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A numbers problem

With the Left, they never, ever add up—not in any context, not on any issue, not EVER.

The Covid 19 panic, which has been driving formerly civilized societies crazy for eighteen months, prompted the bringing-forth of The Science’s follow-up project: vaccines to stop the spread of the virus. Enter the scene, these vaxes did, like, a day-and-a-half after Covid-19 pirouetted onstage. Hmmmm. Could someone have been working on those vaxes backstage before the dread virus even premiered? Were patents issued for them pre-dating January, 2020? Seems so. But never mind that for now. The vaxes were rolled out to fanfares over a year ago and those moiling masses of America, the superfluous holders of bachelor’s degrees in Oppression Studies — for whom, sadly, the world had run-out of paying positions — lined up like kids at Santa’s throne in Macy’s on Black Sunday for their Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson jabs. Whew…! That was a close call!

Or was it? Naw, not even close, actually. Since now it turns out that the jabs don’t seem to work that well. The official story got murkier last week when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported internally to staff (it leaked) that “fully vaccinated people might spread the Delta variant at the same rate as unvaccinated people.” Whoopsie…In a Delta variant outbreak on Cape Cod last month, three-quarters of the infected were fully vaxed-up patients. The story got darker because The New York Times, the usually-reliable mouthpiece for The Science and his allies in “Joe Biden’s” public health bureaucracy, let slip that, “The Delta variant is as contagious as chickenpox and may be spread by vaccinated people as easily as the unvaccinated.”

Wuh-oh…! A worm the size of an Amtrak Acela train has turned in the myocarditic heart of our nation’s capital. Things have changed overnight — didn’t they see it coming? — and now the government is freaking out as it appears to have some serious ‘splainin’ to do — and right on the heels, too, of an hysterical month-long campaign to persuade the remaining unvaxed millions to submit to the needle, climaxed by threatening the obdurate “hesitants” with taking away their employment and ability to participate in commerce and social life. All that sound-and-fury for what? For vaccines that don’t work… and which, quite possibly, could leave you seriously ill, even dead?

There’s one beguiling explanation I’ve heard — from Brandon Smith of, and others — for that hysterical campaign of recent days to jab every last hold-out: the need to eliminate what’s called the “control group,” the bunch of people who, in any drug trial, are given no drug, or a fake shot (like saline), or a placebo (mindfuck agent) to see if the real thing actually works. The desperate effort couldn’t have been more idiotic, since there was no realistic hope of gulling the remaining unvaxed into getting a shot, and the effort only made the “Joe Biden” admin look even more dishonest and despotic.

This could be the beginning of the end for POTUS 46 and the Woke-Jacobin derangement he stole in on. The CDC numbers look so bad now, that Ol’ White “Joe” himself will have to step up to the mic and say something like: “We made a mistake with these vaccines. I hope you will forgive us.” Of course, he absolutely won’t rise to the occasion and say that, no way… and, anyway, the government (and POTUS 46) will not be forgiven because they’ve destroyed millions of livelihoods and tens of thousands of going businesses, and allowed a bunch of cities to get burned and trashed, and city-dwellers to be harassed and attacked by their Antifa/ BLM shock troops, and enabled roughly half the US population not-insane to be terrorized, mau-maued, and insulted by every Woke jape from the Drag Queen Reading Hour to Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 “insurrection” circus — with the janky 2020 election right in the middle.

Speaking of which election, evidence is likely to emerge soon that the numbers really don’t add up. And in a big way. The max-vax campaign may have been an attempted smoke screen for all that trouble coming down the line, but the max-vax move is obviously flopping now. And, by the way, do you suppose that the not-insane half of the nation has failed to notice that upward of half-a million people from other lands (all over the world!), many carrying Covid-19, have been jumping our border with Mexico…and that the US government has deliberately assisted them… and distributed them by bus, and even on airplanes, to distant points all over the USA…and now these government rogues have the nerve to put the squeeze on American citizens to vax up against a virus they are seeding around the country! Is it really too much to declare that this regime has got to go, and go as soon as possible?

Not at all. In fact, it’s the only reasonable conclusion an honest person can possibly reach, denied or dismissed exclusively by one of two groups: A) those who, using whatever madhouse rationalization, support the illegitimate junta; and B) those who were active participants and/or conspirators in the con-job that installed the abominable thing.

But to get back to the Left’s numbers problem—an apparently congenital defect for which there is no known cure or treatment—there’s a mighty rancid odor wafting off of those being peddled as part of the Plandemic Panic, and there has been from the very beginning.

A recent front-page headline in my local paper read as follows: “County bordering on high virus transmission rate.” A doctor with a large regional health system was concerned that the COVID-19 transmission rate had increased by 37% in one week and stated, “A transmission rate above 5% from the prior week is very scary.”

It seems useful to provide some context regarding numbers such as these, considering all the numbers being thrown around regarding COVID-19, the apparent push to create a panic over the delta variant of COVID-19, the obvious push for everyone to get vaccinated, and the fact that the United States is ranked so poorly in math and science.

The first number to be considered is the 37% increase. It certainly looked pretty bad, but percentages do not always provide an accurate picture. The county-wide cases went from 11 to 15 during the week in question, an increase of four cases. So a 37% increase does not seem to be all that concerning, given a population of over 91,000 people.

According to the doctor’s statement that a transmission rate above 5% is scary, the next thing considered was what it would take to get to that level. Going from 11 cases to 11.55 cases, something not even physically possible, would put the county in the “scary” range. Looking at something that is actually possible, going from 11 cases to 12 cases generates a 9% increase. So an increase of a single COVID-19 case would put my county well into the scary range, according to the doctor.

Percentages do not always tell the entire story.

Particularly when they’re actually being wielded as a tool to advance a hidden agenda.

