Tonight’s Substack-a-palooza is up: “Kill. Them. ALL,” which will probably be the one and only post I do either there or here about the current Hamas/Israel conflict, feeling as I do that I’ve said all I have to say about it here many times over by now, right from the earliest days of Ye Aulde CF Blogge. I quote a few of the heavyweights—Walsh, Spencer, Steyn—before closing out thusly:
Time after time, for way too many years now, this round-robin cycle of genocide has flared up, calmed down, flared up again—lather, rinse, repeat, ad nauseum ad infinitum. I’ve wondered for quite a while on this h’yar websty, after repeated land-for-peace deals have either been nonchalantly reneged upon by the “Paleosimians” or simply rejected out of hand by those charged with “negotating” with Israel, why the hell some stout Israeli PM didn’t just say fuck this shit and, as the jihadis have been declaring they’d do to Israel since, oh, around 1948 or so, “drive them into the sea.”
With a patently anti-Israel junta (mis)ruling Amerika v2.0; hostility towards the Jewish State rife at the UN and throughout the tonier shitlib salons of Europe; ridiculous, suicidal double standards being demanded of them by people who clearly would rather they just die already and be done with it; and the inescapable fact of its existence as a tiny oasis of civilization beset on all sides by vicious, dull-witted, 10th-century primordials solemnly sworn to the extermination of Da Jew by any means required, I’d say it’s time to throw some of that same stuff right back at ‘em.
Enough already; no more dithering, half-measures, or grab-assery. End Hamas. Not a jot or tittle more for the Paleosimians. Either they make peace, or they die…to the last fucking man Jack of them.
Go ye and read of it, for It. Is. Good. Don’t forget to subscribe, comment, etc etc.
Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet. You heard it here first.
I’ll repeat what I said 30 years ago* – Kill them all, every one. Innocents will die as well, but make it their innocents and not Israelis.
Nothing good comes from appeasement, nothing good comes from not finishing the job, nothing good comes from letting the cockroaches live.
*And again probably every year after, and likely a few before.