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Biden Bugout counteroffensive

Via TSM and WRSA: the Left tries to lend a hand with BaiDing’s pathetic “all Trump’s fault” blameshift, Correia flushes that shit down

(WARNING: this and the next link below are to Deep State propaganda mill Facebook).

For the first few days of the Afghanistan clusterfuck, most lefties were keeping their heads down. It was remarkably quiet. Well apparently they got their new download because I’ve seen the same ridiculous narrative suddenly show up a ton over the last 24 hours. Drive bys in nearly every post, all saying the same thing.

“This was all Trump’s plan/fault/date and there was nothing Biden could do.”

Okay, let’s destroy this bullshit narrative, because it’s fucking pernicious.

Did Trump plan on removing the military before the civilians? Did Trump plan on abandoning our secure air base in the middle of the night without even telling our allies? Did Trump’s plan include giving a list of all our friends, allies, and countrymen to the Taliban? Did Trump intend to give the Taliban biometric scanners and records so our friends could be identified? Did Trump plan on leaving our allies hanging so badly that he’d get censored by fucking Parliament? Did Trump’s plan include leaving billions of dollars of weapons and equipment behind for the Taliban? Did Trump plan on a chaotic clusterfuck of an evacuation from an unsecure airport with people falling off of airplanes? Would Trump command our soldiers to stay at the airport while the French, English, Poles, and Hungarians ran rescue missions into the city to get their people? Did Trump plan on trusting airport security to the motherfucking goat raping Taliban so that our people could get killed by suicide bombers?

And if so, if that was Trump’s plan all along… WHY THE FUCK DID BIDEN NOT COME UP WITH A BETTER PLAN?

Even if these lying ass bastards were right (they aren’t) and the worst foreign policy fuck up in our lifetimes was exactly what Trump wanted to do, the fact that the Biden administration didn’t come up with something better would still all be on their heads.

And I’m not saying Trump is blameless, oh no. The blame for this whole thing goes back two decades, republican and democrat, senior military leadership, the state department, and the intelligence community, lots of highly paid experts and PhDs in international relations all covering their asses together.

However, the blame for this clusterfuck, this one operation, this infuriating, embarrassing, goat rope of a withdrawal, is all on Joe Biden, his puppeteers, and the people who were gullible/selfish enough to install him into office.

You voted for this shit. We warned you he was corrupt and incompetent, and all the evidence showed he was corrupt and incompetent, but you kicked us off the internet, looked the other way, and now you fucking own this. Quit making excuses. Quit lying. Own it. Help fix it. Or shut the fuck up.

Larry expands on these thoughts in a follow-on post:

On one of my other posts somebody made the old joke about “don’t hold back, tell us how you really feel.” and Jack Wylder (who does know me really well in real life) told the guy that I actually was holding back.

Jack’s right, because if I said what I really think right now, I’d probably end up in jail. And I’m not talking facebook jail either. That’s how pissed off and disgusted I am today.

Worst part is, I don’t think most people realize just how terrible it’s probably going to get if we stay on this destructive, foolish, authoritarian path. The people no longer trust any of the institutions that they’re supposed to be able to count on. The “experts” don’t realize how much fury and tension has built up in regular, boring, law-abiding America. And our elite betters just keep telling us we’re stupid, and our concerns don’t matter.

Regular people see the lies, the corruption, and the fact that nobody is ever held accountable, even for things that they’d destroy regular people for. They’re not stupid. They’re just slow to action because of fear or inertia. The state forgets it has the monopoly on force only because the people have delegated that to the state, in the belief that the state would impartially obey the law, but once too much faith in the state is lost, the people can take it back.

We haven’t had record gun sales (especially to new people) because of Americans’ rosy outlook for their future.

Law abiding people are law abiding until they aren’t. I don’t know what stupid bullshit thing is going to finally push a critical mass of people over the edge, but I’m worried that we’re getting closer, and what comes after that terrifies me.

As well it might, and should. On the other hand, what other choice is there? What other option have they left us with, other than to submit unconditionally? Because this is where we are now:

EXCLUSIVE: Active Duty, Retired Naval Intelligence Members Told They Cannot ‘Disrespect’ Biden Over Afghanistan Debacle
Top leadership at the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) informed active duty and retired service members that they cannot condemn President Joe Biden amid the chaotic — and now deadly — pullout of American troops from Afghanistan. 
In an email from the ONI’s Chief of Staff, ONI members were reminded that per a Uniform Code of Military Justice and Department of Defense Directive clause they cannot disrespect senior government leadership. This includes the President, Vice President, Congress, the Secretary of Defense, and more. 

Per the same uniformed personnel policy, ONI members cannot participate in partisan political activity or distribute partisan political literature. An internal ONI member told The Daily Wire that these policies were more relaxed under the Trump administration and recalled retired officers condemning the former President. 

Because of course it was. So, to sum up then: Real Americans are now under the guns of a US military establishment which has become so heavily politicized, so openly partisan, that it expressly forbids criticism of a clearly illegitimate, unfit, and treasonous “***President***” it nonetheless supports, even by its civilian employees…immediately after having permitted the same and worse throughout the entire term of a predecessor it didn’t like.

