Gonna need a bigger blog, buddy.
Joe Biden’s Top Ten Mentally Deficient Moments
Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden is losing his mind in public. Unlike the classic movie Network, wherein an aging news anchor pours out his soul and righteously condemns our shallow artificial culture, Biden’s public meltdown mostly consists of spouting half-remembered anecdotes, confusing basic historical details, threatening to fight everyday Americans, and generally acting like a bewildered crank. Biden, who suffered multiple brain aneurysms in 1988, is basically liable to say anything out on the campaign trail, creating a precarious situation for a Democrat Party that has inexplicably made him their presumptive nominee.Here are Biden’s Top Ten Mentally Deficient Moments.
Anybody thinking that committing political punditry for a living is an easy grift, consider for a moment how tough it had to have been to whittle this list down to only ten items. On the bright side, though, the folks at NF will be able to do another Top Ten listicle in a week or ten days max, continuing merrily along on that schedule until Senile Joe crumbles irretrievably into full-on babbling dementia, is bunged into the back of Hillary!™‘s Collapsemobile vanbulance, and hauled quietly off to the Ha-Ha Hotel for a nice, looooong “rest.” Then they could maybe compile a 40-volume series, chronicling the entirety of the addle-pated old coot’s shambolic output for posterity.
Y’know, I mentioned in the previous post how depressing it is that our political shitshow has decayed to the point that we have an open, self-proclaimed Marxist running for President instead of being shown to the city limits atop a stout rail, clad only in hot tar and chicken feathers, as is due and proper. So how much more depressing is it that the same party’s only other serious contender is a patently senile old corruptocrat, his condition rapidly worsening before the nation’s very eyes in real time…AND YET HE’S WINNING?!?
You have to marvel at it. It will be the first campaign where the media will not show anything of the Democrat candidate out of fear Ol’ Joe is going to go out on a snipe hunt at some point during the event. He’ll be the least viewed candidate in American history, it promises to be a hoot.
Mmmmm – Tar and feathers!
It does make you wonder who anticipates pulling Joe’s strings.