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The “Science” vs the truth

It’s turtles lies, all the way down.

Syllogism: Dr. Tony Fauci says he is The Science…Dr. Tony Fauci lied to the nation early and often about his relationship with the Wuhan lab and his role in the development of the Covid-19 virus…therefore, The Science is a liar! Say what…?  Yet another revered institution bites the dust! At this rate, will America ever be able to get its mind right?

Let’s face it: the government has done everything wrong around the Covid-19 episode from the start, and continues to this day. For a whole year since the outbreak, The Science (Dr. Fauci) managed to evade and bury the fact that he helped fund the gain-of-function (GOF) research of a bio-weapon for China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA). The Science (Dr. Fauci) hid the fact that Dr. Fauci knew as early as 2012 that an Asian bat virus was in GOF development. In October, 2014, the Obama regime declared an official pause on funding for GOF research on influenza, MERS, and SARS viruses (though the Pentagon secretly kept funneling money into it). The Science (Dr. Fauci) got the official pause lifted on January 7, 2017, eleven days before Mr. Trump’s inauguration, unbeknownst to Mr. Trump. Development of the enhanced SARS Covid-19 variant disease continued.

Ordinarily, vaccines that produce a very few cases of dangerous side-effects are held back from distribution. But under the emergency declaration for Covid-19, the mRNA “vaccines” are proffered even more aggressively. Through May, 2021, The Science (Dr. Fauci) presses to “vaccinate” as many Americans as can possibly be rounded up, including people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have developed their own natural antibodies.  Lately, The Science (Dr. Fauci) has militated for children and teenagers to get “vaccinated.”

Only, now it turns out that scores of “vaccinated” young people are showing up with inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis), otherwise extremely rare in that demographic. Say what, plus huh, plus WTF?

Does it not seem as if The Science (Dr. Fauci) has lurched from one blunder to the next, while also withholding the truth from the public, lying about the origin of the disease, and its (his) role in the development of the “vaccines,” and now rather desperately, it seems, trying to cover its (his) ass?

What does “Joe Biden” & Co. do about The Science (Dr. Fauci) now? More and more, it (he) looks like an albatross the size of Rodan the Flying Reptile around Mr. B’s withered neck. But if they throw it (him) to the wolves, they can no longer use Mr. Trump as the whipping boy for all the damage wreaked by Covid-19 and the government’s response to it (not to mention its role in creating the goshdarn thing.)

I guess we’ll have to stand by on all that. For the moment, “Joe Biden” is overseas, dazzling the leaders of foreign lands with his charm and perspicacity. I wonder if he’s heard the new caution from the CDC that people who have been “vaccinated” should not fly in airplanes for more than four hours at a time due to the possibility of developing harmful blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) at altitude. “Joe Biden” suffered a cranial aneurysm, 1988, requiring a 13-hour brain surgery. “Joe Biden” has been vaccinated. Just sayin’.

If the lowest-common-denominator, good-enough-for-government-work mediocrity Herr Doktor Fauci is the best we can come up with to represent actual science, then I’m a diplodocus.

Update! Still think we can peacefully coexist with people like this?

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, whined to Chelsea Clinton in a new interview this week that the “phenomenal amount of hostility” that he endures is “astounding.”

“I’ve been the object myself of a phenomenal amount of hostility merely because I’m promoting what’re really fundamental simple public health principles,” Fauci said while appearing on Clinton’s podcast. “That seems astounding that that would generate a considerable degree of hostility, but it is.”

So, any of y’all want to try explaining to this witless toad the difference between “simple public health principles” and the pervasive, all-controlling fascism he’s been using the Coof dishonestly for the past year as an excuse to pimp? Or do I have to do it?

Eh, there’s no need to bother, really. Bureaucrats, “elected” junta officials, and civilian shitlibs all live in a self-created alternate “reality” that is wholly incompatible with the ACTUAL reality the rest of us inhabit. Herr Doktor Fauci’s stated puzzlement at why Real Americans might feel hostile to the likes of him is probably genuine, the only honest words he’s uttered in years.

His incurable blindness to the fundamental illegality of lockdowns, mask mandates, and all the other contra-Constitutional edicts of the past year and a half ought to confirm, to every Real American’s satisfaction, that not only is it impossible to live peaceably among he and his ilk as a free people, it’s undesirable as well. They will always constitute a serious threat to individual liberty and self-determination because that’s their nature; they simply can’t be anything else.

