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“Attack on our democracy”

There is one, it’s real, it’s ongoing, and it most certainly did NOT begin and/or end on January 6th.

Joe Biden is either an historical illiterate or a shameless liar. Perhaps he is both.

Definitely gotta go with “both” on that one, Jules.

Desperate to keep the disintegrating narrative about the events of January 6 alive, Biden, in his first sparsely attended speech to a joint session of Congress on Wednesday night, declared the January 6 protest was “the worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.”

Contra Supergenius Grampy Joe, it’s simplicity itself to make a case for the Great Lost Cause having been not so much an “attack on our democracy” as it was an attempt by the Confederacy to sever its bonds with what they perceived as a nascent Federal tyranny whose nakedly-hostile political leaders could be counted on to rule in a way calculated to inflict severe damage to the rights and best interests of a significant proportion of its subjects, as tyrannies tend to do. In fact, many if not most of the Confederacy’s best and brightest vigorously warned of precisely that.

Although it’s all but forgotten today, the Southern rebellion was predicated on several issues, slavery being but one of them: the assertion of a right to withdraw from a national Union which had originally been sold as an entirely voluntary association; the defense of the now-defunct ideal of States’ Rights; the threat posed to liberty and self-determination by an increasingly-muscular central government which would inevitably expand well beyond its Constitutional bounds, among others. In light of what we know now, it’s kinda tough to argue they were wrong, particularly about that last.

Whether you agree or not, in the eyes of a great many Confederates the Civil War was more like a last-ditch try at maintaining their own democracy, rather than an “attack” on somebody else’s.

I won’t bother going into the lopsided comparison between America’s military engagements since CW v1.0—the various Indian Wars, the Garza Revolution, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine-American War and Morro Rebellion, The Boxer War, the Samoan Civil War, the Occupation of Haiti and the Dominican Republic, etc etc—every one of which stacked up a FAR higher US body-count than the Jan 6th “insurrection’s” lone KIA.


But, well, yeah. “Worst since the Civil War.” Whatevs, Mumbles. You just keep doin’ you, awright?

The “attack on our democracy” began last year and the facts aren’t in dispute. A new leader was chosen and installed by a self-serving cabal of powerful interests; no one even tries to hide it anymore. The “shadow campaign” to rig the 2020 election isn’t described as cheating or an actual “attack on our democracy” that seized control from tens of millions of voters but as a successful attempt to “save” the election.

Before and after the election, content that contradicted the ministers of propaganda was banned and its authors dispatched to an information Gulag. Comments about a stolen election are met with harsh rebukes and accusations of treason and sedition. Even worse, anyone involved in the January 6 protest who expressed that belief in social media posts or private messages is automatically guilty of a thought crime punishable by solitary confinement in a D.C. prison before a trial can begin.

First, Second, and Fourth Amendment rights do not apply to a select group of Americans. A top Justice
Department prosecutor bragged about authorizing nationwide manhunts and arrests in a display of “shock and awe,” not to round up real criminals but to silence and bully the political opposition.

No presumption of innocence, no due process.

The national news media fabricated a story about the untimely death of a police officer to help inflame the January 6 narrative. After the story was exposed as a lie, no one was punished. The claim made it into the Democrats’ impeachment trial memorandum, a document that will remain in the official record even though it is patently false.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi referred to January 6 as an “armed insurrection” the following day even though no “arms” were found inside the Capitol. The Director of National Intelligence, flagrantly violating her authority, referred to January 6 protesters as “domestic violent extremists” in a separate government document without offering a shred of evidence. The attorney general of the United States compared the Capitol protest to the Oklahoma City bombing where 168  people, including babies, were killed—even though the only person killed on January 6 was an unarmed protester, Ashli Babbitt.

As many people have said to me in response to my work over the past few months, this isn’t America.

