Can’t remember where it was that I ran across this guy, but into Ye Olde Blogrolle and bookmarks he’s surely a-going, with a quickness.
The title of today’s essay is the answer to the pressing question, “What would you do were you Trump?”
Opening fire is what I would do if I were in charge. What you are I ourselves should do is a difficult question, when even self defense against the mob is a crime. (If you’re white or unwoke.) But that it is such a difficult question is why I, if I were in charge, would open fire.
Now it is not legal to riot, burn, loot, pillage, commit mayhem and murder, even if done in the name of “anti-racism” or whatever other slogan the rabble uses to justify their rapine. It is, however, legal to use force, even deadly force, to quell riots. Further, everybody knows all these things and the reasons behind them. So opening fire is justified, though perhaps not prudent. I say it is prudent, and hope to convince you of that.
Everybody also knows progressive mayors, governors and most of our oligarchs are encouraging the riots, asking their own people, as it were, to shit in their own backyards and then light themselves on fire. These rulers have no love for their peoples, and are acting immorally to increase their own power. These rulers thus have no moral authority and can and must be usurped by higher authority. Part of “opening fire” would include the arrest, trial, and hanging of those mayors, governors, and oligarchs convicted of treason and dereliction of sacred duty.
Opening fire might indeed lose Trump the election, because propagandists would scream “Literally Hitler!” with demonic fury—well, with increased demonic fury. These propagandists would be believed by a sufficient number of the easily persuaded. If Trump loses because of opening fire, right wing purges would begin in earnest next January, and our approach toward the leftist singularity would accelerate.
But don’t forget we accelerate if Trump loses even without opening fire. The perplexed, unbelieving looks on the faces of aging right wing boomers gripping their yellowed copies of the Constitution as new “laws” are passed to confiscate guns, limit speech, and ban “hate” might even be worth seeing. If you can’t have a sense of humor as the world burns, then you will never learn to laugh.
Yep, I definitely like the cut of Briggs’ jib. I especially enjoyed the bit about arresting, trying, and hanging these criminal governors and mayors. All joking around aside, that’s a proposal that, while perhaps distasteful in some small ways, is seriously in need of following through on. He has more and even better ideas, all of which I support wholeheartedly. And then there’s this one:
Looting As Reparations Is A Good Idea
Even though riots, looting, pillaging, murder and mayhem and treason are illegal, immoral, and unethical, and that putting them down through the use of violence is historically validated, legal, moral, and ethical, we all know violence is wrong. So, even though I advocated opening fire on the lawless rabble two days ago, I now see no good Christian can advocate fighting the lawless takeover of our cities. I therefore embrace looting as a means to redress in social inequities.
In this, I follow California in saying we need to “Consider Needs Of Looters Before Charging Them“. Looting can be a positive good.
The theory how looting is good insists only BLACKS!—this spelling is racism-free—were ever slaves, and only whites their masters. All whites share in the guilt of slavery, because they are white and whites share in all evils because they are white. Every BLACK! was beaten, raped, tortured and killed daily while a slave, which traumatized the genetics of their descendants. (Yes.)
The idea is that all these other races, like whites, must pony up because they have benefited from the labors of the slaves. The reasoning goes like this: sewers, corn off the cob in cans, electricity, and other whatnots are here and being used, and slaves were once here and were made to do work. Therefore, all are beneficiaries of slavery, and so all must pay.
Of course, modern BLACKS! also benefit and use these same services and infrastructures like everybody else, and have done so for a long time. These usages would have done some good to BLACKS!, like they have to other races, but because of thing called systemic racism, the good didn’t stick in BLACKS!
Systemic racism is officially defined as the racism that remains once racism has been removed.
So it’s reparations. New reparations, that is. The older reparations, such as sixty-some years of Affirmative Action, quotas in hiring and matriculation, set asides in contracts, endless woke corporate donations and pandering, an official History Month and federal holiday, accelerated promotions, the worship of the BLACK! bodies and BLACK! culture, and so on and so on and so on were not really reparations because they were not called reparations. Words matter.
They do at that. Just so long as we make certain that they all wind up folded, spindled, and mutilated into meaning the exact opposite of what was originally intended, hey, it’s all good.
We will not end “systemic” racism until we end welfare and affirmative action.
I still say what the Sainted A. Lincoln said, to wit; Send them all to Liberia.
And yes, he really, really did propose that. No shit.