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Swallow harderer!

The black pill is a most bitter thing to have to choke down.

I’m back to blogging here because I’m going to have a hell of a lot more spare time on my hands. I am one of those federally employed people up here in Canada that essentially told the Trudeau government recently to go have sex with themselves over their vaccine ‘mandate’. It was my choice and it was an easy one to make. Not because I’m an ‘anti-vaxxer’ or some bullshit like that, although I will admit right here and now that I do NOT trust the mainstream narrative on these so-called ‘vaccines. I’ll probably write a more detailed post on that later.

No, I oppose the mandates because I feel they are unethical, immoral, a serious violation of civil liberties, and they go against both the core values of the organization I serve and my own personal core values. Simply put, I can not and will not participate in a program such as this. I swore an oath to obey all ‘lawful orders’ without fear, favour, or affection, and these mandates are clearly not ‘lawful orders’. It’s as simple as that.

But today, I made the grave mistake of reading a CBC article on this very topic and scrolling to the comments section. After reading a lot of the comments, I was left asking myself one question: “why the fuck did I even bother?”

I’ve served in a variety of law enforcement roles since 2004 in this country. Concurrent with that, I did six years in the Canadian Army reserves. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I did anything grandiose, but I did my duty. At minimum, I stepped up to the plate every time I was required to, I did my job and did it well, and I carried on. A lot of times, I did this at significant personal cost and risk to me, but I thought nothing of it because it was what I signed up for.

The general message from the vast majority of posters on that message board was essentially that “if you didn’t get the ‘vaxx’ then you’re ‘selfish’ and deserve to die and, if you have kids, they should be taken from you because you’re an awful human being” with numerous variations of this message. The take away was seeing a truly vitriolic, ruthless, callous, toxic group of people that seem to represent a growing majority of people in Canada today. I have no choice but to come to this conclusion because I see very little resistance or message to the contrary from very many people.  Most people seem to fall in line with this narrative.

And this is what I signed up to serve, protect, and defend? This is what I was willing to risk my ass for, all those years I put on a uniform and went out to work my shift, knowing in the back of my mind that something could happen to me where I wouldn’t get to make it home? Even during this entire ‘pandemic’, which I personally witnessed cause FAR more damage to people in terms of economic ruin and mental breakdown than the goddamn virus the media had most people mortified of.

I always believed that I was doing what I did so that people could live in a society that espoused liberty, peace, and justice. Turns out, it looks like what I was really doing was playing a glorified scarecrow, and sometimes a babysitter, for a population of vindictive, ungrateful cowards. The kind of people who, almost a year ago, were getting into fistfights over toilet paper at the local Costco or Walmart. The kind of people who were racking up their credit cards, buying food and survival supplies, or shopping carts full of meat or canned goods. The kind of people who were going out to sporting goods or military surplus stores and buying guns, knives, or archery equipment with ammunition and arrowheads that were effective on human targets, with the intention of using them on such. The kind of people who, under ‘normal’ circumstances, wouldn’t have done anything close to any of these things, but went out and mass panicked because the mainstream narrative had them convinced that we were careening towards a live action version of ‘The Walking Dead’ (I really hated that damn show).

These are the people who are STILL drinking the establishment kool-aid, which they’ve shown by tripping over each other to get this ‘vaccine’ (which, even according to the mainstream narrative, isn’t really a vaccine because it doesn’t inoculate you to the COVID-19 virus, as other true vaccines do), which was rushed through production at ‘Warp Speed’ without any proper testing on long term safety or efficacy. And you know what? That’s okay because it’s THEIR choice. I never had an issue with that at all. Personally, I didn’t think it was wise based on these factors and others, hence why I chose not to take the vaccine. But I didn’t once ever impose my opinions on people who trusted in the contrary. Not even when it came to light that these ‘vaccines’ didn’t prevent transmission or spread of the COVID-19 disease, when people were STILL dying of the virus even after they were ‘fully vaxxed’, or when the number of people suffering severe adverse reactions (NOT side effects) from this ‘jab’ was growing steadily, did I ever impose my personal opinions on people.

But now, that’s not good enough because these people, in their smug and arrogant manner, see fit to impose their choice on everyone else who didn’t throw caution to the wind and decided to exercise their freedom to decide what went in their bodies. Because they’re still terrified of this virus, despite taking the ‘jab’ that they were told was supposed to protect them but isn’t because they’re convinced that a strong, healthy person like myself is somehow a threat to them.

And what did that leave us with?  Well so far,  aside from the growing amount of venom commonplace on the internet, I’d have to say the lowest of these ‘highlights’ I’ve seen were the multiple videos of Canadian Forces veterans being required to ‘show their vaccine papers’ in order to eat in restaurants or even go to the goddamn Legion on Remembrance Day. If they didn’t, they were denied entry. Never in my life would I have ever dreamed of seeing something like that in Canada. ‘True North, Strong and Free’? Yeah. Right.

