The kiddie-diddling groomer sickos.
School district bans opt-out from LGBTQ lessons because too many families opted out
D.C. suburb says injunction on mandatory “storybooks” with sex workers, kink, drag, gender transitions would cause “significant disruption,” stigmatize children, violate federal lawAn affluent liberal D.C. suburb has a simple explanation for why it won’t honor parents’ requests to exclude their children, some as young as 3 years old, from “storybooks” with sex workers, kink, drag, gender transitions and same-sex romance for elementary-age children: It’s hard.
Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools claims it was flooded with opt-out requests when the books were introduced in the curriculum in January, giving it legal justification, on logistical grounds, to issue a blanket policy of no exceptions and no notifications.
The district imposed the no-exception and no-notification policy March 23, a day after it told the media it would honor requests and issue notifications, which united parents across the religious spectrum in opposition.
MCPS “cannot plausibly claim that an opt-out policy that is both required by state law and was willingly followed until March 2023 could somehow harm the public interest if followed for the duration of this case,” the parents’ June 12 memorandum in support of a preliminary injunction states.
Maryland law requires districts to honor “family life and human sexuality” curriculum opt-outs “for any reason,” and MCPS policy directs schools to “accommodate requests” from students and parents for classroom content “they believe would impose a substantial burden on their religious beliefs,” the memo also states.
In addition, the storybooks go beyond “basic civility and kindness toward all,” explicitly encouraging children to “question sexuality and gender identity, focus on romantic feelings, and embrace gender transitioning,” the memo reads.
Because of COURSE they do—the self-doubt, the “transitioning,” the grooming s’cuse me, the “embrace” of “gender transitioning,” are the REAL purpose here, not civility or kindness. But now we come to the kicker, the pig in the poke that gives the whole game away, which I’ll put into boldface because my God in Heaven.
Pre-kindergarten students, for example, are required to read Pride Puppy, which “promotes pride parades as family-friendly events without cautioning about the frequent nudity and sexually explicit conduct that many parents find objectionable –especially for children.”
“Pride Puppy”? Jeez, man, could you possibly BE any more obvious about what it is you’re really up to here?!? The cover of this one should have a creepy-looking old perv in a long, grubby overcoat standing at the curb near an elementary school, speaking to a little boy: “Hey, kid, I have a puppy in my van. Wanna get inside and play with him?”
I mean hey, if you’re gonna be so upfront about your intentions that you’re actually willing to title your Groomer instruction manual Pride Puppy, why not just go all the way with it?
Dear Lord my God, in Jesus’ name we pray that you not delay your Second Great Flood too very much longer, amen.
(Via CBD)
I’d say that it’s about time for some smashed windows. At night; no need to put anyone at risk with the warning shot.
If any of the groomers have photos available, print them out, take them to the range, and put a bullet hole between the eyes, then tape the picture on the school’s front door.
The principal and the school board members and the other groomers and groomer-enablers have home addresses. Someone knows what those addresses are. Find them and leave notes under their car windshields, go through their garbage cans, take pictures of them and their families at home and mail them the pictures.
Like I keep saying, I apologize for nothing. The US government gave me training and experience in subverting corrupt and tyrannical governments. Cryin’ shame that this knowledge is useful at home.
Yep. As fate would have it, I was just talking to my brother on the phone telling him about all this and he came up with what I thought was a pretty good idea. Since it’s apparent that these assholes need to be taught that they’re not in fact untouchable or invulnerable, just lie in wait in an elevated hide near one of these people’s homes and, when they come home from work, put two rounds into the front-door frame just as they’re putting the key into the lock. That oughta do it.
As I’ve said so many times, our “public servants” at every level have lost all sense of fear of the people they’re abusing. That fear needs to be re-instilled in them, with a quickness.
A bullet in their door is level 2 or 3. You want to escalate slowly so as not to scare the majority into supporting the tyrants and groomers.
That’s why you put a pick-axe through a few of the school windows at night: The school is where the kids are being forced to watch the sex show, so it’s understandable, and it’s not like it’s anyone’s house and no one was there in the middle of the night so it’s ok, really.
That’s why you take their garbage and publish a summary of its contents: We know where you live and we can expose your dirty secrets. It’s not actionable and it’s probably not even a crime; that’s the justification that police use all the time when going through someone’s garbage without a warrant.
If you go straight to literally firing a warning shot, most Americans will view that as attempted murder or a terrorist act, or at least an irresponsible escalation. Some fraction of them will switch their support to the principal even though they’d opposed her just yesterday. “We can’t be on the same side as those terrorists!”
The war here is a public relations campaign more than anything else. Every action needs to be taken with that in mind.
“The war here is a public relations campaign more than anything else. Every action needs to be taken with that in mind.”
Precisely. When it’s time to use lead I think we’ll know. We’re not there, yet.