KT helpfully unrolls a thread that puts paid to the self-evidently false notion that they’re “weak,” that for various reasons they’re “afraid of us!” What you’re seeing, rather, is neither weakness nor fear but the usual Mark-1 Mod-0 battlespace preparation.
Christian Nationalism is 10000% an op. Since I’m incredibly accused of not backing up this assertion, let’s have a thread, not of arguments but just to show off some of the ways the media sees it.
What we’re looking at here is easy to dismiss as the ravings of the Leftist press or even to characterize as a sales pitch for Christian Nationalism, since we know their “democracy” means their tyranny (Communism, frankly), but we need to understand what it is.
What you are looking at here, and why I did this thread, is called Operational Preparation of the Environment in political warfare talk. If you think this is ridiculous and worth ignoring, that’s because you’re not in the target audience of its psychological active measure.
The objective in saturating a media narrative from multiple kinds of outlets (Vertically Integrated Messaging Apparatus) is to psychologically prime the target audience to believe there’s a lurking or looming threat out there that will become an emergency later at the right time…
There are two primary target audiences with this issue. First, there’s the center-left, whom they want to have believe in a lurking threat with an identifiable name that’s already associated with things they don’t trust. They’re linking that name to “bad” things they know.
The objective with the center-left is to create a vague sense that Christian Nationalism is real, on the rise, and dangerous, and more importantly that it’s associated in various ways with the worst things they know: Covid, Boebert and Greene, J6, racism, fascism, violence…
The other target audience is the red-pilled Right, or at least the dumber among them, who are Christians leaning toward the Christian Nationalism movement. They want them to think the Regime sees it as a threat (it doesn’t) so they think it’s “based” to get involved.
The Regime doesn’t see Christian Nationalism as a threat, you guys. It’s a trap they’re setting. They’re showing weakness because they know they’re immeasurably strong. Walk into it if you want, but I recommend you don’t. I don’t care that much about you if you do, tbf, but don’t
My own approach, whenever the fascist Left accuses Our Side of anything at all, has always been to embrace their terminology just out of contrariness, defiance, and simple spite. Christian, misogynist, Nazi, H8RRR, Islamophobe, racist, backasswards redneck, violent revolutionary, what the hell ever? HELL YEAH I AM! Proud of it, too.
Wanna dredge up some tired old terminology from the hippie-dippie days to throw at me, like “warmonger,” “flag-waver,” “running dog imperialist,” anything you can think of? Sure, that’s me to a tee! I’m all of those, and much, much worse besides. NOW what, fuckface? Got anything else? I will continue to hark back to Captain Mal for my response.
This strategery seems to have worked fairly well for blaques who started using the dread “nigger” their own selves, not as an epithet or insult but as an innocuous descriptor, thereby robbing the word of its supposed power to wound, or so the theory goes. Personally, I don’t care so much about whether or not it really works that way; I just enjoy pissing off Leftards, which I find satisfying enough in and of itself. Any conceivable thing that gets on their nerves, I’m all for it.
Two points – One
National Socialism
It’s not the National part that is the problem.
I’m a WarEnderMongerer.
Win. Tell them “Don’t Make Me Come Back” and Get Out.
Only Trump has done that since WW II.