It smelled fishy from the start, but with every passing day the stench worsens.
A decorated scientist with four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believes the coronavirus pandemic is being used by the “Deep State” for its own purposes.
Shiva Ayyadurai said on Twitter that “fear-mongering” over the outbreak is being used to push an agenda.
“As an MIT PhD in Biological Engineering who studies & does research nearly every day on the Immune System, the #coronavirus fear mongering by the Deep State will go down in history as one of the biggest fraud to manipulate economies, suppress dissent, & push MANDATED Medicine!” he said.
It is important to note that Ayyadurai did not say the disease is man-made or a hoax.
You should follow the guidelines from doctors, federal, state and local governments and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But what Ayyadurai did say is that some in the government are using the pandemic to frighten people into obedience.
Think about what has transpired in less than a week’s time. We have handed control of nearly everything in our lives to the government.
In many places, they are telling us when we can leave our homes and when we must return to them.
They have decided what events or religious services we can attend, how many people are allowed to be there and which businesses are allowed to stay open.
In the process, the global economy has crashed with the assistance of the media stirring everyone into a mass panic.
Wonder if we can now expect an increasingly stringent Coronavirus Clampdown to become an annual event, just as a reminder of who’s really in charge around here?
Update! Is the cure worse than the disease?
For the curious, if they can get past however they are responding to the what’s happening right now, this is an amazing time. We will see things that no one could have imagined seeing just a few weeks ago. No one can know what follows a 30-day quarantine of a continent sized country. No one really knows what will follow just this one week halt to the global economy. No one knows what happens if the plague fears are wildly overblown, which seems inevitable at this point.
Regardless of what follows, we are living in a time without precedent. A century ago, we had a real plague, but the world did not stop. The stock market collapse in the 1920’s did bring a closure, but it was not for a month. The bank run that happened in 1933 resulted in a week-long bank holiday, but the rest of society kept going. The past provides some samples but nothing close to what is being contemplated. Heck, we are already into uncharted territory with the one-week lock-down.
Maybe I am the crazy one, but crazy or not, messing with big complicated things always has unanticipated results. This is an iron law of systems. Even if the response is appropriate to the danger, taking a sledge hammer to the very complex system that is American society will have consequences that no one can anticipate. Another rule of complex systems is you need to understand the iron law of systems before you are allowed to even tinker with the system. That rule has been violated.
The arrogance of our would-be masters is exceeded only by their lust for absolute power.
I fear we are taking big steps toward a second Civil War. What if this is a way to screw with the 2020 election – not by tarring Trump, but something much more sinister? Think all these governors and mayors are going to be anxious to give up the dictatorial power they have arrogated to themselves? I don’t. Try this scenario on. And before I paint the picture, please understand that I know it sounds crazy. Seven days ago I would have said anyone who suggested this was completely nuts. BUT – remember that elections are under state control.
What if not all states or districts voted? Some do – some don’t. Blue states vote – California, New York, Illinois, etc. They know that Trump will lose and perhaps lose big in those states. But, there are some states that went for Trump and are under Democrat (or in the case of Ohio, never-Trumper) control. They decide that, for public safety, they can’t have the election this year, therefore those electoral votes don’t count. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, perhaps even Kansas. Or maybe some big cities in otherwise red states don’t vote – maybe Dallas, San Antonio, etc. Suddenly, Trump loses big. “But, Skeptic, that’s nuts! They can’t do that! The Constitution forbids it!”
Well, here are the amendments currently being violated in California, New York, Illinois, and God knows how many local areas – including where I live:
1st. The ban on public gatherings over 10 violates the right to peacefully assemble.
2nd. Gun shops are not considered “essential businesses” and therefore, the right to keep and bear arms is being abridged.
5th: Closing businesses is definitely “deprivation of property without due process of law.”
Honestly, when the restaurant closures happened, I expected a flood of lawsuits to gain injunctions based on these violations. Didn’t happen. These petty tyrants are learning that they can get away with anything. I fear for the future of our country.
Again – crazy? I sincerely hope so. I do.