I have no idea what motivated the doctor quoted in my local paper to present the information the way he did.

Oh, that’s not too hard to figure out. The doctor, as are many another amongst our “heroes” in the medical field, is a fully-paid-up member of Amerika v2.0’s shadowy, sinister Ministry of Fear.

Welcome to America, 2021. In just a few short months since the mysterious elevation of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., inexplicably elected the 46th president of the United States, our country has undergone a stunning rapid devolution from a confident, economic powerhouse to a shabby debtor nation afraid of its own shadow.

The American Ministry of Fear, however, is not located in the Chancellery of the National Socialist German Workers Party in Berlin, but in every petty federal, state, and local bureaucracy, doctor’s office, TV news station, big-city newspaper, college and university in the country.

From the start of the COVID-19 manufactured panic, these agents of influence have waged a relentless war on the American psyche. And now, despite their miniscule majorities in Congress, they rule with an iron fist that brooks no demurral.

Their initial object, of course, was the destruction of the Trump presidency. This Coalition of the Vengeful tried everything, including announcing its intention to impeach Trump even before he had finished his inaugural address.

And then came COVID. A product of the CCP virus that first materialized in Wuhan, China and then was unleashed upon an unsuspecting world, the weaponized product of both Chinese scientists working for the Chinese Communist Party and the amoral Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health, Covid proved the perfect social and economic weapon against America. Its effect on overall health was negligible, but that was never its intention. Its purpose was to instill our very own Ministry of Fear.

In that, it succeeded spectacularly. Suddenly, every person in the country could be regarded as an infection point—and thus to be supervised, managed, and quarantined on a whim. Never mind that the danger from the virus was limited to the very elderly and the already seriously ill: a herd-cull disease familiar from thousands of years of human history.

Masks—at first discouraged, then demanded, and finally commanded—became a depressingly familiar sight, a sign of Americans’ incipient enslavement by the diktats of an unaccountable government-by-edict.

But now the neuroticism of Manhattan’s Upper West Side—the quintessential big-government, red-diaper Leftist conclave in the nation that wields its influence through the New York Times—has, like COVID, infected every aspect of a once muscular America, debilitating it and sapping it of its vitality. Not just the unwarranted fear of a disease that even at its peak killed almost nobody, but of its media-fueled “variants,” which will continue on into infinity as an excuse for despotism and oppression.

In the name of “health,” we are experiencing a monstrous evil, every bit as pernicious as the twin totalitarian catastrophes of National Socialist Germany and communist Russia during the last century—evils only finally suppressed at great cost in lives and treasure.

With the current unholy alliance between the Democrats and “woke” big businesses, what we are seeing is something akin to Italian fascism under Mussolini, in which the captains of industry (very much including social media, which at this point needs to be destroyed) work hand-in-glove with Washington in order to impose such things as speech codes and overt censorship that government alone cannot do.

Unless (the MoF) is smashed, its reign is likely to last a long time.

Smashed it will truly have to be—a difficult, dangerous, and costly job, one which lawsuits, peaceful protests, and fraudulent elections aren’t anywhere near tough enough to handle.


7 thoughts on “A numbers problem

  1. When they give you percentages, ask for the numbers. When they give you numbers ask for the percentages.

    When both are not supplied it is a con job.

    1. Yep. Straight up ‘How to Lie with Statistics 101’ stuff there.

      The illegals crossing the border and being spread throughout the nation thing reminds me very strongly of Granny Killer Cuomo intentionally seeding the care homes with infected patients. They are intentionally trying to generate the media-hyped ‘fourth wave’ of COVID as justification for further power grabs and lockdowns.

      These people are not incompetent, they are not misguided, they are evil. The entire COVID ‘event’ is not an accident, it was planned from the very beginning. Unfortunately for us all, they have been successful even beyond their wildest dreams.

      1. No one could get a string of lucky events to come together so perfectly for about 21 months now, since at least Nov 2019 when WuFlu actually was here in the US.

        It’s like flipping heads 50 times in a row at this point.

        Oh and that means we spent at least 2 months with WuFlu spreading in this country without anyone noticing. We probably never would have noticed it if the Media and Politicians hadn’t spread the Panic Porn.

      2. Straight up ‘How to Lie with Statistics 101’ stuff there.

        This summer I’ve been having my daughter learn statistics. Not how to calculate the standard deviation or anything but the “How to Lie with Statistics” stuff. This week she was supposed to be looking through articles on the Chinese Crud and the non-vax to spot misleading graphs, missing or misleading numbers, and lies allegedly based on the data … but she’s being a miserable little teenage shit. Maybe next week.

        1. Heh, maybe she’s overwhelmed with the “misleading graphs, missing or misleading numbers, and lies allegedly based on the data”…

          Good news though, they’re only teenagers for 7 years 🙂

  2. The first thing you learn when you study markets is that it’s easy to grow in % terms off of a small base.

    It’s the core tenet of getting a Ponzi Scheme going. Tout incredible sounding % gains to entice the first wave of people in and as it grows it becomes harder and harder to even approach the promised % returns. That’s when the new “investor’s” money needs to be used to pay off the old ones to match the % returns promised. The bigger it grows the more impossible is the growth to be achieved, at which point the Scammer stops even trying. Finally it grows to the point that there isn’t even enough new money to payoff older investors and it collapses.

    Look at Madoff as the classic modern example of this. He actually was a pretty good money manager. What happened was his string of luck ran out, but rather than face the music he began to goose the numbers. Ultimately he created a Classic Ponzi Scheme. It was inevitable once he began fudging the returns in the first place.

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Charles Bukowski

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Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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Frederick Douglass

"Give me the media and I will make of any nation a herd of swine."
Joseph Goebbels

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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