Over-ripe, if you ask me, well on the way to downright moldy.
Besides trying to just live their lives in these days of socioeconomic meltdown, which, Gawd knows, is hard enough, the people can barely sort out the seemingly malevolent intentions of the folks in-charge of the monster that government has become. And so, the question arises: are they actually trying to kill us all, or are they so corrupt and stupid that everything they touch falls apart? In other words, is it mastermindery or clusterfuckery?
No reason it can’t be both: a somewhat cunning but too-ambitious Grand Plan, incompetently implemented by halfwit mediocrities overawed by their own delusions of brilliance, is the trademark of all government.
On the former side, you have that gallery of international villains out of the James Bond playbook: Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros — megalomaniacs armed with mega-money, a sho’nuff recipe for trouble — representing the emergence of a world-saving regime, in concert with lackey national leaderships. Their narrative goes like this: humans have over-replicated, like maggots in a trash can, they’re wrecking the planet and gobbling (our) resources, and we must find a way to get rid of them that looks like a natural catastrophe so the hidden powers-that-be don’t get blamed for pulling a global Auschwitz. Hence Covid-19 and the sketchy vaccinations. (“The Great Reset.” You will be dead and you will like it!)
I must say, I don’t go for that story, even if that trio have played their parts in some wicked doings du jour. Rather, I subscribe to the latter scenario: the likelihood that we’re in a pile-up of quandaries that we can only pretend to manage, and that all our pretenses of control and management only make things worse, while making a mockery of human ingenuity. This does not rule out an element of personal greed and attempted power-mongering, but look, for instance, at where all that has left the hapless Dr. Tony Fauci.
Not only did he finance the development of the Covid-19 virus so he could heroically bring forth a super-vax to the awe of mankind, and gain a niche in the pantheon of Great Men in History (plus make a buck on his share of the vax patents), but he screwed up the public health messaging so badly that Science itself now looks like a mere evil racket instead of the great achievement it used to be. His reputation is shot and he could end his days in an orange jump suit doing Chinese fire drills up and down the exercise court at Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary.
Not even remotely likely. Truth is, Herr Doktor Kommissar Faulsi remains in his comfy sinecure, grotesquely overpaid and enjoying wielding his undeserved and illegitimate power over the Serf Class entirely too much.
Anyway, the Covid-19 story is now utterly unraveling and the official actions around it look desperately idiotic. It’s back to mass mask-ups and maybe even lockdowns. But don’t get the idea that those mRNA vaccines turned out to have a short half-life — though it kind of looks like they did. In which case, why the panicky rush to get absolutely everybody vaxed up? And how’s that working? I’ll tell you how: only with last-ditch attempts at totalitarian intimidation…you will have no rights to earn a living, go out in public, buy anything, or even protest on the street about any of these insults to human dignity.
Last-ditch they may be, and hopefully are, God willing. Even so, you maybe don’t want to suggest the scam is “utterly unraveling” to any of the vast multitude even now sweating bullets over being forced by their employers, under threat of losing their jobs, to submit to a role as lab rats in a dangerous experiment they would far rather not participate in. The false narrative’s overdue unraveling is coming way too late to do many of those who have been victimized by it any good, and those victims aren’t likely to take too kindly to any premature victory laps before the checkered flag has been waved.
Mrs. Pelosi, meanwhile, is busy orchestrating her national sob story to prove that half the country are domestic terrorists for trespassing in her office and need to be cancelled, especially the former president behind that dastardly “insurrection” — against whom criminal referrals will be shortly forthcoming to Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice. As if… one can only think.
As if, that is, the half of America not lost in the transports of Wokery and fantasies of half-assed communism are going to roll over for it. Please, pull the pin on that grenade, Nancy, you demented, deliquescing old jade! America has had enough of you, and your mendacious machinations, and of your sidekick, the sham president “Joe Biden” and his pitiful mummeries in the service of a claque that wants to destroy what little remains of the public interest and our national honor. You have no idea, Nancy, how all this is going to blow up in your face and leave you a figure of historic odium.
The salutary example of Marie Antoinette seems to merit a mention right about now, I do believe.
Meanwhile, events churn relentlessly in the background…especially the bankruptcy of America (the Western World, really), and the unappetizing effect that will have on our standard-of-living…and the terrifying momentum of election audits that will prompt a national crisis of confidence as summer stumbles into fall…and drought, crop failures, supply-line breaks, and food shortages coming down…and hundreds of thousands of third world mutts jumping the southern border…and the very real possibility that China will just go ahead and snatch Taiwan while our pussified US military hollers “no fair” from a safe distance…
I tell you, this is some ripe moment. We are spinning into pandemonium.
Actually, we’re not so much “spinning” into it; we’re being driven there—with malice aforethought, by purblind, bumbling fools who have not the vaguest clue as to where this is all leading but refuse, in their maniacal arrogance, to even consider altering course.
The French are raising plain hell for far less – “The legal obligation of the health pass and of the vaccination constitutes an abuse of power and a violation of many freedoms of the French. As demonstrated in this article… I call for a general mobilization…” https://twitter.com/jfpoisson78
The guy who made this remark was the mayor of Rambouillet, a Paris suburb, and then a member of the General Assembly, and the leader of one of the big French political parties, so he’s not some crock – https://www.jfpoisson.fr/qui-suis-je/
That fourth turning crisis point certainly does seem to be building up to an explosion just about dead on schedule, doesn’t it?
I have to agree that Kunstler is far too optimistic about the ruling class’ plan falling apart. They are firmly in control of essentially everything, with no signs whatsoever that will change any time soon. Sure, the peasants are being more restive than our lords and masters might prefer as we are driven into the chutes leading to the execution machinery, but that just proves that the elites are correct to exterminate us all, right?
There is always the turning point. What it is and when it happens is always unknown. Predictable only in it’s existence.