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How it’s DONE

Greece nuts the fuck up.

The situation in the no-mans-land between Turkey and Greece is becoming increasingly more violent and desperate for the refugees. Reporters on a tour heard gunshots despite the Greek government denying the use of anything except tear gas to stop the refugees.

Daily Beast:

For over an hour, the sound of people trying to direct each other in multiple languages through farms, woodlands, and across riverbanks was punctuated by shots. First it sounded like single rifle blasts, then came bursts of three, and then longer, heavier automatic fire.

Encouraging, and way overdue. Greek officials, when confronted by wailing “journalists” and other hanky-soaking globalist cunts claiming to have heard gunfire, blithely responded No you didn’t.

However, when Papastathis appeared on Wednesday afternoon to direct us to the new location, he denied absolutely that we had heard what we heard.

“Only tear gas is being fired,” he insisted to a group of a dozen journalists on the tracks.

Turkey accused Greece of killing a Syrian man and wounding five other people.

My heart bleeds. Maybe shoulda stayed the fuck home then, no?

Fuck the goddamned treacherous Turks and their accusations all to hell and gone, by the way. The rationale for their even being in NATO at all escapes me completely. Then again, I feel the exact same way about the US, too.

The next day footage of Greek soldiers apparently firing in the direction of migrants on the border surfaced online. And more signs of the Greeks using live fire on migrants and asylum seekers could be found at a makeshift camp for people waiting to cross the Evros River near the Turkish city of Edirne.

As encouraging as the Greek gubmint’s properly hardnosed response to the de facto invasion of their nation by predatory Moslem rapefugees and perpetual dependents surely is, this next is even more so:

Greece is becoming more and more desperate to stop what has to be considered a Turkish-inspired invasion of its territory. And since the government has been ineffective, armed private citizens have taken matters into their own hands.

The BBC has encountered members of self-styled militias who carry out night-time armed patrols in Greek border towns looking for migrants.

“There are such militia along the entire region,” said Yannis Laskarakis, a newspaper publisher in the city of Alexandroupoli who has received death threats for speaking out against armed vigilantes.

“We have seen them with our own eyes, arresting migrants, treating them badly and if someone dares to help them, he has the same fate.”

And the vigilantes aren’t only going after refugees. Aid workers and the press have also been assaulted.

I bolded the best part so’s you wouldn’t miss it. Elsewhere, the Telegraph gets busy trotting out the usual boogeyman:

On Lesbos, young men have targeted reporters and NGOs because they perceive them as being sympathetic to the refugees’ plight.

It is not clear if they are local or outsiders from the mainland, possibly connected to far-Right organisations.

On Friday there were reports that members of German and Austrian far-Right groups had arrived on the island.

Yeh, yeh, whatevs. Moran deftly slices and dices that hooraw:

I doubt whether a lot of these simple Greek villagers are members of a far-right organization. Their motivations are simple; their families are at risk and their property is being invaded by foreigners. For them, there are no grand geopolitical issues involved. They are protecting theirs and their own from harm.

But with the rest of the EU cheerleading from the sidelines — while not lifting a finger to help except to open their wallets — Greece finds itself alone and facing a potential onslaught of 100,000 people.

Doesn’t matter a damned bit whether they’re “far-Right” or not; I’d bet the farm that none of those militia types give a shit about any of that, either. Let liberal “journalists” clang the “far-Right” tocsin to their hearts’ content; there is but one issue that matters here: when a national government fails to meet its most basic obligations—securing its borders, maintaining its sovereignty, and defending its citizens—then eventually its citizens will take matters into their own hands.

Nobody is obliged to sit passively back as hostile marauders invade their country, rain violence and destruction on its people, assault its culture and institutions, soak up its resources, and just generally run riot through the place. However complacent, peaceable, or over-civilized a population may be, sooner or later enough finally becomes enough. Then the lamp is lit, the ball has dropped, and it’s game on for reals.

Somebody really ought to give our own Democrat-Socialists a strongish heads-up about that lest they someday find their own precious butts caught in the blades, for some very similar reasons.

3 thoughts on “How it’s DONE

  1. If they really intended to do it right, they would dig trenches on their side of the border and install pill boxes with machine guns.  And USE them!!!

  2. The convoluted logic by which Turkey was admitted to NATO was that Kemal Ataturk was a secular modernist ruler, and that by admitting the Turks, we could bottle up the Soviet Black Sea fleet while having the ability to station intermediate range nuclear missiles on their border.

    The provocation of stationing missiles right hard up against the Soviet border was lost on the foreign-policy hawks, who did not realize that they had set the stage for the Cuban Missile Crisis by their action. Ataturk may or may not have been what he represented himself to be – a secular moderate (there is considerable evidence that he was not who he claimed to be) – but the fact remains that Turkey has been an explicitly Islamic nation for almost all of her long history, and perhaps the oldest and most-determined of the Islamic enemies of western (Christian) civilization.

    We see this today under the neo-Ottoman ruler Recep Erdogan, an unreconstructed Islamic supremacist and Sunni Muslim who longs to return his nation to its glorious “golden age” as a new 21st-century caliph. Under Erdogan, Turkey is reverting to its historical mean and what it has heretofore always been – an explicitly Islamic nation.

    Erdogan has done more than talk. He is one of the founders of ISIS/Islamic State, the Sunni Muslim direct-action jihad-terror group which has caused so much trouble across the Middle East and elsewhere in the world. In the recent past, Erdogan has been the biggest supporter of the group, and his son, Bilal, was caught red-handed smuggling oil to market in Turkish-flagged ships, the revenue from which had been funding the group’s operations.

    Erdogan is also part of the cabal of globalists and other mischief-makers attempting to infiltrate millions of Muslims into old Europe, would-be conquerors for the new caliphate. His latest stunt along the Greek border is just his latest gambit. One in a long line of them.

    The U.S. should remove its equipment, personnel and weapons from Turkey, as soon as possible, and then inform Ankara that they are no longer members of the NATO alliance. And if the other NATO members complain, then the U.S. should threaten to dissolve the alliance entirely. Once done, Turkey can then be treated as precisely what it is – an enemy of western civilization and of the alliance.  Whereupon, if requested by Athens, NATO assets can be moved to Greece, should the need arise, to reinforce their borders.

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