Apparently, we had a brief outage at this here hogwallow, which I didn’t even know about until I saw this over at WRSA:
I had a message earlier from CA saying that he was down too, asking me and a couple others to let people know about it on our sites. Which I gladly would have done except that I didn’t see said message until today, at which point he had already sent a follow-up cancelling the alert. Like I said, the whole episode went right by me; I had no problem at all posting here last night, although at one point I did have trouble getting WRSA to load but didn’t really think anything of it. Since I visit CA’s joint several times every day, and only look in on CF very occasionally just to make sure things are copacetic (comments being the exception; I have things set up so that I receive email notifications of those, which I usually view on my phone), it’s no real surprise that I was totally unaware of any problems at Ye Olde Webstye.
But hey, all’s well that ends well, right? Thanks to all who tried to hip me about the situation; as ever, I greatly appreciate y’all’s patronage and assistance. Truth to tell, interference along these lines is the very least of what I expect we’ll all be dealing with going forward. I won’t go into specifics regarding what more I’m anticipating, other than to say I’ve been wondering for a while now just how much longer we’re all going to be allowed to continue unmolested. Eyes open and powder dry, folks.
Update! Almost forgot to include a link to CA’s Gab thingamabob, which can be found here. I was also shamed to learn I hadn’t put him on my Gab “Following” list, which oversight I have now rectified. I fully expect and insist that you folks do likewise. As you were.
Join WRSA’s Gab group. It’s free. Can’t say much for the coffee there, but it’s free, too.
I never saw CF being down. But I don’t refresh it all the time, either.