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Call to arms

Kevin Downey has had it.

The Left Wants Us Dead. Stop Praying for Them, Start Buying Ammo for Self-Defense.
How can we beat a domestic enemy with hugs? We can’t. They want us dead, yet many conservatives and Republicans would rather turn the other cheek than curl up their fists and punch back.

When Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot isn’t busy ignoring the daily “festival of lead” that slaughters mostly black people in her city, she is calling for gay people to grab their guns.

The problem isn’t that the left likes to attack conservatives. We KNOW that. What we need to realize is that we can’t pray our way out of this violence, and apparently Antifa is too stupid to learn any lessons from Kyle Rittenhouse.

That’s because there was no follow-through in the wake of Rittenhouse’s heroic deeds, so why would the violent Left worry? To the eternal discredit of Our Side, their self-assurance has so far been eminently justified.

Now is a good time to tell you (and the FBI) that, unlike Mayor Lightfoot, I am NOT suggesting you shoot people. What I AM saying is we need a new plan, and that plan MIGHT involve punching a purple-haired freakshow in the face. We are dealing with toilet humans who have never been held responsible for their actions. Defend yourselves.

Any plan that does NOT involve “punching a purple-haired freakshow in the face” as an absolutely minimal opening gambit, escalation to follow forthwith, is a waste of fucking time. They’ve been allowed to get away with far more than they should’ve already; keep on with the self-restraint and forebearance and things will only get worse.

Though I am a “weapons guy,” I am not paid to say this. I’ve never even held a non-lethal Hero 2020 gun—though I hear it shoots exploding pepper balls at a rate of 100 mph. Ouch, that’s gotta smart. I can’t imagine how much that peppery goodness hurts the eyes and noses of genderless Antifa gals who believe kicking you into a coma is his/her/its RIGHT.

Nor can I. But it sure is a lot of fun to try, ain’t it? Okay, no more snide parenthetical asides from here on out, so’s y’all can take in the full impact of what he’s saying.

It’s time to scrape the communist barnacles off of our nation. We live in a country where leftist failures like Lightfoot can call for violence and not get punished. Hundreds of liberals are allowed to illegally protest outside of the homes of SCOTUS justices, but YOU will end up on an FBI domestic terrorist list if you dare attend a school board meeting and question the Marxists who are indoctrinating your kids.

For the last two years, we’ve seen BLM and Antifa pull innocent people from cars and pummel them in the name of blatant racism George Floyd and get away with it. We watched Kyle Rittenhouse go on trial for clearly defending himself against the brownshirts. Things are going to get worse before they get better.

I can’t be the only person who is sick of watching peaceful, patriotic Americans getting their heads smashed by the Democrats’ personal brownshirts, even though Biden claims they are a “myth.”

If you decide to carry a weapon to defend yourself, make sure it is legal where you live. The left is eager to send us to prison for as long as they can for any reason. Ask the peaceful J6 protestors who are rotting in federal jail.

And don’t count on the police to help you ward off Biden’s bolshies. Almost half of Antifa/BLM had their charges dropped after they violently gutted Portland. Some got arrested and returned to riot the same day.

The commie push is on. I just want the good guys to be ready. Defend yourselves. They want you dead.

That they do. They’ve certainly told us so enough times, explicitly and unequivocally. In fact, they’ve done a lot more than just that—they’ve already murdered scores of us, maybe hundreds, since 2020’s Summer O’ State-Sanctioned Leftist Violence got the whole shitshow underway. High time we started taking them at their word, I think, and give ’em some of their own back whenever they decide to dash out into the streets and start acting all frisky.

Kev’s pepper-spray-gun recommendation is a fine one, I think. I myself hugely enjoy the edifying thought of those purple-haired, nose-ringed, gender-befuddled rage junkies clawing furiously at their eyeballs, desperately trying to tear them from the sockets so as to make the ouchee go away. Weeping copiously; great ropey threads of snot, tears, and drool cascading over their double chins, down their necks, and up under their black 6X-Lg T-shirts. Blubbering and gibbering incoherently at what for most of them will be a completely new experience: being on the receiving end of some actual, meaningful, in-your-fucking-face resistance for once. All that good stuff, y’know?