At this point, I see no use in reminding anybody involved of their oath of enlistment, wherein they swore to uphold the fucking US Constitution, not any particular elected official. They know full well that they’re in violation of said oath, and are flaunting their complete disregard for the principle behind it. And then there’s this:

Anybody think SSGT Flatrocker is in any way just joking around here? Or that she’d have any qualms about gunning down American dissidents, on US soil? Hell, the bull dagger seems positively eager to get this party started. I suspect she’s among a minority of her fellow soldiers, but I’m also damned sure she ain’t alone, and she and her like-minded colleagues, in whatever numbers, are unlikely in the extreme to leave any option for said dissidents but unconditional surrender. Whether or not we’re willing to kill for American freedom, I guarantee that she and hers are perfectly willing to do so for its polar opposite. That sound like something we can all live and be at ease with?

Finally, we come to this:

A US Marine was relieved of his command for publicly demanding senior US military brass take “accountability” for overseeing the execution of the pullout from Afghanistan after 13 troops died in Thursday’s suicide bombing.

“I have been relieved for cause based on a lack of trust and confidence…”  Marine Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller posted on his social media page.

The soldier didn’t appear to be spiteful in the least.

“My chain of command is doing exactly what I would do… if I were in their shoes.”

The father of three who has served the US Marine Corps Infantry for 17 years first openly admitted that part of what compelled him to come forward to speak out was losing his comrades to the “mess going on [in Afghanistan].”

He questioned Marine Commandant Gen. David H. Berger, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark A. Milley and expressed heavy-hearted emotions that these superiors were “supposed to advise.”

“People are upset because their senior leaders let them down, and none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability and saying, ‘We messed this up,” he said in the video testimonial while decked out in his Marine uniform and first reported by Fox News.

Scheller called on the leaders in charge of the Afghanistan mission to explain why soldiers died as a result of the architecture of the evacuation.

“I’m not saying we need to be in Afghanistan forever, but I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table and say, ‘Hey, it’s a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone?’

“Did anyone do that?

“And when you didn’t think to do that, did anyone raise their hand and say, ‘We completely messed this up?'”

He then questioned the heart and honesty of the leaders of the Afghanistan withdrawal for “not holding up their end of the bargain.”

“Without that, we just keep repeating the same mistakes,” he said. “…I want to say this very strongly. I have been fighting for 17 years. I am willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders: I demand accountability.”

Now, I do understand about the importance of the chain of command and its role—proper channels, all that. There is a right time and place for this, as the saying goes, and Faceberg most definitely ain’t it. That’s not the point. This is: just as with LTC Scheller, we are all in an extremely fraught, dangerous and confusing situation. It’s my own belief that we’ve been purposely put here by treacherous scoundrels with evil intentions, but leave that aside for the moment.

Every day, it becomes more and more difficult to see the correct course of action, to identify friend from foe, to know who can be trusted and who cannot. Truth is falsehood, right is wrong, all is uncertainty and chaos. There is no clarity, no security or stability or constancy anywhere to be found. Even our mainstream churches have been corrupted.

Even the very earth under our feet feels as if it’s crumbling away, leaving us with no firm ground on which to stand. Is it any wonder, then, that LTC Scheller, in anguish and desperation, went about making his plea for justice and accountability in the way that he did? Can there be any realistic hope that we might find our way through and out of this insanity without bloodshed, and probably quite a lot of it? Steyn is discussing a different topic, but it’s related just the same.

Christmas has come early for Washington’s enemies. Literally. Kackling Kamala Harris was dispatched to Singapore to assure our allies that the hyperpower was not a complete laughingstock. Instead, she told her hosts that it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas is as kaput as the Karzai International gift shop:

‘If you want to have Christmas toys for your children, it might now be might be the time to start buying them, because the delay may be many, many months,’ she said.

Oh, my. Why would that be?

‘The climate crisis is fueling a lot of this. When we look at the stronger typhoons that have disrupted shipping lanes and sea level rise, which threatens port infrastructure as an example. So these are the many issues that are causing these disruptions.’

Uh-huh. So rising sea levels have washed away the massive container port at Long Beach, California, and the huge Toys R Us flotilla attempted to divert to Los Angeles but got swept away and down to Davy Jones’ locker by Typhoon Elmo. Did all 347 agencies of the “intelligence community” sign off on that?

Back in the real world, all America’s toys are made in China, in a huge Crap R Us warehouse behind the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And, as with everything else made under the supervision of Chairman Xi, there are suddenly strange, arbitrary disruptions to the supply chain, “supply chain” being a euphemism for the fact that global trade is a giant version of Kabal airport security, entirely reliant on our enemies. Like Blanche DuBois, Christmas depends on the kindness of strangers – and it would be asking too much to expect the Politburo, like the lads at the Taliban checkpoints, not to have some sport at our expense.

That’s another reason going to war with Chairman Xi over Taiwan would not end well: As the brass assured the Tommies in August 1914, it’ll all be over by Christmas – because the whinging brats on the home front aren’t going to put up with a stocking of tin soldiers, a satsuma and a rusting abacus.

