoned.

Oh wait…Poison? That would be unsportsmanlike! Really? Because your guy just brought up nuclear weapons. What? You think that you’re going to declare war on half of America, with rules of engagement that would make Genghis Khan blush, and my side would keep using Marquis of Queensbury rules?

Oh hell no.

See, one of the things you guys on the left don’t realize is that there’s that whole “Othering” thing. You do it all the time without thinking about it. Where you just ascribe increasingly terrible things to people, like all gun owners are murderous, racist, kill crazy, redneck, dumb ass peckerwoods who want children to die, to the point that to you, we’re this unimaginable, evil, Other, so it’s okay to threaten to murder us, and feel good about yourself. Because we’re bad, and you’re the good guy, and thus totally justified in all you do.

Yet you assume that the people who gravitate toward the career fields you’ll need to wage war on us will feel the same way you do.  When in reality most of them think you’re posturing, elitist, ignoramuses who don’t know the first thing about guns, crime, violence, or America.

Now this is where I’ll part ways with most of my libertarian brethren, because they are quick to point out that there are plenty of places where cops enforce existing gun or drug laws. The part they’re missing is that most people are complicated, and they’ve got lines they won’t cross.

In this case, the target isn’t some Other, it’s not just their people, it’s them. And an active shooting war between the government and half the population? That’s a pretty big fucking line. And we’re not talking about people they are already inclined not to like, but rather they’re supposed to go shoot their doctor and their mechanic for doing something that up until a few days ago was legal and they were doing themselves. A small percentage will be happy to put on the jack boots and start loading people into cattle cars. But a larger percentage will say nope, I’m calling in sick, don’t feel like getting blown up today.

And another big chunk will actively help the insurgents, because they fucking hate you and everything you stand for. Like seriously, out of touch liberals, how many small town sheriff’s deputies do you think would describe themselves as “progressive”?

Now this will vary wildly depending on jurisdiction. Some places, no problem. People will comply. Others because of the culture, they won’t. Yet, in the places where they are the least likely to comply, those are the places where you are the most likely to have the local authorities be actively on the side of the insurgents. (this is kind of a no brainer to anybody who has ever looked at any guerilla war ever in history). Which means that the occupiers then have to import outsiders to do the deed, but then the presence of outsiders piss off the rest of the local fence sitters, and now everybody is getting blown up.

This is why smart progressives prefer to boil the frog slowly.

To pull off confiscation now you’d have to be willing to kill millions of people. The congressman’s suggestion was incredibly stupid, but it was nice to see one of you guys being honest about it for once.  In order to maybe, hypothetically save thousands, you’d be willing to slaughter millions. Either you really suck at math, or the ugly truth is that you just hate the other side so much that you think killing millions of people is worth it to make them fall in line. And if that’s the case, you’re a sick bastard, and a great example of why the rest of us aren’t ever going to give up our guns.


The dipshit, arrogant fumblefucks currently misruling our ex-country have really stepped in it this time. Some Dissident Rightists out there advocate for “accelerationism,” which revolves around the notion that the best strategy for Our Side to adopt is the hastening of the inevitable collapse using various methods. So whodathunk that The Enemy would take such a tremendous stride down the accelerationist path as this, on their own clueless initiative? There’s no way to know how many heretofore inattentive Americans will be radicalized as word of this fantabulous flub spreads, but I’d guess a very substantial chunk has been lopped off the wait-time for the long-overdue Day of Reckoning.

And hey, that’s just fine with me. Do us all a favor and keep talking, idiots.

Update! Action, reaction.

U.S.—The nation scrambled to buy F-15s and nuclear weapons after President Biden said in a speech Wednesday that you’ll never beat a government unless you have the fighter jets and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

All over the nation, American citizens were seen parking their brand-new F-15s in their driveways and garages. Some wealthier Americans purchased the F-22, while less fortunate citizens were forced to buy the F-35 joint fighter. But no matter what craft they chose, American citizens said they were just glad to finally be protected against a tyrannical government.

“I need an F-15 to beat the government? Say no more, fam!” said one man in New Hampshire as he happily rushed out to his local F-15 dealer to pick up the latest model. “Before, I thought my AR-15 would be enough, but when Biden pointed out that the U.S. government has fighter jets and I only have an assault rifle, I realized I really needed to beef up my anti-tyranny defense systems.”

“Thanks, Mr. Biden! I sure am glad you reminded me of how brutal a government can be against its own citizens and how governments throughout history have in fact attacked their own people once they are disarmed and helpless.”

A nice black market F15 makes a perfect companion-piece to your AR15, or so I’ve read. Acquiring one is really the only proper response to Gropey’s threat, and will add a dash of spice to any home’s décor. Meanwhile, BCE takes a look ahead at how it’s going to go down.

