So very much wrong here it’s tough to know where to even start.
Britain’s top food watchdog recently warned that bringing cake to the office is comparable to subjecting coworkers to second-hand cigarette smoke.
So-called “second-hand smoke,” like so much else these days, is the bunk.
Professor Susan Jebb, chair of the UK’s Food Standards Agency, told The Times Health commission, “We all like to think we’re rational, intelligent, educated people who make informed choices the whole time and we undervalue the impact of the environment,” adding that “If nobody brought in cakes into the office, I would not eat cakes in the day, but because people do bring cakes in, I eat them. Now, OK, I have made a choice, but people were making a choice to go into a smoky pub.”
Yeah, thanks be to God that you took care of that whole “making a choice” problem for good, eh?
“With smoking, after a very long time, we have got to a place where we understand that individuals have to make some effort but that we can make their efforts more successful by having a supportive environment,” Jebb argued. “But we still don’t feel like that about food.”
Oh, so THAT’s what we’re calling “authoritarian meddling” now, I gather.
Well, maybe that’s because food in the office only affects the individuals who eat it — unlike second-hand smoke, which is inhaled by everyone in close proximity to the smoker.
Sorry, but again: no.
Jebb went on to say that junk food ads are “undermining people’s free will,” yet claimed that restrictions are “not about the nanny state.”
Oh my NO, perish the thought. Sheesh.
These are the same people who are trying to make us eat crickets and believe that cauliflower tastes like rice. And the same people who told us to eat margarine for our health before reversing course and saying it will kill us, and now claiming that it’s good for us again.
And they have the exact same right to do so now as they did then: none whatsoever. Which is the REAL point at issue, not whether they’ve ever gotten a damned thing right, since ever. Or it ought to be, anyhow.
But yeah, you Limeys go ahead and forego that cake, it’s bad stuff. Plus, it’s difficult to eat with those bendy, non-scary plastic knives and forks your NotANanny State has forcibly relegated you chumps to.