Appease the Left all you like. Suck up to them, kiss their asses, go along to get along, makes not a bit of difference; it buys uou nothing. You’re gonna get bit anyway.
To the surprise of precisely zero Rabid Puppies, Baen Books shuttering the Bar didn’t suffice to appease the SJW swarmtroopers after Jason Sanford pointed-and-shrieked at it. As an expression of gratitude for cowering before the mob, Worldcon has disinvited its 2021 Guest of Honor, Baen Books publisher Toni Weisskopf.
In fairness, this almost certainly would have happened anyhow, no matter what Ms Weisskopf did. But demonstrating weakness in front of SJWs is nearly as predictably counterproductive as doing so in front of an angry, snarling dog.
As Vox goes on to note, Progtard-Monster Hunter Larry Correia is…displeased.
Dear WorldCon,
You are cowards.
Several years ago, because some of you were angry at me for getting a bunch of people you don’t like award nominations, us lowly deplorable outsiders with the incorrect kind of politics, you treated my publisher, Toni Weisskopf, like garbage. Years later, after you thought the controversy had safely died off, you felt bad about how you acted and tried to make amends. You invited her to be the Guest of Honor. Only you have no concept of honor. And you screwed her over again.
I’m not here to debate what I did for the umpteenth time. I’m not here to talk to the woke mob you bend the knee to. I’m talking to the regular WorldCon people. I’m here to talk about how you’re fucking pieces of shit who turned your back on someone who was once one of you, someone you called friend, and how after you felt guilty about it years later, you tried to make amends. But the instant it became uncomfortable, you threw her under the bus again.
Toni had been participating in WorldCons for decades. She grew up in your scene. She volunteered. She hung out with you. She helped out. When she got into the publishing business she kept on helping out, whatever you needed, she was always there for you. She became an editor, and a damned good one too (and you fucking know it).
In fact, she became one of the best and most successful editors in the history of the genre… yet year after year, she got no prestigious award nomination, and instead you just kept giving the award to the same assholes from the same publishing house, over and over and over, as you ignored Toni because she was at that publishing house. The uncouth one. You talk a big game about “honoring strong women” as you took turns rotating through the same cadre of old white dudes for best editor.
It took me, the barbaric outsider, to rally the barbaric outsider fans to finally get Toni some recognition in your sainted halls. And even though your bleating social justice contingent threw a fit, you know what most of you old time, old school, long attending WorldConners told me in private? Good. About time.
Possibly a bit too inside-baseball for some CF Lifers, perhaps, but you might enjoy Larry’s big fat “fuck all y’all” missive nonetheless. It really is a thing of beauty.
What do I keep telling you people? Never, ever cede a single inch of ground to the PC mob. All it does is guarantee that they’ll be back with more and bigger demands, until finally they’ve taken everything you have. Another of Mike’s Iron Laws, one that, as you can see, applies even in as arcane and relatively footling a context as this: You cannot placate the implacable, nor sate the insatiable. It’s a mistake to even try.
As I mentioned the other night, I really do need to get busy formalizing and categorizing all those Iron Laws of mine, don’t I?
Update! To sort of nudge myself forward on the MIL project, I went ahead and set up a new category for ’em, and updated this post as the inaugural one therein. Wish me luck…
Good idea. Bad acronym. MIL expands most commonly to Mother-in-Law or Military.
How about Rules Updated by Mike (RUM), Really Unidealistic Messages (RUM), Rigorously Utilitarian Maxims (RUM), or Rules Applying to Life by Mike (RALF, appropriately following too much RUM)