I was thinking the other day of my appearance at the US Senate with the valiant Judith Curry, when we pushed back against a Massachusetts senator called Ed Markey for exceeding even the bounds of congressional codswallop…

After the above, I shall never be invited back to the Senate – because I “disrespected” Markey, a boob completely reliant on his staffers. (Is he fourth in line after Leahy? or is it Feinstein?) Don’t worry, I have no desire to go back – because it’s a crap dump of over-entouraged Emirs of Incumbistan entirely irrelevant to the world’s affairs.

But the whole ramshackle edifice rests on being taken seriously, and that is what I failed to do. I’m sure the Singaporeans listening to Khristmassy Kamala likewise knew it was bollocks on stilts, but somehow felt obliged to keep a straight face. So it goes with the court eunuchs of the press corps watching Biden slump over the lectern.

The excitable Mohammedans jumping up and down in the streets have never really needed to yell “Death to the Great Satan!” because the Grand Satan is doing a grand job of committing suicide. Not so long ago I mentioned Shirley Bassey’s reaction to Madonna’s title song at the premiere of the Bond film Die Another Day:

The opening titles and the song ended, and Dame Shirl yelled from the stalls, ‘Rubbish!’

Good for Shirley, and I wish there were more like her. That is a healthy reaction, and someone needs to say it to Kamala and Joe and Nancy and Thoroughly Modern Milley, Tailspin Taylor, Darth Plexi-Visor and all the rest. America has ceded global dominance to dark forces that nevertheless have an existential advantage: they are real, and animated by reality; we are utterly, contemptibly fake, warning of rising sea levels at Santa’s Grotto as halfwit goatherds blow us to kingdom come.

LTC Scheller’s last-ditch howl into the uncaring void defied the boundaries of proper procedure, wilfully breaking all the applicable rules and regulations. I deem him to be an honorable man and a good Marine nonetheless. Those rules and regulations were made for better times than these.


6 thoughts on “Biden Bugout counteroffensive

    1. I’ll second that.

      I stand with LTC Scheller & anyone else who stands up & demands accountability, whether in uniform or out, whether private citizen, soldier, or otherwise.

      It’s time for accountability.

  1. LtCol Scheller, relieved of command of his battalion of Marines, and soon to be court-martialed, and dismissed from the service, started out as a grass-green 2dLt in 2004. He’s thus been fighting this war his entire adult life.

    He is now olive green, and hard as crocodile dicks.

    And he’s the only active duty Marine officer from 2d Lt to 4-star Commandant Hamhead Berger who can ever walk around with his head held high and his honor clean, no matter what aspersions are cast at him, nor what shenanigans are pulled on him by the chain of command.

    He just embarrassed the living hell out of every officer in the Marine Corps, and for that matter, every other service, from full colonel on up, for them ALL being too chickenshit to do what he just did: call out the rent-seeking, ass-licking bullshit they’ve all participated in for any amount of time you’d care to name.

    The Marines haven’t seen heroism like this since Capt. Jordan climbed onto an Israeli tank in Lebanon in 1983, and suggested to the colonel commanding that tank that trying to pass his Marine checkpoint without authorization would be career-ending, in a brains-all-over-the-turret sort of way. The tank commander rethought his plan, and departed intact.

    LtCol Scheller just did the same thing to Commandant Berger and the entire Marine Corps and DoD chain of command, all the way to Gropey Dopey, and they unhesitatingly chose the path of dishonor. They might as well go full retard, and kill themselves. they can never get the yellow stains out of their pants, and they’ll never get the yellow stripe off their backs.

    And for icing on the cake: the bomb that killed a dozen Marines was made with explosives left behind without being blown in place, by the Air Force etc. @$$holes who chickenshitted out of Bagram Airbase in the dead of night.

    That right there is Dereliction Of Duty, and 12 counts of Manslaughter under the UCMJ.
    UCMJ Article 92: Failure to Obey Order or Regulation (
    UCMJ Article 119 Manslaughter – Court Martial Defense Attorney (

    Call me when the worthless sons of bitches responsible for that colossal homicidal fuckup, from multi-star generals on down, are rightfully prosecuted and justly imprisoned in Leavenworth for the blood of heroic Marines now on their hands.

    I ain’t holding my breath.

    And no matter what happens to him henceforth for speaking the inconvenient truth, Scheller has a backbone of pure titanium, and balls the size of church bells.

    Anyone asked ought to be honored to follow him, even through the gates of hell.

    Semper Fi, Leatherneck!

    1. Call me when the worthless sons of bitches responsible for that colossal homicidal fuckup, from multi-star generals on down, are rightfully prosecuted and justly imprisoned in Leavenworth for the blood of heroic Marines now on their hands.

      Sometimes, when you want something done right…

    2. He just embarrassed the living hell out of every officer in the Marine Corps, and for that matter, every other service, from full colonel on up, for them ALL being too chickenshit…

      Well said, all of it.

      I knew we had a problem at the top end of the service. I didn’t know we had a near total problem at the top.

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