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The future is here

Too cool for school.

Israel successfully tests new laser missile defense system
TEL AVIV, Israel — Israel’s new laser missile-defense system has successfully intercepted mortars, rockets and anti-tank missiles in recent tests, Israeli leaders said Thursday.

The Israeli-made laser system, known as the “Iron Beam,” is designed to complement a series of aerial defense systems, including the more costly rocket-intercepting Iron Dome.

“This may sound like science-fiction, but it’s real,” said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. ”The Iron Beam’s interceptions are silent, they’re invisible and they only cost around $3.50″ apiece, he added.

Little is known about the laser system’s effectiveness, but it is expected to be deployed on land, in the air and at sea. The goal is to deploy the laser systems around Israel’s borders over the next decade to protect the country against attacks.

Thursday’s announcement also sent a message to Israel’s foes, including archenemy Iran. The tests took place last month in the Negev Desert.

The announcement came near the anniversary of the 11-day Israel-Gaza war, in which Gaza’s ruling Hamas militant group fired more than 4,000 rockets toward Israel.

The vid is friggin’ awesome.

Darn pesky (((((JOOOOOOZ!!™))))), just doin’ what they do: advancing science and technology, contributing to civilization’s store of knowledge from a tiny desert nation completely surrounded by hordes of genocidal fanatics whose sole desire is to kill them all. The Ay-rabs endlessly brag about how they “invented mathematics” way back in medieval antiquity, and just never mind that, as a culture, they stopped right there, and haven’t invented one worthwhile thing ever since. Well, except for the car bomb, the truck bomb, the underwear bomb, the briefcase bomb, and so on.

Compare, contrast:
(((((Dem Pesky JOOOOOOOOZ!!!™)))))

  • Use ingenuity, creativity, and intellect to create new technologies, consumer goods, and conveniences of every kind, improving the lives of countless people all over the world
  • Successfully raise crops in the middle of a lifeless, barren wasteland
  • Freely turned over functioning, productive greenhouses to their drooling Neanderthal enemies in fulfillment of yet another one-sided “land for peace” scam, said Neanderthal shitwits immediately smashing every last one of them to sparkly bits even as the Israelis were desperately offering to teach the useless yahoos how to operate the things
  • Work diligently and passionately to excel in the creative arts, bringing to life beautiful music, books, plays, paintings, and films to ennoble and inspire us

Camel-humping, kiddy-diddling Ay-rabs

  • Lived for two millenia as nomadic tribal primitives, worshipping their bloodthirsty pedophile “prophet”
  • Occasionally took time off to wage vicious jihad against civilized human beings
  • Received a gift of extreme wealth when the US discovered oil in their hellish shithole region, then gave the American drilling rigs, pumps, and other machinery en bloc to the feral apes, training them in their use and maintenance
  • Pioneered things like, say, running into pizza parlors, parks, and shopping areas packed with Western civilians, including women and children, then setting off the powerful explosive device concealed under a shirt or jacket, resulting in the wanton slaughter of dozens of innocents who had harmed not a soul
  • Invaded, then conquered American cities like Dearborn, Minneapolis, and Buffalo who were foolish enough to allow them entry, forcing their neighbors to endure the atonal, grating, very nearly painful “call of the Muezzin” blared at high volume several times daily from loudspeakers elevated on utility poles
  • Infiltrated and took over entire neighborhoods in England, France, and Germany, gang-raping Western women, looting local shops, mugging elderly people, burning cars and buildings and generally rendering these areas into blighted, dangerous ghettos no civilized human being would even dream of living in for one second longer than he had to
  • Obnoxiously demand tolerance, freedom, and respect for themselves and their gutter “religion,” then flatly deny those very things to other people and religions, turning Western values and ideals into weapons to be used against Westerners

Oh, and while we’re on the subject, or at least within shouting distance of it anyway, the Arabs did NOT actually “invent” mathematics either. As per usual with them, they stole someone else’s achievement or idea and then glommed all the credit, shamelessly announcing their false claim to any and every poor schnook willing to lend an ear to their outlandish flim-flammery, braggadocio, exaggerations, and just plain lies. Fleabitten pieces of half-solid dung from the spastic bowels of a camel with dysentery, all of ’em.