So yeah, let the games begin, I say. Until it’s time for the shooting to commence, which I don’t think it is just yet although it’s almost here, let’s arm up with something non-lethal but still agony-inducing and get this party started, yo! None of us ought to be standing around with our thumb up our flue waiting for some semi-sentient commie pudhead to get the first lick in, either. I urge one and all to keep your nonlethal weapon of choice IN YOUR HAND, not tucked away in a pocket, at all times when in the presence of The Enemy, and to put said nonlethal weapon of choice to good use at the first intimation of aggression presented by your swinish foe.

As is Downey, I am beyond sick and tired of seeing yet another one of Ours hitting the ground in a fetal ball, helpless as a newborn kitten under a brutal gang-boot party instead of baring his fangs, standing his ground, and lighting into the Fascist filthbags with every potential instrument of mayhem he can lay hands on, giving Biden’s Brownshirts a serious dose of what-fer with blatant intent to inflict grievous bodily injury in full effect. All others of us in the vicinity who aren’t already similarly engaged themselves will be expected to wade in and lend a hand as well. The mere thought of standing idly by while a brother has his ribcage stove in for him by a pack of urban jackals cringing behind black bandanas and hoodies ought to damned well be anathema to us from now on, a shameful thing that just isn’t done.

The Hells Angels have a bylaw that’s as old as the M/C itself, which requires one hundred percent participation of all members present in any kind of fracas, brouhaha, or dustup in which a fellow Red & White is involved. The H/As ain’t known for losing very many of these all-out brawls, either, being wise in the ways of close-quarters physical combat. Our Side must emulate this thrice-worthy example.

When you think about it, it wasn’t all that long ago when providing assistance to someone being unfairly set upon by clearly dishonorable attackers was part of a Code of Manly Honor reverenced by every self-respecting specimen of true American manhood. That code is still a perfectly good one; it wasn’t because of anything wrong with the Code that it was cast aside by a more effete and pussified generation of “American” “men.” No, the flaw wasn’t in the Code, but in us.

We’d all be much the better off for it, both our individual selves and the society at large, by reinstating that Code now and striving to uphold it each and every day, teaching our sons to hew to it themselves when they come of age. Just doing that will bring us a long way towards restoring this disintegrating society—turning it from the dangerous, festering cesspool the Left has made of it back into the kind of place where decent, upstanding folk would be proud to live once more.


6 thoughts on “Call to arms

  1. Some got arrested and returned to riot the same day.

    Kev’s pepper-spray-gun recommendation is a fine one, I think.

    I don’t. Oh, sure, it’ll slow them down for that event but they’ll return the next day at latest and then go home with increased street cred. Even a broken arm or a few stitches from being bashed in the face won’t keep them out.

    What’s needed is permanent, disfiguring, maiming. Not death, because killing an “antifascist” or two simply makes martyrs, invigorates the mob, and draws in more recruits than leave because of a sudden awareness that the bullies aren’t the only ones who can kill people. (Unless you’re able and willing to kill a large number, like 100 in an evening. That might have a salubrious effect on the rest.) No, what you need is to gouge out the left eyes of half a dozen “antifascists” or cut off their right thumbs. That is the kind of thing that gets attention. The usual 20-something is too stupid to realize that being shot and killed is something that can happen to him — look at the continued attendance of riots after the Rittenhouse incident — but seeing a few “peaceful protestors” being interviewed about having lost their eyes will hit home. That could happen to me! Especially if it happened several times at different riots. This isn’t a game anymore! Without stating that I’ve been involved in sending a message to compatriots and fellow travellers, I will state that it works, even on “noble tribesmen” with a tradition of waging endless, pointless wars for forgotten reasons.

    1. “…but seeing a few “peaceful protestors” being interviewed about having lost their eyes will hit home.

      Yes. Like it.

      Unless you’re able and willing to kill a large number, like 100 in an evening.

      Yes. like it even better.

      The russians (may they ALL die in horrible pain) maimed as many as possible in Afghanistan, as killing just left a dead body but maimed men, women, and children required resource use and had worse psychological effects than death. So there is something to the “lost their eyes will hit home” idea.

      1. So there is something to the “lost their eyes will hit home” idea.

        I’m not saying that I speak from experience, but…

  2. “If you’re going to shoot, SHOOT. Don’t talk.” – Tuco

    And anybody who sticks around after busting caps deserves what they get.
    “Wasn’t there. Didn’t do it. Don’t know anything about it. Talk to my lawyer.”
    When the Left starts getting stacked up regularly, their enthusiasm for kinetic play will dwindle, and if not, there will be less of them the next day. Win-win.

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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