Updated update! Worlds, colliding (from the previous link).

Fauci said this when he was asked about how to rebuild trust in science in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he admitted that the solution to rebuilding public trust is elusive to him.

See what I mean? Here’s a serpent who has lied, backpedaled, obfuscated, and contradicted himself so many times it’s damned near impossible to keep up with it all, yet still seems to believe that the people he wilfully deceived remain such biddable dolts that they can be convinced to trust him again nonetheless. Herr Doktor might want to acquaint himself with an old saw: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME. Obviously, his mama never told him that one after he was hatched.

“I don’t know the answer to your question,” Fauci said. “It’s a seemingly simple question, but a complicated answer. We’ve got to reach out to people and get them to understand that this is for their own safety, their own health and also what I refer to as communal responsibility, your responsibility to society.”

My safety and health are my own private concern, thanks, and neither your nor FederalGovCo’s business, according to the US Constitution. As for any “responsibility to society” I may bear (if any), that too is a private affair, a matter to be conducted solely between myself, the authorities involved…and absolutely no one else. WARNING: Continued intrusion, meddling, and hectoring in regards to the private affairs of Real Americans may result in their “reaching out” to get YOU to understand just what your proper role is and is NOT—from a great enough distance you’ll never even hear the explosive craack! of sudden enlightenment being sent on its way.

7 thoughts on “The “Science” vs the truth

  1. So after lying to the public for decades (going back to the origins of the AIDS epidemic at least, and likely longer), Fear-monger Fauci just can’t understand why people don’t trust him. Uh huh. Fauci is an evil little gnome, but he isn’t that stupid. He obviously thinks the public are…and he appears to be right, in far too many cases.

  2. The faucist is just one of the vast bureaucracy intent upon completing their complete takeover.
    They have underestimated their ability to do so however. The redder states are waking up. The blue states can go to hell if that is their desire.

    1. Some people may be waking up, but so far it does not appear to be anywhere near enough. And while I agree that the blue states can destroy themselves if they wish, the left’s determination to drag the red states with them is a huge problem. Combine that with the hordes of locusts swarming from the failing blue states to devour the remaining red areas, and no where is safe from the left’s urge to create hell on earth in the name of utopia.

      1. Right now we use the same money.

        The Left is hell bent on destroying the value of the dollar and bankrupt the Country.

        When the inevitable failure comes it will affect Red and Blue alike. Perhaps Blue will fail harder, but failure is failure.

        Plus the Leftists have politicized the banking system. Expect your really large banks to start getting pressured into cutting off banking for people who “resist”. They will punish any bank through the regulators who don’t follow orders.

        We bemoan the Commies but in reality the Deep State uses Fascist tactics and is in cahoots with big business to subjugate us.

        One of the other benefits of their lockdowns was how many small and medium sized businesses they wrecked.

        1. I expect some of the states to resist any and all meddling from the federal government. While it would be a drastic step, states could decide to roll their own money.

          1. A state formally printing/minting its own money would certainly get a VERY strong reaction from FedGovCo. But informally already exists. More than one state has issued scrip to cover budgetary shortfalls at the ends of fiscal years when new budgets have not been approved. All of these cases that I am aware of have been denominated in US dollars, though. Creating its own standard unit would be difficult for a single state, even the biggest. But as FedGovCo really cranks up the dollar debasement it would become more and more feasible.

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Charles Bukowski

“A slave is one who waits for someone to come and free him.”
Ezra Pound

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
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GK Chesterton

"I predict that the Bush administration will be seen by freedom-wishing Americans a generation or two hence as the hinge on the cell door locking up our freedom. When my children are my age, they will not be free in any recognizably traditional American meaning of the word. I’d tell them to emigrate, but there’s nowhere left to go. I am left with nauseating near-conviction that I am a member of the last generation in the history of the world that is minimally truly free."
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David Black, from Turn Left For Gibraltar

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John Adams

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Frederick Douglass

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Ronald Reagan

"Ain't no misunderstanding this war. They want to rule us and aim to do it. We aim not to allow it. All there is to it."
NC Reed, from Parno's Peril

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Bill Whittle

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