The Branch Covidian faith, that would be.
The CDC Has Lost All Credibility
The Left’s politicization of the once-revered organization has morphed it into a haven for medical hacks and become a massive laughing stock.
I begin to see where the mistake was made here, with that “once-revered” codswallop. NO FederalGovCo bureaucracy should EVER be “revered” by any Real American with even half a lick of sense.
As a licensed and practicing healthcare provider, I want to know the CDC committee’s clinical justification for recommending the COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6 months and older.
Because, as it turns out, we have little objective data. I’m talking minuscule. No human trials whatsoever; only tests on eight mice using the updated Omicron booster shots.
Oh, but the human trials are underway now! They’re happening after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration extended emergency use authorizations, which shield pharmaceutical companies from legal liability. Doesn’t that give you a tremendous sense of confidence?
I would rather take my chances with gas station sushi.
The recent child vaccine push by the CDC is essentially bypassing clinical data. How could a 15-member panel of Branch Covidians vote to inoculate children with no real human data? The answer is that they do not care. They are fully invested and have been blinded by false Covidian prophets. These are not ignorant people. They are hand chosen by the CDC. If you are willing to fall in line and do what you’re told instead of being a real scientific arbiter, then you are welcome to serve on the committee. Buck the system, and it’s a hard no.
It’s also helpful knowing the Biden Administration purchased 170 million doses of the updated booster.
As one trained in biological and medical science, I can say with certainty that all of this is absolute lunacy!
There has never been a vaccine added to the child immunization schedule without clear and substantial evidence that it would significantly reduce disease.
The COVID-19 vaccine is a first for the CDC. Added with no clinical data.
The White House COVID-19 response coordinator, Dr. Ashish Jha, claims to have reviewed unpublished data and said that “based on the data we have, [the new vaccines] should be better at providing protection against infection.” He went on to say, however, “Again, we’ll see where the data lands, but I am very hopeful…“
What are they hiding?
Absolutely everything they think they can get away with, not one jot or tittle less, as ever. Speaking strictly for myself and nobody else, I saw through the whole Kung Flu stratagem when the official story started changing, and then went right on changing on an almost daily basis from there. I realized that if this supposed extinction-level event really was as bad as they claimed, then why were the authorities having to pretzel themselves so severely lying about it? If CoVid had been the planet-depopulator they said, there would have been no need to oversell the thing the way they did.
Let’s call it Mike’s Iron Law #847: “government health care” is not about either health, or “caring.” As regards government itself, at every level and in every place, it’s always and forever about power and control, as per usual. Once you’ve accepted that admittedly harsh reality, everything clicks into place and begins to make sense. Not before.
The CDC has been a joke since its inception.
Part of our problem is that we have government officials with names like “Ashish Jha.”
I don’t care so much about guys named Ashish any more than I would have cared a 100 years ago about a Danny O’Connor (you’re going to put the Drunken Irish in charge?!). As long as they got there through merit.
Almost none of our government today has achieved anything outside of being political hacks loyal to, and able to maneuver within, a vast bureaucracy of like minded people.
It’s NEVER about what they say it’s about.
It’s ALWAYS about them Getting More Power and Control.