Oh, we had ourselves a coup all right. No question about that.
Real coups are not clumsy mob attacks adjacent to lawmakers. Real coups, above all, are about control: Control of communications, control of bureaucracy, and above all, control of military power. And in the past few days, it is President Trump’s enemies who have seized control of all these things.
The most obvious sign of the unfolding coup is the most memorable: The suspension, and then banning, of the President’s Twitter account. After this ban was handed down, a flurry of other tech companies rushed to follow suit.
This isn’t just a petulant attack on the President. For tens of millions of Americans, the President’s Twitter, Facebook, and emails are the main ways they see his statements, unmediated by the press or other actors. While the President has other ways to reach the public, the bans slowed him down and made it far harder for the public to hear him. In effect, Big Tech has hobbled the President’s ability to speak out about what is happening.
Our globalist overlords have decided that there must be no popular way for the President to easily communicate directly with the public he governs that is uncontrolled by powerful, left-aligned corporations.
On Friday morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi publicly announced that she had directly contacted military leaders to strip President Trump of his military authority:
Amid mounting pressure to remove President Trump from office, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday spoke to the nation’s top military leader about taking precautions to ensure against Trump rashly initiating a military action or nuclear strike in the chaotic waning days of his presidency.
“This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike,” Pelosi (D-San Francisco) said in a letter to her Democratic House colleagues Friday.
This is nothing more than a plot to illegally usurp the President’s constitutional powers. In other words, it is exactly what happens in a real coup. Real coup d’états always revolve around getting the military’s backing. And in this crisis, the military immediately showed where its loyalties lie.
So, in effect, Donald Trump’s command of the military has been usurped by a committee of top generals, members of Congress, and his own Vice President. In other words, he is no longer the real commander-in-chief. And if Donald Trump is no longer the commander-in-chief, then he is no longer the President of the United States. A coup d’état has been carried out. The Trump presidency is over.
It’s no more than the usual Projection Deflection tactic, indignantly accusing their enemies of the exact thing they’re doing themselves. But excoriating the Left for their fathomless hypocrisy is worse than a waste of time, a pointless, masturbatory exercise better men should’ve abandoned long ago as a lost cause. If these people were capable of shame, they’d have all died from it years ago already. Honestly, I’m beginning to think they do it for their own amusement, for pointing and laughing purposes.
At this point, seeing Righty pundits all a-dither over Progtard “hypocrisy” puts me in mind of the cruel old country-boy prank of tying a string of empty tin cans to a dog’s tail, watching with sadistic glee as the poor pooch runs about in frenzied circles, unable to elude the noisy pursuer always right behind him, until he finally keels over half-dead in an exhausted heap from sheer fright.
I would have been happy to just re-post the whole piece here, but I’ll restrain myself to the excerpt instead and implore you to click on over for the rest.
(Via WRSA)