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The Bu-God Republic makes its move.

H.B. No. 1359
relating to proposing a referendum to the people of the State of Texas on the question of whether this state should leave the United States of America and establish an independent republic.


SECTION 1.  (a)  At the general election to be held November 2, 2021, the voters shall be permitted to vote in a referendum on the question of whether this state should leave the United States of America and establish an independent republic.

(b)  Notice of the election shall be given by inclusion of the proposition in the proclamation by the governor ordering an election on any proposed constitutional amendment to the state constitution and in the notice of that election given by each county judge, or, if no constitutional amendment is proposed, the governor shall order and each county judge shall give notice for an election proposing the referendum required by this section.

(c)  The proposition shall be printed on the ballot above any proposed constitutional amendment under the heading: “Referendum Proposition.”

(d)  The ballot shall be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition:  “Should the legislature of the State of Texas submit a plan for leaving the United States of America and establishing an independent republic?”

SECTION 2.  (a)  The secretary of state shall immediately transmit a copy of the governor’s certification of the result of the referendum required under Section 1 of this Act to:

(1)  the president of the United States;

(2)  the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president of the Senate of the Congress of the United States; and
(3)  the members of the Texas delegation to the Congress of the United States.

(b)  The Texas Independence Committee is a joint interim committee established to study and make recommendations regarding the most effective and expeditious method by which Texas may be returned to its status as an independent republic.

(c)  The committee shall consider:

(1)  recommendations for amending the Constitution of Texas to accommodate the needs of an independent nation, including:

(A)  the creation of new elected and appointed offices;

(B)  the modification of the powers, functions, and titles of existing offices;

(C)  the renaming of the State of Texas to the Republic of Texas;

(D)  the removal of unnecessary or undesirable provisions that exist solely as a consequence of Texas’ status as a state within the United States of America; and

(E)  the identification of fundamental rights enumerated by the Constitution of the United States of America that may not be adequately preserved in the Constitution of Texas;

(2)  recommendations for amending Texas statutes to accommodate the needs of an independent nation, including:

(A)  the creation of new agencies;

(B)  the modification of the powers, functions, and names of existing agencies; and

(C)  the identification of necessary and desirable functions of government that are provided for under the statutory law of the United States of America but not adequately described in Texas statute;

(3)  recommendations regarding transitional issues which must be negotiated with the government of the United States of America, including:

(A)  any necessary or desirable changes in federal law;

(B)  the determination of citizenship of residents of Texas;

(C)  the disposition of the property and assets of the United States of America currently in Texas;

(D)  a temporary currency union;

(E)  a free trade agreement;

(F)  a common travel agreement;

(G)  the status of Texans currently serving in the armed forces of the United States of America;

(H)  any necessary disposition of the Texas portion of the national debt of the United States of America;

(I)  a collective defense arrangement;

(J)  a postal agreement;

(K)  the payment of pensions to Texans who have vested in the pension programs of the United States of America and its subnational governments;

(L)  a social security totalization agreement; and

(M)  any other transitional issues that the committee may identify; and

(4)  recommendations regarding any international convention or multilateral agreement to which an independent Texas may become a party in order to benefit the people of Texas or ensure minimal disruption during a transition period.

(c)  In addition to considering the issues described under Subsection (b) of this section, the committee shall include within its report required under Subsection (h) of this section a strategy for achieving Texas independence not later than 60 months after the date the results of the referendum election required under Section 1 of this Act are certified by the governor.

This is indeed a momentous occasion, a cause for joy and celebration, and I heartily wish the brave citizens of the Republic all success in this most worthy effort. At the same time, I hope no Texan is cherishing any illusions regarding the odds that the vile, illegitimate dictatorship of the Former United States might suffer them to redeem their fundamental right to independence, self-government, and liberty without a violent campaign to re-subjugate them.

Tyrants, after all, are NOT known for their forebearance, keen regard for justice and propriety, or generosity of spirit; all the higher sentiments and qualities are alien to them. For such loathsome creatures, “depart in peace” is NEVER an option, the memorable John Adams quote from whence it’s drawn merely a bit of incomprehensible jabberwock, no more. Be assured that the handful among them who are even aware of its existence at all were baffled by it, and disliked it intensely.

But what of it? The tyrant’s nature is eternal, and no secret to any student of history. They are what they are, and will do what they will do. Their soullessness and low, footling character portends their ultimate doom: failure, ruin, and infamy awaits them all, be it sooner or later. So three cheers for Texas, and for Texans! Your righteous example lights the path for every true American. Forever may your proud Republic endure.

Via my esteemed fellow Renegades.

7 thoughts on “TEXIT!

  1. Good catch, Mike. I’ve been following this, but I hadn’t seen this latest bit before now.

    This could get interesting.

  2. 38 electoral votes go with Texas. The marxists may not even put up a fight to keep Texas in the USA.

    The rest of us will need to pack our bags and head south, or get our states to join with the Texans.

    I always have liked Crockett, Bowie, and Travis.

    And there is of course one of my favorites, Admiral Nimitz.

    1. Well, the last time when the Texas Secession Movement managed to bring the matter to a House floor vote some five or so years back, Oklahoma and several other states intimated that if Texas seceded, they’d probably follow.

      I have a suspicion that if Texas really does exit, the Marxists will have to take notice and fight, because it’ll start a cascade of exits from the Union.

      *grin* Warms the cockles of my shriveled black little heart, it does. 🙂

      1. My “best” outcome is that Texas leads the revolt and the vast majority of red states follow. It is my most desired outcome as there is no fixing the blue city/state welfare plantations short of starvation.

        1. Maybe. We’ll have to wait and see.

          My crystal ball is still in the shop, and we won’t find out until Texas actually pulls the pin, if/when they do.

  3. I believe the right of secession is written into the Texas constitution, and was there when it was accepted into the Union. I doubt any other states have such a clause, and do you REALLY think our ChiCom betters would tolerate secession???

    1. 1) I believe that that’s apocryphal, that the right to secede is written into the Texas Constitution. It may have been written into the agreements under which Texas joined the Union… but the outcome of Lincoln’s War voided that to all intents and purposes.

      Up until it hasn’t any longer. (Something that’s “settled” by force of arms is only settled until force of arms forces another resolution.)

      And before you say, Mark: I are a Texican, born and raised. And I’m not ignorant of my Texas history, by and large.

      2) No, of course the Fed isn’t going to allow secession. An’ it happens, the question is going to be: can their disallowing have any effective weight behind it? Only blood and gunsmoke will answer that, the same as it did the first time.

      We’re in the time of the widening gyre now, and the grip of the Fed ain’t what it once was.

      “our ChiCom betters would tolerate”

      China has no force projection capability. Their input on this only has as much weight as their bought and paid for servants in our own government can apply.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

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