These sort of stories make the rounds on a regular basis….
Study: Sudden deaths of Black babies rise
Sudden, unexpected infant deaths for Black babies are on the rise.
According to a study published in Monday’s Pediatrics journal, the rate of these deaths for Black infants in 2020 was nearly three times higher than the rate for white babies and rose above Native American infant deaths.
The lowest rates of sudden infant death were found among non-Hispanic Asian and Hispanic infants, the study said.
When dey black babies be all the time dying, it must be RAYCIZM!
I’ll skip ahead to the money quote…..
Those involved with the research said the racial disparity of the infant deaths “reflect our societal failures.”
The report comes from the Pediatrics journal, published by the American Academy of Pediatricians, and like most trade groups within the medical field, the AAP appears to be full on “woke”. What I found interesting was the sentence that immediately preceded the claim that our society has somehow “failed” because black babies be dying all the damn time….
Among the causes of death cited: accidental suffocation or strangulation while in a crib.
Did society fail these stronk blaque mamas of colour by not providing sufficient warnings about the danger of suffocating or strangling your baby? Or are blaque wahmens not smart enough to recognize the very obvious dangers of entangling object in cribs, something that White, Asian and mestizo moms have figured out?
Then I went to the actual article, something very few people likely bothered to do, content instead to accept at face value that White people have once more failed blacks. What I found was not surprising….
And it isn’t, not even a tiny bit. Although Arthur’s post does include ‘em, no link from me to the original AAP article or study. Because fuck those lousy cocksuckers, that’s why.
Idle curiosity: What’s the median age of black mothers, contrasted with that of White and Asian mothers?
Idle curiosity: How much alcohol and other drugs did black mothers use during pregnancy and after birth, contrasted with use by White and Asian mothers?
Yep, Art Sido did a post as well. Over there I said that their race was the least vaccinated supposedly so they got that going for them.
The bad Soviet Russkies shot down KAL 007 with a sitting American Congressman on board and Reagan did not attack. The Commies thought it was a spy plane when it skirted Kamchatka. This drone definitely was spying.
“The Commies thought it was a spy plane when it skirted Kamchatka.”
What the commies did was shoot down a Korean passenger airliner, and they knew it was exactly that.
“The Soviets have not budged. Apparently, their contempt for the truth, and for the opinion of the civilised world, is equalled only by their disdain for helpless people like the passengers aboard Flight 007. They reserve for themselves the right to live by one set of rules, insisting everyone else live by another. They’re supremely confident their crime and cover-up will soon be forgotten and we’ll all be back to business as usual. Well, I believe they’re badly mistaken. This case is far from closed. The Soviets aggression has provoked a fundamental and long overdue reappraisal in countries all over the globe. The Soviet Union stands virtually alone against the world.”
President Ronald Reagan
Radio address to the American people 17 days after the Korean passenger airplane was shot down