Well, well, well, well, well, well, WELL.
Mail-In Ballot Fraud Study Finds Trump ‘Almost Certainly’ Won In 2020
A new study examining the likely impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots had in the 2020 election concludes that the outcome would “almost certainly” have been different without the massive expansion of voting by mail.The Heartland Institute study tried to gauge the probable impact that fraudulent mail-in ballots cast for both then-candidate Joe Biden and his opponent, President Donald Trump, would have had on the overall 2020 election results.
The study was based on data obtained from a Heartland/Rasmussen survey in December that revealed that roughly one in five mail-in voters admitted to potentially fraudulent actions in the presidential election.
After the researchers carried out additional analyses of the data, they concluded that mail-in ballot fraud “significantly” impacted the 2020 presidential election.
They also found that, absent the huge expansion of mail-in ballots during the pandemic, which was often done without legislative approval, President Trump would most likely have won.
“Had the 2020 election been conducted like every national election has been over the past two centuries, wherein the vast majority of voters cast ballots in-person rather than by mail, Donald Trump would have almost certainly been re-elected,” the report’s authors wrote.
Over 43 percent of 2020 votes were cast by mail, the highest percentage in U.S. history.
The new study examined raw data from the December survey carried out jointly between Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports, which tried to assess the level of fraudulent voting that took place in 2020.
The December survey, which President Trump called “the biggest story of the year,” suggested that roughly 20 percent of mail-in voters engaged in at least one potentially fraudulent action in the 2020 election, such as voting in a state where they’re no longer permanent residents.
In the new study, Heartland analysts say that, after reviewing the raw survey data, subjecting it to additional statistical treatment and more thorough analysis, they now believe they can conclude that 28.2 percent of respondents who voted by mail committed at least one type of behavior that is “under most circumstances, illegal” and so potentially amounts to voter fraud.
“This means that more than one-in-four ballots cast by mail in 2020 were likely cast fraudulently, and thus should not have been counted,” the researchers wrote.
Color me shocked—SHOCKED! Quelle surprise, non? Calls for one of them funny-pitchers-with-words I’ve been saving up for other purposes, I do believe.
S’truth. Ahh, but seeing as how it worked out so perfectly for them last time around—they got away 110% scot-free, without suffering one (1) solitary thing by way of repercussion, recrimination, or even minor inconvenience afterwards, and almost certainly never will—there’s just NO FRIGGIN’ WAY they’ll try the same thing again this year, right? I mean, they wouldn’t DARE, right?
The NC Primary is March 5. I noticed the sign to Vote early near me put up on Wednesday. Feb 14. Almost three weeks early.
There is absolutely no way the votes cast during that time are secure.
In court, a lawyer alleging Dominion Voter Machine Fraud asked the opposition lawyer for an ordinary pen from his pocket and proceeded to hack into a Dominion Machine and jigger with the vote count.
Mail-In was just one way the Fraud was perpetrated.
Yep, they cheated in multiple ways, and then when that wasn’t enough they stopped counting in the middle of the night to truck in more fake ballots.
NC was rigged with commie Cooper getting re-elected and the Trump total being suppressed.
That’s why Robinson must be supported overwhelmingly.
And the RINOs that send me mail attacking him as a Misogynist for not letting Men go into the Women’s Room need to be taken out and horsewhipped.
I’m thinking of something regarding lamp posts.
How about both?
Hmm, the horsewhip, then the hanging. I’m good with that.
It wouldn’t be as effective the other way around.