It can’t be done without upheaval, strife, and misery, and sane people shouldn’t even try lest insanity turn out to be infectious.
The Progressive Left has gone stark raving batshit fucking insane. It wouldn’t be so frightening if they didn’t have control of the news, the schools, the entertainment media, and now the government:
The 2016 election was stolen by Trump with the aid of Putin, but the 2020 election was unquestionably fair and even-handed, and there’s something wrong with you if you do not accept that.
Violence is speech, but silence is violence, but free speech is violence. Rioting is “mostly peaceful.” Two plus two equals racism and racism is bad, and all white people are racists, so President* Biden believes that minorities somehow can’t figure out how to use the Internet. Segregation is cool again as is discrimination in hiring. Defunding police departments is anti-racism. People who were never slaves should get reparations from people who never owned a slave, but the children brought illegally in to the country should not suffer for their parent’s crime. Genocide is bad, except in China where it’s just a different cultural norm.
Someone who was biologically male for most of his life can “identify as female” and defeat biologically female women in sex-segregated sports, and they’re brave for doing so. Dr. Rachel Levin, Biden’s transgender nominee for assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services refuses to answer questions regarding gender reassignment performed on minor children during approval hearings. (There are, at present, apparently 112 genders.) If you’re heterosexual and don’t date trans you’re a transphobe, but if you’re homosexual and won’t date outside your gender (whichever of the 112 you are) you’re OK.
“Equity” now means “Equality.” All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. Cows, pigs and sheep are among the greatest threats to the environment. We need to go to all electric cars, but we’re going to charge them using wind power on distribution systems that can’t support the load. Those clean electric vehicles run on batteries, but the Left seems to have no concern of where the materials for those come from. Mining is bad, but electric vehicles will require a massive increase in mining, not to mention the expansion of the power distribution infrastructure necessary to charge them. But math is racist, and I’m sure everything will work out fine.
And people who own guns are murderers just waiting for the opportunity, but insulting them in public is perfectly safe.
If you dare to point out the insanity, you’re a racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, Islamophobic deplorable who must be CANCELLED. You’re a heretic, or worse, apostate. Oh, and Ben Shapiro is a Nazi.
I wrote many years ago that both liberals and conservatives were necessary for a healthy society, but the Left is no longer interested in debate and compromise.
As we’re finding out, liberals aren’t at all necessary for a healthy society. Actually, they’re inimical to it; anathema to it; and, in the end, fatal to it.
Via Bill, who says:
This is a very long piece from a few weeks back. Most will probably not bother with it, but I challenge you to find a better, more compelling summation of the plight patriotic Americans now find themselves facing.
For those of you who do bother, thank you. I think you’ll find the time well spent.
We get bits and pieces of this every day, but to see it all gathered together in one place is to bring home in an inescapable way just how dangerous are the times into which we must move forward, whether we want to or not. And the sort of decisions we must make now to determine how we will face them.
He ain’t wrong about that, which y’all may not have gathered due to my having cherry-picked the insane-Left segment of the aforementioned post for the excerpt. As Bill says, carve out some time so’s you can sit down and read the whole thing.