Wayne Allan Root says we need wait no longer in dread: it’s here.
The largest terror attack in our history has already happened
Here is what most Americans can see and understand:Open borders are leading to massive increases in spending: welfare, food stamps, national debt – the bankruptcy of America. And of course, a massive decline in our quality of living.
Open borders are overwhelming the system and will inevitably lead to the collapse of our economy, civil society, and eventually, our entire country. A country without borders is no longer a country.
I think most normal, non-brainwashed, non-communist Americans understand all of this.
And here’s the big one: Because of that open border, I believe most Americans are scared to death and expecting a massive terrorist attack upon our homeland any day now.
But what most people don’t understand yet is the REAL terrorist attack has already happened…
The REAL terrorist attack upon the American people is nothing like 9/11 or the Hamas attack on Israel. This one is more of a silent, slow-motion attack, not even covered by the liberal mainstream media.
The REAL terrorist attack is being directed from within the White House.
It’s clear that Democrats hate you. They hate America. They hate American citizens. They want you to live in poverty and misery. They want you to suffer. Or they want you to die. You know what you call people who would do this to their own citizens?
Communists, terrorists and traitors.
So, stop waiting for a terror attack in our homeland, or waves of terror attacks. The wait is over. Democrats are the terrorists. And the largest terrorist attack in U.S. history has already happened – to your health, the health care system and your health care options. You are now a second-class citizen in a third-world craphole.
He’s right, and you know he is. All too much more at the link, alas, every bit of it as appalling and dismaying as the above excerpt.
“He’s right, and you know he is.”
Yes, 100%.
“The REAL terrorist attack is being directed from within the White House.”
And from the republican party that has done NOTHING about the 2020 stolen election. Why? Because they were a part of the steal.
The corrupt cabal occupying the WH would not be there but for the perfidy of the R party. It is traitors and backstabbers that are the very worst of your enemy.
The same goes for the ruling class in many, if not most, Euro countries. TPTB deliberately inflicts pain and anguish on the populace with policies that are way beyond idiotic, while at the same time essentially giving hordes of muslim invaders free rein.
Ditto Canada.
The politicians probably think it will always be safe to return to their districts. Me, I am headed to the woods.
I’ve been saying for 3 years now that Failure, for America and Americans, is The Plan™.
Really, it goes back to 0’s first ascension to the WH.
What he said!