Well, you know what? If that’s how you people really feel, then I have one thing to say: fuck you. Seriously. You aren’t worth my time or my effort. If you don’t even respect or value the rights and freedoms that people like me put on a uniform and swore an oath to try and safeguard, then you deserve the alternative. And don’t kid yourself: you are going to get the alternative. You are going to get every bit of the socialism you think you want, with all the trimmings and perks that go along with it. If you thought it was going to give you a license to keep living the Life of Riley, where you’re free to have your vacations and your toys and your bullshit, all because you were a good little comrade and did what you were told, you are in for a serious kick in the groin. You can kiss all that goodbye. Don’t take my word for it – pick up a history book and see for yourself. Or go back to watching sports or reality TV. I really don’t give a shit anymore.

This whole vaccine push is about power and control. It has jack shit to do with safety and public health. Why do you think they want law abiding citizens disarmed? Why do you think they want to control what you see and do on the internet? Why do you think they are spending our country into oblivion, plunging us into debt we have no hope in hell of ever paying off?

Think about it.

Never happen—baah-ing, bleating sheep aren’t capable of higher cognition, for one thing. Being, y’know, sheep and all.

The most sick-making aspect here is the stark realization that this cowardice, this abject, unreasoning terror, this promulgation of fascist illegality comes to us, in the US at least, courtesy of many of the selfsame people who also spend so much time thumping their sunken chests in boastful celebration of how “free” we all are; how extraordinary this blessed Land of Liberty (gag) is; how very fortunate Americans are to be able to live their lives as they see fit without undue interference from the central government; how profoundly grateful we should be to the very Founders they dishonor, &c &c. It’s worse than being sternly lectured on the importance of mannerliness and proper deportment by a belching, farting, asscrack-scratching oaf while he has an exploratory finger up to his occipital ridge in his schnozz, spelunking furiously for gold or something close enough to meet his disgusting purposes.

Meanwhile, the price exacted for the crime of living up to one’s ideals, conducting your affairs as if ANY of that “freedum ‘n’ liberty” guff still applied to any meaningful extent, grows higher and higher with every passing day. The surest and quickest way to find out precisely how many freedoms you still have left is to try exercising a few of ’em. The lesson will be a harsh one, a course of instruction you won’t even slightly enjoy, nor benefit from. But you’ll remember it vividly for all your days.

(Via Bracken and WRSA)


10 thoughts on “Swallow harderer!

  1. Things in the U.S. are shameful and ugly but Canada? That place is a hot mess. They seem to have embraced the cultural suicide of Europe and decided to take it up several notches.

    1. And Australia seems to be even worse than Canada. The UK is also pretty far down the path to tyranny; Orwell knew his people well, apparently. I am not sure just why the Anglosphere is so susceptible to this particular form of insanity. Looking around the world, though, it is hardly alone in what is really a global(-ist) phenomenon.

  2. A minor nitpick:

    The people he is talking about with deserved contempt are not the ones stocking supplies for the possibility of scarcity. Always an exception of course, but most of those types are entirely dependent upon the government for their survival.

    I encourage everyone to have at least a 3 month supply of the basic foods you need to survive. You can stock items you normally use and rotate them around. More is better. And ammo would be your friend and currency.

    1. The kind of people who were racking up their credit cards, buying food and survival supplies, or shopping carts full of meat or canned goods. The kind of people who were going out to sporting goods or military surplus stores and buying guns, knives, or archery equipment with ammunition and arrowheads that were effective on human targets, with the intention of using them on such.

      Yep. I twigged on that right away, too. And your advice is 100% correct.

      1. Something doesn’t smell right with the “going out to sporting goods or military supply stores and buying…..”

        In Canada, you just can’t walk into those places and buy firearms. You have to go through a complicated and costly process before there is even a possibility of getting approval for any purchase.

  3. I’m just holding my breath until the 2022 midterm elections; if the Dems win/cheat well enough, the Seniors will be next. No Medicare coverage unless you get the shot.
    Trust me, it’s the next step. Then, Medicaid patients. Then ALL those getting ANY kind of coverage.

    1. Well, Obamacare set that precedent. Thanks. Justice Roberts!

      I think that’s part of the long term plan, anyway. They’ll use Covid to impose full socialized medicine. The only health care you’ll be able to get will be government health care.

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Claire Wolfe, 101 Things to Do 'Til the Revolution

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Daniel Webster

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
Frank Zappa

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John Adams

"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves."
Bertrand de Jouvenel

"It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged."
GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

"If the laws of God and men, are therefore of no effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them; and if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of justice, cannot be otherwise restrained than by sedition, tumults and war, those seditions, tumults and wars, are justified by the laws of God and man."
John Adams

"The limits of tyranny are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress."
Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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