Vin Suprynowicz says so, and he ain’t wrong about that.
America is under attack.
Denial is the first instinct. But denial has not been working.
Are we really to believe that – absent some malign influence backed up with massive support from entities who wish to bring America low, to defeat via some “non-traditional” form of warfare a nation whose military they dare not challenge – the normal development of American culture could have brought us, over a mere generation or two, from kindly schoolmarms insisting that their young charges master the difference between “there,” “their,” and “they’re,” to our current crop of green- or purple-haired freaks with staples in their faces, indoctrinating eminently suggestible kids as young as 6 or even 5 that doctors often “just take a guess” when declaring a newborn is a boy or a girl, that huge numbers of children are in fact “girls trapped in boys’ bodies,” or vice versa?
Is it really reasonable to assume that – absent some kind of organized, malign, and well-funded campaign by those who wish to bring America low, we could have gone in a mere couple of generations from doctors who took seriously their Hippocratic oath to “first, do no harm,” to a crop of young Dr. Mengeles who today happily perform on boys as young as 15 or 16 — too young to have ever known the pleasures (yes, and tribulations) of marriage or parenthood what is called, in a breathtaking example or Orwellian euphemism, “Gender Affirmation Surgery”?
“I’m going to ‘affirm’ this teen-age boy’s gender by amputating his cock and carving between his legs a fake vagina which leads nowhere, so he’ll never be capable of experiencing sexual pleasure, let alone capable of becoming a parent as either a man OR a woman. That’ll be $10,000, please.”
You think such demonic perversions were thought up by someone who wishes this nation WELL?
He goes on from there to cover ALL the bases, mentioning ALL the issues, then explains his plan for dealing with the whole mess, including:
The Congress should declare war against two genocidal international criminal cabals: against the Chinese Communist Party and against Klaus Schwab and his “World Economic Forum.” They dreamed this stuff up, they’ve been at it for decades, they’ve made no secret of their goals as they and Bill “Pearly” Gates and that snarling troll Greta Thunberg now try to use their fake “Global Warming crisis” to drive farmers off the land and get us to switch to bug sandwiches as we shiver in the dark.
This need NOT mean mobilizing an army or millions of men. But it would quickly accomplish many things. First, anyone accepting pay or “investments” from, or advancing the agenda of, the Chinese Communist Party or of the World Economic Forum would be committing the crime of “treason in wartime” – punishable with a quick hanging, no years of appeals. Any members of our armed forces – or any civilian granted a Letter of Marque (also authorized in the Constitution) who encountered members of the Chinese Communist Party, or Klaus Schwab or any members of his team, anywhere, anytime, would be authorized to blow their brains out immediately. This would not be murder – it would be an authorized act of war, legal under the Law of Nations, the same way we’ve always dealt with pirates. They started it.
I gotta say, I like it already. Is there more, you ask? Why, yes. Yes, there certainly is.
We may also need a few new laws.
Laws need not be impossible to interpret by the average citizen. They used to be written in plain English, and should be, again. The Congress, right away in January of 2023, can and should enact a law stating “Since those who believe in Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming have been shown to be immune from scientific proofs that those beliefs are equivalent to a belief in fairies and unicorns – no perceptible global warming in 20 years; polar bear populations exploding instead of going extinct; polar ice caps not melting as confidently predicted, island nations not sinking under the seas as confidently predicted – it is therefore found, determined and established by this Congress as a matter of law that belief in Catastrophic Man-Made Global warming is a religion.
“Under the First Amendment, anyone holding these beliefs is free to continue doing so, as a free practice of religion. HOWEVER, the Constitution also guarantees that no religion shall be ‘established’ as the official state religion by this government, its doctrines or beliefs being imposed whether they like it or not on the populace in general, whose members thereby suffer expense, inconvenience, or disability through their failure to adhere to and abide by such tenets and beliefs.
“Therefore, effective immediately upon passage of this Act, any and all laws, edicts, regulations, rules, or executive orders tending to restrict, limit, regulate or inhibit industrial development, rapid and effective development and use of this nation’s vast fossil fuel reserves, or the development, manufacture or sale of anything, to include but not limited to pipelines, drilling equipment, refineries, light bulbs, or any restriction on any industrial facility emitting any quantity of the necessary, harmless, and beneficial gas carbon dioxide, based on the supposed desire or ‘need’ to limit ‘global warming’ or ‘climate change,’ is hereby immediately repealed and rendered null and void, to include but not limited to regulations aimed at limiting ‘carbon emissions,’ ‘greenhouse gas emissions,’ ‘bovine flatulence,’ etc.
“The Environmental Protection Agency and the federal Department of Energy shall show, 90 days from passage of this Act, irrefutable concrete evidence to the satisfaction of the majority of this Congress of massive and dramatic progress toward stimulating industrial and energy development within the United States – to include issuance of numerous oil and gas drilling leases, rapid approval of the immediate construction of pipelines, encouragement of the upgrading and expansion of refineries, factories, steel mills, etc. — and eliminating any and all curbs on such industrial and energy development which had been put in place since 1970 in obeisance to the cult of “Man-Made Global Warming,” which is hereby banished from use as an excuse for any regulation by any federal U.S. government agency, the Congress of the United States hereby officially finding and declaring such ‘Green’ religious beliefs, when used to stymie or limit industrial or fossil-fuel development via government regulation, to be ‘bullshit.’
“Should either the EPA of the Department of Energy fail to show such massive and dramatic progress by the 90-th day from enactment of this Act, the agency so failing shall be closed and abolished immediately, with all employees dismissed from employment with the U.S. government and barred from any future employment with or by the U.S. government, with no other agency being allowed to take up the tasks once performed by said agency or department, no further legislation being necessary to effect such closures.”
As the man says, they can, and they should, yes. Alas for us all, though, we know full well that there’s absolutely no chance whatsoever that they will. As beautiful a dream as Vin’s proposal no doubt is, it’s still only that: a dream, no more. The prerequisite condition remains in full effect: first, the streets must be made to run red with Commie blood. After that, the possibilities will begin to open up swiftly.
Shoulda Woulda Coulda
But before we try to legislate sanity, we’re going to have to rid ourselves of the criminally insane.
How do we do that?
Get rid of the Administrative State:
The Administrative State exists without any Constitutional basis, and has, since its inception. It has subverted Constitutional process since then, and now strives to overtly overthrow Constitutional governance. It is the living embodiment of sedition, and it itself must be overthrown and abolished at all levels.
“The post-New Deal administrative state is unconstitutional, and its validation by the legal system amounts to nothing less than a bloodless constitutional revolution. The original New Dealers were aware, at least to some degree, that their vision of the national government’s proper role and structure could not be squared with the written Constitution: The Administrative Process, James Landis’s classic exposition of the New Deal model of administration, fairly drips with contempt for the idea of a limited national government subject to a formal, tripartite separation of powers. Faced with a choice between the administrative state and the Constitution, the architects of our modern government chose the administrative state, and their choice has stuck. … The United States Congress today effectively exercises general legislative powers, in contravention of the constitutional principle of limited powers. Moreover, Congress frequently delegates that general legislative authority to administrative agencies, in contravention of Article I. Furthermore, those agencies are not always subject to the direct control of the President, in contravention of Article II. In addition, those agencies sometimes exercise the judicial power, in contravention of Article III. Finally, those agencies typically concentrate legislative, executive, and judicial functions in the same institution, in simultaneous contravention of Articles I, II, and III. In short, the modern administrative state openly flouts almost every important structural precept of the American constitutional order.” context=faculty_scholarship
“How do we do that?“
Exactly. “And then the mice voted to bell the cat.”