It’s clobberin’ time.
It wasn’t when the US Army attacked the “Bonus Army”, which was peacefully assembled in DC in 1932 seeking early payment of their WWI service bonds.
It wasn’t during the postwar era, when an activist Supreme Court abolished private property rights in the name of “equality”.
It wasn’t when, via the release of the Pentagon Papers in 1971, the American people learned that the entire war in Vietnam had been founded on lies – the biggest of which was that the US military, under the geopolitical and operational constraints they faced, could ever have won the war.
It wasn’t over the torrent of governmental power abuses that ensued over the next 20 years, nor was it when the Ruby Ridge and Waco atrocities happened.
It wasn’t over the establishment of a permanent, unconstitutional omnisurveillance state before and especially after 9/11.
It wasn’t over the nearly 20 years of US military foreign entanglements that took a generation of brave young men and women and sent them home in boxes, broken in mind and/or body, or permanently disillusioned about their country and their leaders.
It wasn’t even over the past five years of lies, deceit, and outright treasonous collaboration with enemy actors to drag America and its people from the smoldering remains of its constitutional past into the gulag of global totalitarianism.
But when, between November 3rd and January 6th, the globalist elites stole both a Presidential election and two Senatorial elections to deliver complete control of all branches and levels of American governance into the hands of the techno-tyrannical Kommissars, it was finally time for resistance.
Read the whole thing. This, too.