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You will be made to not only tolerate, but endorse. And, yes, celebrate.

The Washington Post published an op-ed by a former prostitute who identifies as “gendervague,” in which the author encourages parents to show their children “kink culture” in the “queer community.”

Lauren Rowello argued in the Post that children are benefited by being exposed to LGBT sexual activity at public parades. Rowello uses her own kids as a backdrop for the story, highlighting how she took them and her transgender partner to a gay pride parade several years ago.

“Just as we got settled, our elementary-schooler pointed in the direction of oncoming floats, raising an eyebrow at a bare-chested man in dark sunglasses whose black suspenders clipped into a leather thong,” she writes. ” …[P]olicing how others show up doesn’t protect or uplift young people. Instead, homogenizing self-expression at Pride will do more harm to our children than good. When my own children caught glimpses of kink culture, they got to see that the queer community encompasses so many more nontraditional ways of being, living, and loving.”

There is no “queer community” in America. Gay people have different views, neighborhoods, and values, just like other Americans. Some LGBT individuals use the month of June as an excuse to engage in inappropriate acts and stroll around in public nude. Many gay people do not engage in this exhibitionist behavior.

In the pages of the Washington Post, then, Rowello celebrates exposing children to extreme sexual behavior and romanticizes this disturbing decision, claiming kids will actually reap benefits. Rowello goes so far as to criticize those who object to child sexual abuse, claiming children can consent to things they do not understand:

Anti-kink advocates tend to manipulate language about safety and privacy by asserting that attendees are nonconsensually exposed to overt displays of sexuality. The most outrageous claim is that innocent bystanders are forced to participate in kink simply by sharing space with the kink community, as if the presence of kink at Pride is a perverse exhibition that kinksters pursue for their own gratification.

Uh huh. Let me see if I got this all, uhh, straight, then. According to you warped Leftists: A) having “kink” waved in our, and our kids’, faces during a public parade does NOT amount to being “forced to participate,” but B) Silence Is Violence!™

Okay, got it.

But kinksters at Pride are not engaged in sex acts — and we cannot confuse their self-expression with obscenity.

Oh, aren’t they? Because I could tell you stories about activities I personally witnessed at the NYC Pride parade—I was walking through the Village one fine afternoon and found myself caught unawares as the parade passed flamboyantly by me—that would thoroughly discredit that assertion. Trust me on this.

Thus, so it goes, there is nothing wrong with kids being potentially groomed or indoctrinated with pride propaganda through prepubescent sexual exposure to even pornographic public acts. Rowello writes that taking kids to witness “kink” at a gay pride parade “opens space for families to have necessary and powerful conversations with young people about health, safety, consent, and — most uniquely — pleasure.”

The argument being made by Rowello aligns with the left’s interpretation of the sexual revolution. It’s exactly why an elite New York private school hosted a pornography training, and why Ohio State University hosted an OnlyFans seminar in March. It’s why Netflix backed the film “Cuties,” and why a Texas school district taught anal sex in “health” classes.

“Kink embodies the freedom that Pride stands for, reminding attendees to unapologetically take up space as an act of resistance and celebration — refusing to bend to social pressure that asks us to be presentable. That’s a value I want my children to learn,” Rowello declares.

I’d like to interject with a few questions, if I may.

  • Why can’t you people just leave the rest of us alone?
  • Why can’t you people just keep your sexual proclivities and/or practices to yourselves, rather than insisting that the rest of us be witness to them?
  • Why is it “unfair,” “unjust,” and “bigoted” that the laws barring public displays of nudity, sexual acts, and lewd behavior apply to gays attending or participating in a parade or other public event, when the fact is that if I walked around waving my goob at all and sundry, spanked my wife/gf’s bare ass with a riding crop, or got caught cuffing my carrot, screwing the ol’ lady, or just meandering around in the raw during the town Christmas parade, I would most certainly be cuffed and hauled off to Riker’s to await trial in a New York minute?
  • Are you really so demented, so profoundly narcissistic, so just plain fucked in the head, that you do sincerely believe that forcing young children to be confronted with open displays of sexual deviance—actually, to any kind of adult sexual behavior at all—is perfectly moral and somehow “good for them” psychologically and emotionally?
  • I really don’t give a damn what ANYBODY does in private, or where you choose to put your dick, excepting children and small animals. I consider that sort of thing to be none of my business, and have no desire to intrude or interfere. Not my circus, not my monkey. So why can’t you be content with that? Do civility, forebearance, and decorum matter at all to you? Why am I expected to stand up and cheer for your every personal sexual inclination?
  • If I derived sexual gratification from coming to your house wearing nothing but a strappy leather bondage harness, squatting to take a fragant dump on your lawn, then closing the show by masturbating to completion on the front porch, would you be good with it? Would you extend me the same courtesy you demand of everybody else via a stamping, whistling, standing ovation? If not, why not? SURELY you wouldn’t think my behavior offensive or unnerving, would you?
  • Where does all this end? When is enough enough?

You just take all the time you need with those answers, pal.

7 thoughts on “Degenerates

  1. I know Weinstein got in trouble for many things. (I don’t have the stomach to look them up) but one of them was exposing his substandard weiner to unwilling women. Why is it bad for him but okay at pride parades?

    1. It only matters if it advances The Narrative and aids in them Getting And Maintaining Power.

      It’s never about what they say it’s about. It’s ALWAYS about GAMP for themselves.

  2. Has the argument really become “sexually abuse your children for their own good”?

    How much more clear can it be that this is a war waged against us by those who take great delight in cruelty; weaponizing the most mentally ill in society as an attack on all sense of normalcy with the intent to destabilize; with the added benefit (in their view) of attacking the most vulnerable in society, children & the mentally ill.

    In carrying out that plan, the crueler the better seems to be their thinking.

    Encouraging sexual abuse of children & promoting so-called “sex change” surgeries that permanently mutilate children. I don’t know how you get much crueler than that.

    How could any normal human being support any of this?

    Even the most deviant of people have to be shaking their heads.

    This sort of thing is only entertained & endorsed by the most deeply mentally ill of people. (And those who get a thrill from inflicting great cruelty on others, but I repeat myself.)

    At what point do people decide that it’s time that those who would attack children in such a cruel manner (or any manner at all for that matter) should be held accountable? That includes all who support & promote it, including anyone giving it a platform or trying to protect it.

    What kind of leadership LETS shit like this happen?

    Spoiler alert: Enemy leadership.

    No one, NO ONE who has, as their duty, protecting their people, would ever allow this.

    That should tell us everything we need to know.

    This has been a bridge too far, for far too long.

    Enough is enough.

    Apparently, now people who oppose child sexual abuse, so, you know, like everyone, everywhere, ever, including hardcore criminals in prison for truly heinous shit that would make normal people cry, are now “Anti-kink advocates [who] tend to manipulate language”.

    Talk about some bullshit marxist dialectic framing that sets up a false reality & a false dichotomy.

    How fucking dumb do these people think we are?

    1. The filthy maggot Jew swill who are behind this think they are smarter than you, and THAT is all that matters. Nothing will change for the better until they are dealt with appropriately. Not all of them. But a significant majority in the West – 70-75%!!!

  3. Stupid people don’t know they’re Stupid and Crazy people don’t know they’re Crazy. The odd exceptions aside.

    These people are Crazy Stupid.

  4. This same pattern keeps repeating and the same people are always behind it. They don’t care if you get angry or if you point out the hypocrisy and double standards. They are playing a very different game.

    1. They run the Media and the “education” systems in the West. Just as their Messiahs said they must to gain control!!!

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