Has anybody but me noticed this odd dichotomy floating around the Right-o-sphere? Trump is doomed to lose his office in the most blatant epic of criminal fraud in American history, but boy, howdy, we’re gonna win.
Because reasons.
Once Trump is gone, I don’t think we win. I think we all lose, because the rickety building is on fire and about to collapse, taking all of us down with it.
History does not teach that the good guys win because they are good. Democracy, or even the modified form of it our Republic supposedly represents, is not a guaranteed victor. In fact, tyranny is more the rule than liberty over the vast sweep of history.
Generations Theory says that the United States of America is facing an existential crisis. That means that our very existence as a nation is on the line. If the theory turns out to be accurate, we obviously have not yet reached the crisis, because we are still holding together as the united states, no matter how divided we may be on an internal basis.
Once you see that begin to change, whether by secession, rebellion, civil war, or hostile foreign action, you will know we have reached the crux of the matter. And I’m not going to blow smoke up your ass and tell you we are guaranteed to survive that crisis because we are America. History tells us there are no such guarantees, and frankly, from my vantage point our culture is so rotted out at its very foundations, and so damaged in innumerable other ways, including the fiber of our citizens, as to call into deep question our ability to survive that crisis.
Normality bias ensures that it is impossible for the large majority of our people to even think about, let alone accept, that things are, or could become, so bad. Which means that most won’t even understand what has happened until the wolf comes to their door, blows down their house, and eats their kids.
If Donald Trump can be destroyed by the tempest, then let me assure you that some reflexive appeal to the notion that we are the good guys and therefor guaranteed to emerge victorious is just as ludicrous as any other smoke currently being blown up our nether regions is.
There are no guarantees. Don’t forget it, and proceed accordingly.
Actually, I’d suggest one “guarantee” I consider to be iron-clad: the Usurper Biden will, on January 20th, be sworn in as (ahem) “President****” of the FUSA. Beyond that, though, all bets are now well and truly off. Well, okay, except for one other sure thing: stipulated that nobody has any idea what might transpire in the near term, it’s almost certainly going to suck.
Yes, I used the small footnote-font and multiple asteriks just now on purpose. Most likely, that becomes standard practice from here on out whenever I’m forced to refer to our shiny new pretend-president, the office his puppeteers hijacked for him, and/or the unfunny joke of a “nation” he was selected-not-elected to “lead.” It will be a good way to properly make note of the sad diminishment of the latter two, I believe. As for the figurehead Biden, he was nothing but a pygmy all along, in every imaginable way. There’s no way an empty suit like him can ever be diminished, and no good reason to try.
The Pretender Elect, Usurper in Chief. Biden didn’t win.
Schlichter is cucking now. Apparently he thinks that communism can be defeated by semi-witty repartee. https://townhall.com/columnists/kurtschlichter/2020/12/31/my-prediction-for-2021-is-pain-n2582295
I’m not the person who should be on the front lines fighting a revolution.
I went to College, worked on Wall Street and they sent me to Graduate School at a top 10 Finance and Economics University. I spent over two decades in a desk job, but at least got around the world either by them coming to me or me coming to them.
I shot guns but am not really handy with one.
I love America but worked outside of it for half my career. I am back now but wouldn’t return to NYC suburbs where I was born.
I’m a family man who needs me.
I’m not in good shape but better than I was on Nov 3.
I’m not sure I can help on Jan 6, but I keep thinking I should.
I keep thinking I should…
The shooters are only a tiny fraction of a war. Intel and logistics. Intel and logistics. I’ll say it again: intel and logistics. Intel is vital for any guerrilla or insurgency operations. (And for counter-guerrilla and counter-insurgency operations.) Any effective operation is going to need to identify targets, whether a building that can bring down a city’s communications, a transformer that feeds a police station, or a judge who always releases Blamtifa terrorists without bail. You almost certainly know some politicians or high-level bureaucrats or lobbyists for the wrong side. This information can be shared so the shooters know where to go.
Logistics, in the broadest sense, is important if the conflict lasts more than a very short time. Aside from obvious items like bullets and cans of food, insurrectionists need a secure place to sleep and decompress. Medical support, whether providing bandages and antibiotics, stitching someone up yourself, or taking someone to a discreet, cash-only doctor, may be important. (I have no experience in revolutionary activities in a functioning, first world nation. Joe Revolutionary might be able to go to the emergency room under his own name and say he was shot by thugs in black and not have it questioned.)
There’s a lot more to it, but the key point is that the shooters are only a tiny fraction of the total effort. Many kinds of support are needed, support which can be provided by people of any level of fitness or wealth.
(I really need to either copy this in as a text file locally for copy-paste as needed or else remember where I put it up. This is at least the fourth time in the past week and a half that the topic has come up. And sometimes I have more time to answer than others.)
You have posted this on more than one occasion, and I’m guessing you’ll have the opportunity to do so again before the month of January is over.
Even the military has very few at the tip of the spear. It’s the shaft made up of the logistical personnel and intelligence that keeps the tip pointed in the right direction and moving forward.
There will be ample opportunity for most everyone to contribute.