Tweaking the Ol’ Grey Whore.
Four years after it abandoned its traditional standards of fairness to try to defeat Donald Trump, the paper is now fixated on rewriting the story of America. The drive-by attack on the Rushmore presidents was part of its cancel-culture agenda.
Yet the Times has never applied to its own history the standards it uses to demonize others. If it did, reporters there would learn that the Ochs-Sulzberger family that has owned and run the paper for 125 years has a “complicated legacy” of its own.
That legacy includes Confederates in the closet — men and at least one woman who supported the South and slavery during the Civil War. In fact, Times patriarch Adolph S. Ochs contributed money to the very Stone Mountain project and other Confederate memorials the Times now finds so objectionable.
To be clear, I detest the Times’ determination to judge and revise history using criteria conceived 20 minutes ago. The paper’s Marxist-inspired activism and race-based fetish have taken it so far off course that it no longer functions as an actual newspaper.
Having spent my formative journalistic years at the Gray Lady, I came away with immense respect for the editors’ commitment to fair and impartial news coverage. That commitment started with Ochs, who, from the day he took control of the Times in 1896, insisted on a strict separation of news and opinion, a tradition that lasted more than a century. It was those traditions — fairness and safeguards against reporters’ bias — that gave the paper its credibility and made it the flagship of American journalism.
But those days are gone, with the standards eroded slowly at first and then abolished under current Executive Editor Dean Baquet. Every story these days is an editorial as the paper demands that every institution and individual conform to the Times’ views, or be denounced as racist, homophobic, Islamophobic and misogynistic. Because of the Times’ exceptional influence, its demagoguery is playing a major role in shredding the fabric of our country.
At the very least, the paper ought to be honorable enough to apply its freshly minted standards to its own past. If it did, I believe the owners, editors, reporters and stockholders would be shocked by what they discover.
Doubt it. In fact, it’s unlikely that they’d care at all. Like all other liberal media outlets, the NYT has an agenda to advance, a program to push. As long as they go on working diligently for the side of the “righteous,” all prior sins can be overlooked… and will be.
Frankly, anybody, be they liberal or American, who is the least bit shocked to see the Whore so overtly and shamelessly hiking its skirt and flashing some Lefty leg at this late stage of the game is nothing but a blind damned fool anyway. That said, this is a fine piece just the same, as well as being unusually lengthy and in-depth for the Post—a solid thumb in the eyeball for an insufferable passel of pompous, supercilious assholes who richly deserve it.
It is a bit odd to see all these people who are apparently just now discovering that the NYT is a hard left wing agitprop rag. I don’t believe any of them. The Slimes has been a totally biased lefty propaganda rag for longer than I have been alive, and I am eligible for AARP membership these days. All this lamenting for a mythical past where “the nation’s paper of record” was supposedly a fine, upstanding example of professionalism and objectivity — I mean, pull the other one. It’s got bells on it.
The Gay Lady merely dances to the tune of the tribe. They know who subscribe to their sewage these days!!! What else would you expect them to do???
Support for Marxism/Communism, the evil system that has murdered 100-150 million people in just about a century of existence, is far worse a stain on the NYT than anything those Commies at the NYT could ever point a finger at.
When I was in my 20’s I would always get the Sunday NYslimes. Started for certain by 1973 and lasted until around 81-82 maybe. With the election of Reagan any pretense of objectivity was gone.
And as Kenny notes above, they have the blood of a hundred million + on their hands. And that started around 1917.
With the enthusiastic help of the tribe. But those murders do not count, since they were mostly only Goyim!!!
So the tribe in it’s entirety, after some sort of mega-powwow and the sending out of smoke signals across the globe, decided to enthusiastically help commies murder more than a hundred million mostly goyim. Pretty mind-boggling stuff.
They did their part with Lenin and Stalin. Now there were not many out there helping Mousey Tongue murder that 100 Million in China, but they WERE there with him in spirit!!!
“But those murders do not count, since they were mostly only Goyim!!!”
More so because it was commies doing the killing. They get a free pass from the progs at places like the New York Slimes. In fact they celebrate the death.
Note that most of the “right thinking” leftards in the US liked Hitler, too, until he attacked the USSR.
Good point.
Fascism and Communism share about 97% of their DNA.
Also SteveF, Mussolini was a ‘Rock Star’ in the 20’s and was loved in the US right up until 1936 when he attacked Ethiopia.
Joseph Kennedy and FDR admired him and the New Deal had a lot of basis in The Fasces, more than in Communism.
I wasn’t sure about Mussolini and didn’t want to take the time to look it up. I did know that National Socialism is socialism. And I know that pointing that out causes outrage amongst both communists/socialists/progressives/democrats and the Hitler buttboys.
Mussolini’s Fascism (stronger tied together as one bundle) was a socialist system with the emphasis taken away from ‘class’ and put on Ethnic or Nationalist identity.
Fascism as promulgated by Mussolini was essentially National Socialism before there was National Socialism.
Of course, Hitler couldn’t give credit to an Italian for something that essentially belonged to a German, the higher moral ground. They read many of the same sources, like Plato and Nietzsche. They also looked back to pre-Christian history for the “Greatness”. They both had the concept of Lebensraum, and Mussolini called it ‘spazio vitale’ or vital space, which was defined as the Mediterranean as a Roman Lake period in history (ie The Roman Empire around the time of Augustus).
Fascism of Mussolini and Nazi under Hitler essentially share 98% of the same DNA.
The Iberian states of Franco and Salazar were probably even more beholden to Fascism thought as well.