Peace at any price is no kind of bargain.
If the 9/11 terrorists were alive today to look at the changes they wrought in America with that one act, on that one day, how could they be anything but delighted? If the goal was just to kill Americans, they were successful. If the goal was to warp and distort the fabric of American life, they were successful beyond their wildest dreams. They succeeded in that because we decided that safety was more important than anything else.
If our founders had valued safety over freedom we’d still be British. And I suspect an increasing number of academics, intellectual elites, and government bureaucrats wouldn’t see the harm in that—one country, they think, is very much like another. Life in Canada isn’t so different from life here, etc., etc.
And that brings us to the coronavirus. This disease is not, as some thoughtless people have claimed, our generation’s “World War II”: For one thing, you can’t have a war without fighting back. It is rather another 9/11—a successful attack on the American way of life. The attack comes from China this time. But the results are similar:
Joe Biden said on September 9, just two days before the 20th anniversary of September 11, that he would force everyone to get the vaccine, and seek to punish those who do not: “This is not about freedom or personal choice. It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.” That sentence, among the most disgusting ever spoken by an American president, is music to the ears of the Chinese Communist Party. It’s music to the ears of the Taliban. It’s music to the ears of every America-hating bastard everywhere, including those who were born and live here and who are teaching our children in school to hate America.
A few months ago, you were a conspiracy theorist for suggesting that vaccine passports would even be considered. Today, you’re a conspiracy theorist for suggesting there might be something wrong with the idea.
Joe Biden’s America is America in name only, just as he himself is president in name only. You see people driving around alone in their cars wearing masks on their faces—so terrified of getting sick that they have become sickness itself. They wouldn’t have been willing to fight World War II. They’re peace-at-any-pricers: the people who would have been willing to accept a Nazified Europe in exchange for Hitler’s agreement to let Britain continue existing. (There were plenty of those people in Britain at the time; thank God they were not in charge.)
So I’m not going to get the vaccine. I’m not going to wear a mask, anywhere. If someone asks me whether I’ve been vaccinated, I’ll tell him the truth: That it’s none of his business.
If you prefer safety to freedom, that’s your choice: It’s a free country. You can even tell me “screw your freedom,” as a once-popular actor recently said. But I reserve the right to make my own choices too, and I’m for freedom. Freedom at any price. That is the essence of America.
Myself, I’m just happy to finally run across a column that acknowledges the plain fact that, just as American liberty could never have been secured without violence, it likewise cannot be maintained should any generation of the Founders’ posterity foreswear the use of violence in its defense. Calls for “freedom at any price” can only sound flat and flaccid when accompanied by such timorous, historically-illiterate backpedaling. Threats of “war” unsupported by any credible likelihood of follow-through harsher than rhetoric, lawsuits, and “voting” are no real threat at all, just empty bluster and bluff. And, as any poker player can tell you, bluffs will, sooner or later, get called.
1) It ain’t a bluff.
2) Calling it will force those us not willing to roll over to lay down four aces, and a wild joker.
3) The joker comes with a full ammo can.
“Oh, please, PLEASE call that bluff!”
“Why, Ed Bailey, If we weren’t friends, I don’t think I could bear it…”
Peach of a Hand – YouTube
At this most critical time in our history, facing an apex of danger perhaps never greater, it is indeed time to stop with the reflexive platitudes, the wishful thinking, & the endless virtue signaling, & face cold hard realities.
When all else fails, violence solves problems. Though, in a civilized society, it should not be the first resort, its possibility is nonetheless ever present.
Violence is always on the table. It always has been, & it always will be.
To pretend otherwise is to ignore reality & nature itself.
Whenever a society eschews the hard won mechanisms they’ve devised to try to minimize its occurrence; the many systems, norms, & institutions in place to try to smooth out the inevitable frictions between its people; it’s sure to reappear with a blinding rapidity & ferocity that would appear to evince a desire to make up for lost time.
Always having existed, an inseparable part of human history & throughout the entirety of the animal kingdom, the presence of violence shall remain so, for as long as beasts of any variety stir on the surface competing for limited resources on this crazy, whirling ball of mud of ours which hurls through space at ungodly speeds to destinations unknown.
Anyone who claims differently, especially those who seek prominence, power, responsibility, audience or following of any type, should be chided, jeered, derided, taunted, insulted, made fun of, shouted at, & otherwise mocked & ridiculed, to include becoming the target recipient of whatever rotten fruit & sundry might be conveniently at hand, until such time as we’ve rid ourselves of the presence of such ignorance & weakness of mind that encourages the public espousing of such tripe & drivel.
We should be at our wits end with all such types of ignorant, virtual signaling, mentally-challenged grifters. If you want to sit at the adults table, recognition of basic realities is required.
Destroy your own existence with fantasy-laced tripe in private, if you must, but expect no tolerance of your ludicrous buffoonery in public.