Nope, it ain’t even close. But as far as “insurrections” and “attacks” against the “sacred temple” of “American” “democracy” go, I’m betting our masters will know the real thing when they see it, and when/if they do it won’t look anything like Jan 6th. More dead giveaways as to why:

  • Legitimate President-in-exile Trump’s repeated exhortations for “peaceful protest,” all of which were sneakily edited from the video record by Praetorian Media
  • The fact that none of the “treasonous” “insurrectionists” seem to have remembered to bring any guns with them to the “revolution”
  • The fact that the only KIA was actually one of our own—a woman summarily executed by a panicked, trigger-happy Deep State thug for the heinous atrocity of, umm, trespassing; interestingly, this “dangerous” “radical,” a serious and imminent threat to the very lives of our “beloved” political “leadership,” also happened to be unarmed

All in all, the only reasonable conclusion is that if this really WAS insurrection, it was the most piss-poor and preposterous attempt at one in all human history, launched by the most riotous gaggle of slapstick revolutionaries ever assembled for the purpose of bringing down the biggest, most powerful, and ruthless government on Earth. Insurrection? This was pure vaudeville.

But every sensible person knows full well what it was and what it wasn’t. The ludicrous, transparently false narrative of the Jan 6th protest is simply a club fabricated by The Power for the sole purpose of crushing all remaining opposition to the theft of the 2020 “election” and the consequent installation of full-on Leftist tyranny in Mordor On The Potomac, and not a jot or tittle more.

8 thoughts on ““Attack on our democracy”

  1. Since we adamantly didn’t have a democracy when we started out back in 1776 and we assuredly don’t have one now, I’m completely unmoved by cries about “Attacks on Our Democracy”. They fall on deaf ears and result in dry eyes.

    Leftist wails about “Attacks on Our Democracy” get a derisive snort and a “Good. I hope they burn your Democracy to the fucking ground.”

    Wake me up when someone at AmGreatness starts to talk about the treason against and attacks upon our Republic, because I haven’t been amazed yet this year.

    1. The most important thing about the Founder’s vision wasn’t a Republic or a Democracy. It was Limited Government and Individual Rights and Sovereignty.

      The idea was the Government exercised only Powers we delegated to them that were Limited in Scope. Also, the idea that despite having been delegated a Power, that Power resided in the Office created and not the Person occupying that Office. The idea that each divided Power Center had a check and balance on each of the others. The idea that even with all of this, the Government still couldn’t violate the Unalienable Rights of an American Citizen even when legitimately exercising these Powers. So for instance, even if investigating a crime or enforcing a valid law, Law Enforcement still cannot engage in searches and seizures unless a set of hurdles were overcome (probable cause, warrants, etc) to do so.

      Limited Government and Individual Rights were the revolutionary concepts America embraced.

      1. “Limited Government and Individual Rights were the revolutionary concepts America embraced.”

        Absolutely, and bled and died for them. Long gone I’m afraid.

  2. It’s interesting to talk with *actual* leftists – they don’t like the WuFlu plague narrative or the fake vaccines or the “woke” types any more than people on the right do. Some of these people, in a rapidly receding past, identified as socialists, but in an odd inversion as of late, a number of them supported Trump – and they lost friends over it. So the old categories of left and right are kind of up in the air, it’s more like authoritarian vs anti-authoritarian. And a lot of them – in fact most I’ve talked to – don’t like Antifa one bit. Occasionally I post articles from this weblog on my facebook page – of course with attribution – and the likes come from both people who could formerly have been described as Left and Right, lifelong Democrats and lifelong Republicans alike. Personal liberty is turning out to be a big thing as of late… One thing, though – the Democratic Party is by no means “left”, it’s neoliberal. And so is the “right-wing” Republican Establishment, it’s just as neoliberal as the Democrats. So we actually have the Neoliberal Party, and then the Everyone Else Party. The latter really ought to get organized and stop voting for Neoliberals.

    1. I can believe that many Bernie Bros see there is something wrong going on here, but are misguided in following a Shaman selling an Alternative Snake Oil that is really Leftism with Liberal Trappings.

      1. I think most of the “Bernie Bros” are a couple bricks short of a full load.

        1. Looks at the “education” they got and the late ts that raised them. At least they get the feeling something is crooked here.

          1. Maybe. If the commie won they’d be fine with any level of corruption required.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
Donald Surber

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Etienne de la Boiete

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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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