15 thoughts on “The future is here

  1. Mike, Mike, Mike, you just don’t understand. If the defensive system doesn’t cost $100,000 per shot, how are the poor defense contractors going to make any money?

    1. Might why we lose wars, can’t sell more old crap and new crap if the old stuff worked.

  2. You can bet the tech relies heavily upon that developed in the US, which has been heavily invested in laser shootdown systems for quite a few years.

    “$3.50 per shot”
    Yea, maybe after you’ve paid for the system and development, the charging electricity and consumables are $3.50 per…

    1. But shooting down incoming?…


      To riff on that old commercial.

      1. I’m still waiting on the Jewish named Matis to comment on those dastardly Jooooooz…

    2. The IAF modifies all our fighter aircraft with their improvements been doing that for 25 years.

      1. I’ll just note the use of “our fighter aircraft”. The Israelis are certainly intelligent and creative, but they do not produce the technologically superior aircraft the USA does. And I know that much of their innovation is designed for the purpose of making the aircraft work in their theater of operations without our knowledge or acquiescence.

        Too small a country to do certain things, like manufacture automobiles.

        1. Israel Aircraft Industries updates all of our fighter aircraft with THEIR mods. They fly our aircraft 24 / 7 / 365 (3 times as much as US flight time) they know them and modify them. That is a fact.

          Why would they manufacture automobiles, there is a glut. They also supply their external armor for our Abrams Tank and other fighting vehicles.

          1. Yea, and I know what many of THEIR mods consist of. Do you? What are they?

            People manufacture automobiles to make money. The Israeli’s don’t because they are too small to compete.

            Fighter aircraft are not really built to make money, in theory. They are built for protection. Their value far exceeds the manufacturing cost. The Israelis do not manufacture fighter aircraft for a reason, do you know why?

            I’ll go ahead and answer –
            They cannot design and build fighter aircraft as good as they can purchase from us, and they are allowed the purchase.
            If their modifications resulted in superior aircraft, the USA could restrict the sale until the Israelis divulged their superior modifications.

            The US allows the Israelis to modify and develop advanced systems, unlike almost anyone else. We use those systems, Litening is one of them. Military development is a shared proposition when it comes to the US and Israel.

            “…they know them and modify them. That is a fact.

            One that I acknowledged in my first comment and here as well. The implication was they were smarter than the US engineers. They are not, but as in all things tech have particular interests and capabilities that are useful, not only for them but for us as well. We have access to whatever we want, by design, by agreement. But there are certain things we do not want to know for deniability reasons. Officially we don’t know…

            Much of their mods involve command and control, items particular to the Israeli weapons systems that they develop independently. IIRC, the Israeli version F16 has mostly Israeli developed avionics.

            The Israelis are the only ones allowed to touch the F-35 for example. Others cannot even repair one without US authorization.

            I’m not knocking Israel, far from it. I’m taking up for my country, the ones that develop and build the advanced aircraft being used by Israel.

            1. Quibble: Fighter aircraft are not purchased to make money. They certainly are manufactured with profit in mind, at least in the West.

              1. Yes, I agree.

                That’s why I said “in theory”. Boeing and others certainly profit. But the government that has these planes built cares not for the cost, but for the efficiency. The government could build the weapons systems, but if they did the cost would be even higher.

            2. From these pics, those darned pesky ((((((JOOOOOZ!!!)))))) uglied up my beloved F16 something awful. On the other hand, though, the mighty Phantom down at the bottom of the page looks pretty doggone slick, I must say.

              1. I like them both, though the desert camouflage paint doesn’t really suit the F16.

                My friend nearby cut his AF teeth on the Phantom and went on to make a career of the AF, the last 15 years or so as a flight instructor. He has some interesting stories…

                I went up with him a few years ago, having not flown a small plane in many years. When I took the controls he instantly recognized my slight faults and issued the correcting instruction. I think he knows more about flight than birds.

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Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

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Bertrand de Jouvenel

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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

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Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

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NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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