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Didn’t see THAT coming

The French get froggy.

Mister President,
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Government,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

The hour is serious, France is in peril, several mortal dangers threaten her. We who, even in retirement, remain soldiers of France, cannot, in the current circumstances, remain indifferent to the fate of our beautiful country.

Our tricolor flags are not just a piece of cloth, they symbolize the tradition, down through the ages, of those who, whatever their skin color or faith, have served France and given their lives for it. On these flags we find in gold letters the words “Honor and Fatherland”. However, our honor today lies in the denunciation of the disintegration which strikes our homeland.

– Discrimination which, through a certain anti-racism, is displayed with a single goal: to create on our soil unease, even hatred between communities. Today some speak of racialism, indigenousism and decolonial theories, but through these terms it is racial war that these hateful and fanatic supporters want. They despise our country, its traditions, its culture, and want to see it dissolve by taking away its past and its history. Thus they attack, through statues, ancient military and civilian glories by analyzing words that are centuries old.

– Discrimination which, with Islamism and the suburban hordes, leads to the detachment of multiple plots of the nation to transform them into territories subject to dogmas contrary to our constitution. However, every Frenchman, whatever his belief or his non-belief, is at home everywhere in France; there cannot and must not exist any city or district where the laws of the Republic do not apply.

– Discrimination, because hatred takes precedence over brotherhood during demonstrations where the authorities use the police as proxy agents and scapegoats in the face of French people in yellow vests expressing their despair. This while undercover and hooded individuals ransack businesses and threaten these same law enforcement agencies. However, the latter only apply the directives, sometimes contradictory, given by you, the rulers.

The perils are mounting, the violence is increasing day by day. Who would have predicted ten years ago that a professor would one day be beheaded when he left college? However, we, servants of the Nation, who have always been ready to put our skin at the end of our engagement – as our military state demanded, cannot be passive spectators in the face of such actions.

It is therefore imperative that those who run our country find the courage to eradicate these dangers. To do this, it is often sufficient to apply existing laws without weakness. Remember that, like us, a large majority of our fellow citizens are overwhelmed by your dawdling and guilty silences.

As Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium, said: “When prudence is everywhere, courage is nowhere. “So, ladies and gentlemen, enough procrastination, the hour is serious, the work is colossal; do not waste time and know that we are ready to support policies which will take into consideration the safeguard of the nation.

On the other hand, if nothing is done, laxity will continue to spread inexorably in society, ultimately causing an explosion and the intervention of our active comrades in a perilous mission of protecting our civilizational values and safeguarding our compatriots on the national territory.

As we can see, there is no more time to procrastinate, otherwise, tomorrow the civil war will put an end to this growing chaos, and the deaths, for which you will bear the responsibility, will number in the thousands.


A massive group of former and current French military personnel signed an open letter this week warning of the imminent danger posed by so-called anti-racist ideology, and urging French President Emmanuel Macron to work quickly to prevent a civil war.

The letter, published in French magazine Valeurs Actuelles, was signed by 20 former French generals, 100 officers and over 1,000 other military personnel.

It accused the French government of kowtowing to destructive ideologies such as anti-racism and Islamism, which it said were being leveraged for the purposes of sowing unrest in French communities and risking a descent into full-blown civil war.

The signatories expressed grave concern with the government’s push to deconstruct and decolonize its own history in an attempt to placate a growing Islamism that has wracked the nation with violence and argued that radical Islam is being used to subject neighborhoods to dogmatic rules that go against the French Constitution, creating an unconstitutional parallel Islamic state.

Notably, the letter explicitly linked the growing threat of an Islamic insurgency in France with the everyday terror of violent socialist and anti-racist riots that have frequently piggybacked off of the chaos of the Yellow Vest protest movement.

The letter went on to state that anti-racist ideology is actively promoting racial enmity and that its proponents are partisans seeking an all-out race war.

Thankfully for the French, it looks like their military will not fall in line with the tyrannical dictates of social justice dogma, and will step forward should they need to protect the citizens of the republic and their noble traditions.

On all accounts, American leadership might have something to learn from these old soldiers.

Not precisely, no. It’s actually the American people who have something to learn from this inspiring example. As in France, American leadership is the source of the problem, so it’s a different lesson altogether that they need to be taught.

(Via WRSA)

14 thoughts on “Didn’t see THAT coming

  1. While I suppose it is slightly encouraging to see faint twitches of life in the French, this reaction is decades too late. Like America as founded, France that was is dead. The rotting corpse may not be entirely still yet, but it is not coming back to life.

  2. I have a different view. I see these “faint twitches” as an awakening.

    “They were not easily moved, They were icy-willing to wait…”

    I think Kipling understood the slowness with which we anger better than most, and the outcome would not be pretty. Perhaps I’m wrong but I don’t see the total and hopeless loss.

    1. I hope you are correct and I am wrong, Barry. I tend to be pessimistic by nature, and to me it seems very likely that years from now there will be many people repeating the sentiment of the Solzhenitsyn line about those in the camps regretting that they had not fought back while it was still possible. Especially after this past year and the sheeple meekly accepting the COVID tyranny, I expect most will walk into the boxcars (and even the ovens) of their own free will, virtue signalling the entire way. “If only comrade Biden knew, he would stop this! If only, if only….”

      1. Well, you’re take is as valid as mine, and I tend more towards the optimistic side. Mostly, I’m just mindful of all the predictions of gloom and doom that never happen.

        OTOH, I know there are evil people and they are currently in control of the government at every level. The only reason we are not full blown slaves are the sheer numbers of people that they cannot afford to wake up, thus my optimism.

      2. Oh, and I’m not ignorant of Solzhenitsyn or the period leading up to WW2. The people that lined up to get in the German boxcars – We have them here as well (all religions). But we also have a significant number that will not. The real question is are there enough of the latter? I’m not certain but I see signs there are an overwhelming number of those that will draw a line.

        1. As already noted, I hope you are correct. It is very easy to get TOO pessimistic, and you are correct that many of the gloom-n-doom predictions never come to pass. It helps that we have the examples and writings of people like Solzhenitsyn and others who have documented the horrific results of leftism. While far too many people remain ignorant (our school systems certainly not helping), the information is out there for those who care to look for it.

          1. Haz, I suspect we may not know the entire answer in what remains of my lifetime…

  3. Being instructed in moral courage by French military officers is like being lectured by a carjacker about leaving your baby unattended in the car. It stings.

    1. It does, but it’s also true.

      I think the French military is not the French problem.

      1. The French troops, in my experience, were not a problem. The lower-ranked officers were not a problem. It was the senior officers and especially the politicians directing the military who were the problem.

        (Bearing in mind that I was a lieutenant at the time and neither privy to nor qualified to judge the doings of the marshals. However, I can read French and I talked a bit with some of the Frenchies and they were not impressed by their leaders’ doings.)

        1. Just like the American military then. The politicians are always a big fucking problem, and they promote the upper levels by proxy.

          I also speak French, or at least used to, and spent hours conversing with French soldiers. But I was never in the military so only judge them from a civilian point of view which includes a pretty good understanding of western history.

          1. Well, as Mike put it “As in France, American leadership is the source of the problem, so it’s a different lesson altogether that they need to be taught.”.

          2. All of the “cheese eating surrender monkeys” jokes aside – and yeah, I’ve definitely made more than my share – the French soldiers have never been the problem.

            La Legion d’Etrangierre has also always been as hard core as you can get. Don’t fuck with the Legion.

            French politicians have always been just like politicians all over, only more so.

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