Not a moment too soon, either.
Pomp Hair Salon in Stockton California was raided by state officials who cited the salon for continuing operations. The subsequent misdemeanor citation comes from the state. However, local law enforcement and county prosecution say they will not participate in the enforcement mechanism.
This creates an unusual dynamic as the state has threatened to revoke licenses for the salon and the workers; but what “enforcement” action could the state undertake?
The issues highlighted here cover more than hair salons. Restaurants and bars are facing similar threats from regulatory agencies: Dept of Health, Bureau of Alcohol, etc. It is the regulatory issue that keeps many business owners in fear of defying COVID lock-downs.
If local officials break from state regulatory and compliance demands, there’s no precedent for what enforcement action a state might attempt to take unilaterally.
Would ideologically prone state governors attempt to send State Police to enforce their unilateral fiats and face a showdown with local law enforcement?
It is into this dynamic when everyone should remember the County Sheriff is the highest constitutional officer in the region. A county sheriff can nullify any outside law enforcement agency by simply not complying. This is a well known issue inside law enforcement.
This takes the blue state (totalitarianism) -vs- red state (freedom/liberty) issue into a more granular distinction. Within the Blue States there are likely to be contests of power between local and state officials. It is an interesting dynamic.
Oh, I’d say it’s a good bit more than just “interesting.” It’s vital, is what it is.
They might have been just pulling our legs but I still wish and hope that firefight where the Special Forces beat the CIA to get the Dominion Machines in Germany was real.
I want the Special Forces on our side when the SHTF.
I suspect disinformation, put out by the other side to create false hope, while they drag the dope across the Jan 20 finish line…
I can dream.
So, is this how the breakup of the United States happens? Not with State secession and another War Between the States, but with individual counties and municipalities just going, “Screw you: we’re not going to comply with and enforce your dictats. And what’re you gonna do about it, anyway?”
Sanctuary cities, 2nd Amendment Sanctuary counties, Sheriff’s First movements, no-Lockdown towns or counties, COVID Santuary municipalities (to coin a term)…
Some of this has been going on for awhile now, and it’s merely accelerating.
Faster please!
But this is different, Ironbear! And unacceptable!
Right [sic] thinking [sic] mayors and city councils declaring that they will not support Bad Orange Man’s tyrannical decrees about hard-working, freedom-loving undocumented migrants: stunning and brave.
Fascist dictator Hitler wannabes refusing to support Glorious Newsome’s enlightened decrees: OMG! Send in the national guard!
All roads lead to shooting, doesn’t it.