Vox puts up a most excellent Gab post.
The future belongs to those who show up for it. Stop whining. Start fighting by getting married, having children, and planting the acorns of the trees in whose shade your grandchildren will play.
Yes, there are risks. You might get your heart broken. You might lose half your toys. So what? Action requires risk and risk is inherent to life.
Over at the VD blog, he says that “All the cowards and incels on Gab were triggered by this,” which shouldn’t surprise anybody. Bottom line?
There is no point in whining, blackpilling, or worrying about things you can’t possibly control. If you’re not willing to take risks to build the future, if you’re not willing to live, if you’re not willing to set your face against the entropy of the universe, then you are irrelevant and your inferior genetic line will end with you, due to your cowardly narcissism.
We should all hope so; it’s better for everybody that way, frankly. Beyond that observation, all I can think to add is a hearty “Amen.”
The practical problem here is what it’s always been: Among the most difficult things imaginable is getting people to embrace present-day sacrifices for the sake of a future they do not expect to see (and probably won’t).
Note that those parts of the world in which people still produce three, four, or more children per couple are places where children confer an economic benefit on their family. In urbanized, industrialized, “civilized” cultures, children are viewed as a luxury good. The rest is left as an exercise for the reader.
A lot of the economic burden that discourages and disincentivizes people from having children in those “civilized” countries is taxes. Taxes that largely go to pay for the costs of other people having kids they can not support, and the general disruption and destruction caused by those kids growing up semi-feral. Governmental welfare systems and wealth transfer are massively dys-civilizational and dys-genic.
Comic books are a call to action LOL