If something goes sideways, it’ll be the FedGov depending on FedAgents to enforce and be the bully boys like Bracken wrote about in “Enemies F&D”. The DotMil, while being currently pozzed out of it’s mind, it’s not completely stupid. Outrageous dumbasshattery aside, the Troops?  They can get ordered all. day. long. to -do- shit, but ain’t shit gonna get done. If anything, the DotMil is going to ‘hunker in the bunker’ and stay the fuck out of the whole thing, ‘cos like I said, their families come first. In fact, watch for a migration of off-base peeps moving ON base if you want to have a strong indicator shit’s about to get really reelz. It’ll take word of mouth to get that sort of news though…not that the Ministry of Propaganda is going to say anything. I have a lot of Chair Farce kids from McDill who live in my A.O…you can be sure if they all start pulling up with rental trailers and vans to load some shit into them all around the same time, it’ll be noticeable. Means they’re getting the fam out from possible reprisals.

Now, as far as FedGov workers outside of the DotMil? Whereas the majority of the morons who’re still working in Leviathan? At some point, anyone who’s working there has to now know, without a doubt, that they’re on the wrong side. The FedGov has been revealed as fuckin’ corrupt as the day is long. The FBI? Evil. Period. Fucking. DOT. I mean yeah, lotsa folks went in with the “I’m doing this for my country ‘cos I’m a patriot and want to make a difference!”

Lots of us joined the DotMil for the same reason.
That lasted until week 3 or 4 of Basic…

Fine and Dandy to be all “I’ll drone those Islamic errrr… right wing whypeepo superpreemercists to death!!!” when you’re located a full continent away and your family safely ensconced in home and hearth.

So here’s the thing fat: when your at work, “doin’ the do” -someone- kicks in your front door, and butchers every. single. person. in your house, as well as the family pets. And then waits for you to get home, and does you too, AFTER showing you the severed heads of your fam, and letting you know that this is the price you pay for taking Leviathan’s Groat. Your failure at that point is complete and total. No memory/progeny for you. Your. Line. Ends. 

Probably get the whole thing on vidya and uploaded to whatever the flavor-of-the-week host that shows utterly gruesome shit out there.
Maybe ogreish will make a comeback?
Tough call, but the revolution will be broadcast in all it’s horrorshow and ultraviolence.
Best to note it if’n your part of the problem, as you’ve legitimized your participation on what’s turning out to be the wrong team.  Everyone will eventually get ‘touched’ by this shitspatter.

It’s unavoidable.

I keep on saying that these fools badly, badly need to rethink a few things and dial it back several notches, if only for their own damned good. But they keep on not doing it.


8 thoughts on “Duke Nukem

  1. I’m still . . . stunned. The Mrs., of course, asked, “What did you expect?”

    She was right. Yet, to hear the Occupant-in-Chief threaten nuclear airstrikes on a third of thee people in the country?


  2. Born in the ’60s, raised in the ’70s, fucked in the ’80s – I grew up knowing we were all going to die by the nuke. Doesn’t scare me any more.

    Heh. First thing I thought of when I read the Breitbart teaser on “Biden’s”* statement, Mike, was Larry’s epic response to Swallowswell. That’s a hard act to follow, and I won’t even try to top it.

    All I got left to say to any of these people by this point is, if you think you’re hard enough – bring it.

    *Scare quotes because we all know by this point that it was Biden’s handlers making the statement – Biden is tapioca above the eyebrows and has been since before the Steal. I doubt he’s got enough cognition going left to know what kind of pudding cup he wants for lunch.

  3. They won’t use F-15s. Instead, it will be drones. They have enough video game players to operate those. And they WON’T use nukes. First of all, what target they would want to touch is compact enough to make a nuke useful? Secondly, the shithole hives which are their core constituency are all DOWNWIND of flyover country. What do you think the hive dwellers therein would do when the fallout fell out over THEM???

    1. What do you think the hive dwellers therein would do when the fallout fell out over THEM???

      Nothing. They have no capability to do much of anything beyond burning down their local grocer.

      1. When they do that, however, what will Our Betters have to rule over???

  4. If they wipe out ~80 million Americans who voted for The Donald, it’ll leave just that much more room for the people this Administration is bringing in by the truckload, planeload, boatload

    1. With the added benefit that no one will know how to run the power plants or sewer facilities, hastening the much-to-be-desired transformation of the United States into a turd-world shithole.

  5. No words. Just smiles.

    Ok, who am I kidding, a few words.

    We may not be able to mobilize faster than they’ll collapse under the crushing weight of their own incompetence.

    If we just let ‘em keep talking, apparently, they’re gonna do their level best to do all the work for us.

    The incompetence is truly staggering.

    What’s that thing, where you push out all the good people & all you’ve got left are the below average & the truly retarded?

    That’s who the shadow people are. We give them way too much credit.

    The country begs for leadership (at all levels) that won’t regularly, in a fit of terror, having mistaken it for a venomous snake, stomp on its own dick. 

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