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Carpe De Nation

Kunstler would kind of like his country back.

Something tells me there are still too many sane people with a sense of humor left in this tormented land for the flunkies of “progressive” Wokery to achieve the total control they seek over the hundred-million, give or take, who are starting to think: Y’know, I’d kind of like my country back. And what country was that? It was the country we were before the Intel “Community” took over, in the service of an utterly corrupt political elite running the system like it was their personal cash register.

About that country I would like back… for starters, the country that valued the rule-of-law. Yes, I know, that’s awfully high-toned — the rule of law — as if one is invoking some clichéd bronze blindfolded babe in a negligee, hoisting a scale in one hand and a sword in the other. I’m thinking, rather, of a flesh-and-blood judge, perhaps a corpulent fellow with bad knees, of, say, the DC federal court, who would dare to throw out the malicious political prosecution of figures like General Flynn or the journalist Julian Assange… or an FBI that would make a criminal referral for sedition against Senator Mark Warner… or a newspaper editor who might be interested in the connection between Marc Elias’s Lawfare outfit at Perkins Coie and the Central Intelligence Agency. One could go on endlessly with the pungent hypotheticals. So much evil mischief has not been seen in one polity since Berlin, 1938.

Anyway, the country we live in now no longer observes the rule of law because it has become a security state like the former Soviet bloc states, with a rogue Intel “Community” that has hijacked the truck that the wheels of justice run on. Here’s a thought: do we know for sure whether the CIA might have been involved in the late, lamentable 2020 election? Wow, that’s outside the box! But, hey, why not? Think of all the fakery they are so capable of engineering, and consider how avid they were to get rid of that pain-in-the-ass Donald Trump (who wanted to get rid of them!), and also consider that there is really no check on their activities whatsoever because the supervising authorities are 1) Adam Schiff’s House Intel Committee (bwaha!), and 2) the aforementioned seditious scoundrel Mark Warner’s Senate Intel Committee. These two are so owned by the CIA that they must have a standing weekly TGIF session to peel grapes for the C-suite at Langley.

Some savvy 2020 election skeptics are pointing at China as possibly having interfered in the election that installed their pre-paid errand-boy “Joe Biden” in the White House — but what if the real action was actually closer to home? And why wouldn’t the CIA queer the election and then set up China to take the blame, since China is already in America’s dog-house for gifting the world with SARS-Covid-19 and its lovely variants? Just wondering… just asking… maybe the thought has crossed your mind, too.

Have you groked that the virus affords such wonderful opportunities for exercising state coercion over a spooked public? Just yesterday, Sec’y of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra declared that it is, “absolutely the government’s business to know who’s been vaccinated.” Of course, it’s as much the public’s business to know what the correct figure is for Covid cases and deaths, as well as adverse mRNA reactions and deaths. And, just for instance, two counties in California recently revised down their overall case numbers for the whole virus melodrama by 20 percent — so many cases were just hospitals gaming the federal bureaucracy for higher subsidy pay-outs keyed to the virus. And, after a month of getting bashed around for lying about this and that, America’s chief Covid-19 health officer, Anthony Fauci (“The Science”) has gone back on cable TV telling the country to “get over it.” Their vax “hesitancy,” he means. Why would anyone besides the sebaceous Chris Hayes on MSNBC believe him?

Another feature about the country I would like back is the freedom to live without the harassment of Woked-up useful idiots working day and night to destroy the very meaning of language while hustling American culture, tradition, and heritage into its “anti-racist” gas chamber.

Yeah, well, hate to have to bring it up and all, but there’s only one way THAT is ever going to happen; as has been demonstrated for us time and again, ad infinitum ad nauseum, they’re never going to stop. Which brings us back around once more to the ultimate question: exactly how much DO we want our country back, anyways?


8 thoughts on “Carpe De Nation

  1. thank you for an excellent summary of the United States of America becoming a socialist state – and we used to wonder “just how the h*** could the German people let this happen in the late 1920s”

  2. Over at Daily Pundit this was posted ina comment about be would not support Trump because the two busted SC picks.

    And one of the issues is the Federalist Society, which Trump used to vet his candidates. RINOs as far as the eye can see.

    This is exactly my point. Trump was given a list and told to pledge to use only names from that list as Nominees. The implication from the Turtle was if you don’t stick to that list you won’t get your Nominee confirmed and at some point if we see you keep sending us unacceptable candidates to get shot down we will call you crazy or a criminal and have you removed.

    So be stuck to the list and took his chances. He got half a loaf in Gorsuch and the other two look to be going the way of Roberts.

    It was designed by the Swamp to work exactly that way.

    We are NOT getting a President who will be allowed to exercise his prerogatives in Office unless the Deep State is defeated and the Swamp drained and that cannot happen within the constraints of the Swamp System itself.

    The Constitution was designed to stop most things from getting done and that would include Draining the Swamp if the Swamp got Big Enough.

    It’s Big Enough.

    1. I’ll just make a note here that most* of the new Trump haters** had no objection to Trumps 3 SC nominee’s at the time they were put forth and they had few issues with any of the Trump appointments in total. It’s pretty easy to pick out the bad ones in hindsight.

      None of these people can suggest a way to vet the appointments, those of any level, and get them through confirmation for those required. Nor can they suggest a single potential candidate with any accomplishments of the kind they desire. Worse, everything they say they want, Trump was doing.

      *you can always find an exception, and notably there were non Trump haters that did express reservations about some of appointments

      **yea, that’s what you are. When you declare you will not support Trump you’re just a fucking new neverTrumper. No better than the clowns at National Review.

      1. Hindsight makes for many a “brilliant” man.

        It’s difficult making predictions, especially about the future.

        • Yogi Berra.
  3. We’re kind of missing the forest for the trees here, in some of these comments. The US has two governments – the elected one (Congress, President, indirectly, the Supreme Court) which is the “dignified government” in the words of Bagehot and Glennon (reference below) – and the unelected government of national security and “intelligence community” bureaucrats which is the “efficient government” per Bagehot and Glennon – see and paper cited below.

    The country is firmly in the control of the efficient government and has been so since at least 1947. Since this is an unelected government, elections have no real effect, other than to distract and divide the country against itself. If we want our country back, the efficient government must be eradicated and destroyed, and the formation of such government must be prevented in the future. Eisenhower warned against this efficient government, JFK spoke of wanting to shred this efficient government “into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds”. Instead, he was taken out by elements of that efficient government. So to return to Constitutional government under the Bill of Rights and the rule of law, the road does not lie through the Capitol or White House, it lies elsewhere.

    Glennon’s paper here: “Madison wrote, “There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”619 Recent history bears out his insight. Dahl has pointed out that in the 20th century—the century of democracy’s great triumph—some seventy democracies collapsed and quietly gave way to authoritarian regimes.620 That risk correlates with voter ignorance; the term Orwellian has little meaning to a people who have never known anything different, who have scant knowledge of history, civics, or public affairs, and who in any event have likely never heard of George Orwell. “If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization,” Thomas Jefferson wrote, “it expects what never was and never will be.”621 What form of government ultimately will emerge from the United States’ experiment with double government is uncertain. The risk is considerable, however, that it will not be a democracy.” – or a constitutional republic, either…

    1. I can quibble over details but the overall theme, that the Faces we are shown are not really running things, and there is an actual Junta behind the throne who really run things, cannot be denied any longer.

      1. “…cannot be denied any longer.

        No, that is clear.

        The next “good” president should fire every government employee possible. Dismantling the intelligence agencies, then the FBI and DOJ should be top priority. They only exist to control us, to protect the criminal class.

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Ronald Reagan

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