I just LOVE this story, presented by BCE.
Now here in the Untied Staatz, we still pretend that elections matter. In truth, the only elections that actually -do- matter are the local ones…school board (need to fire ALL of them fuckers nationwide IMO, Jes’ Sayin’) Selectmen, the usual. Hell Sherriff is the most important elections at the local level that we have still. The others are all pretty much make-work. In fact most shit that needs fixing usually gets done on the local level via co-operation of the affected parties. Quite a few years ago, can’t remember which town it was, but in the Midwest, there was a town with a pothole issue.
Bad problems. The local Board of Selectmen or Council or whatever they called themselves said there was no money in the budget for it. That’d it’d take til the next year before they could do anything, meanwhile the populous was having tire and rim damage on the regular. The only ones happy with the situation was the local Tire King.
So, the locals got sick of waiting around. They went to Ye Olde Local Asphalt Company, and got with the owner, who did a deal to fill some of the potholes in exchange for some labor and some landscaping done by another Local Landscaping Company, who provided materials, while the locals provided the labor. Asphalt guy got his yard redone, the potholes got filled, the local Boy Scouts provided labor and got a Merit Badge out of it, and everyone was happy.
Not so much. The Township levied fines and a bunch of ‘other bullshit’ to include threatening the business licenses of the two companies. And by the way, did I forget to mention the Chairman of the Town Council was the owner of the local Tire King? Yeeeeeah. They even said that the patches were ‘substandard’ and needed to be removed.
Shit stopped cold when the death threats started getting reely reelz. The Sherriff stepped in and said it wasn’t going to fly… Last word I heard was the Tire King went out of biddness due to a total and utter boycott, nevermind the local yoots who took to vandalizing the building with a certain enthusiasm on the regular…as well as the owner’s house. His family moved shortly after as well, as they were effectively shunned by all the locals after, as well they should be.
THATS what’s going to save this country BTW. Locals doing local things for each other.
And shunning? Local embarrassment? Shit that needs to make a comeback.
Shit worked.
The Stocks. Public Flogging. Humiliation. Shunning.
ALL weapons in the Arsenal of Old.
Amen to all THAT. Scrolling on down brings us to this:
Now, rant off. Went today and did a hangout with Mike from Cold Fury. Had a great time with him and his brother. We went and threw rounds for about two hours. The weather was perfect, a warm 76 degrees, the fall going in full ‘fall mode’ i.e. smelling the locals burning the leaves in the distance, the colors… hell –everything– Literally a perfect day.
We zeroed our M-4s, and shot the hell out of my hushed Ruger 10/22. I got a barrel shroud from a company a while back that’s not a suppressor per se, but a shroud. It -acts- like a suppressor, but isn’t. Even got the ATF letter stating as such. Could have fooled the hell out of me, all you can hear is the action slapping back n’forth on it. Quiet Quiet. It also doesn’t cost crazy like a suppressor… those things are retardedly expensive… nevermind the fiery hoops the Asshole DotGov wants you to jump through to buy what essentially is a hearing-saving device. Only issue I have is the patrol scope I dug out of my ‘box o’scopes’, the damned thing is soooooo out of whack, I’ll have to wait til I get home to my proper tools to remount it. It’s so bad, that I was aiming to the left, and the right target three feet away took the bullet. That or the barrel is irretrievably bent (hint: it ain’t).
The pistol shooting was good, except for my Glock-Notaglock (Poly80). The slide lock popped up a few times in the middle of shooting, locking the slide to the rear. Not sure if thats a spring issue or what. Hasn’t happened before, and the workaround was to just rest my thumb on it. However, that was a workaround, and again,I have to wait to get home. Probably look at a replacement there if needed. Might have been a one off, but it did happen a total of 5 times out of 40 rounds…that’s too many for me.
So going to see him again before I roll home.
Yes indeedy, and a good time was had by all, as the saying goes. Nothing quite like time spent out on the ol’ backyard shooting range on a nice fall afternoon. Situated where me and Jeff are here in the warm embrace of the Cradle of Secession, it’s perfectly lawful to go out back and pop off 5-600 rounds of various calibers in an afternoon; the neighbors are all of like inclination, and on any given weekend once one of us starts plinking, everybody else in the area joins right in with a quickness. It’s truly a beautiful thing, that’s what. The first section above fairly screams for this BTO chestnut as musical accompaniment, methinks.
In the end, it is this that will save us – remembering that we are neighbors.
I wrote to this effect quite a while ago. It’s really the only way forward. The key concept is the removal of as much as possible of what’s currently considered “public affairs” from the ambit of local government. But in our time, too many people expect too many things to be done for them by someone else.
We are the focus of davos gates wrath because we are armed. When they use the EO 14027 to digitize the dollar that will be put on a leash…then the practising will need to be over.
Nice to be able to just walk out back and fire away.
Elections do matter. Look at what we got from the last one in 2020.
Look what we are probably going to get in 2022.
I have hope. Can they cheat enough? We’ll see.