This one to the Pipeline website.
Four years ago, we launched this website in the interests of confronting the consistent misrepresentations of the energy industry by a small but powerful coterie of anti-civilizational cultural Marxists. They go by many anodyne names, most notably “environmentalists,” but as their behavior since the first “Earth Day” on April 22, 1970 — Lenin’s birthday, by sheer happenstance! — has demonstrated, their real purpose is not “saving the planet” but instituting a global rollback of Western civilization, its attainments, and its creature comforts. Worming their way into government, charities, and private enterprise, and by dint of repeated media pounding, they have managed to upend our traditional notions of society in the service of their neo-Communist ideals.
The hell with them, we say.
Earth Day was the useful-idiot brainchild of Sen. Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin, who proclaimed it in order to force environmentalism onto official Washington’s desk. President Nixon dutifully followed along, creating the Environmental Protection Agency later that year. Its early supporters were acting under the influence of a notorious crank, Rachel Carson, whose wholly unwarranted campaign against DDT has condemned millions to death. Among them was the malevolent Ira Einhorn, one of the participants at the first Earth Day celebration in Philadelphia who later murdered and composted his girlfriend, Holly Maddux — an early adopter of recycling:
It wasn’t until 18 months later that investigators searched Einhorn’s apartment after one of his neighbors complained that a reddish-brown, foul-smelling liquid was leaking from the ceiling directly below Einhorn’s bedroom closet. Inside the closet, police found Maddux’s beaten and partially mummified body stuffed into a trunk that had also been packed with Styrofoam, air fresheners and newspapers. Although Einhorn was only the master of ceremonies at the first Earth Day event, he maintains that Earth Day was his idea and that he’s responsible for launching it. Understandably, Earth Day’s organizers have distanced themselves from his name…
In other words, “environmentalism” was from the start a marginal movement of purists, predators, and psychopaths. In the fifty-plus years since they unleashed their crackpot campaign to “save the earth” (as if puny mortals had to the power to do so), they might have succeeded in clearing the skies above Los Angeles and partially detoxifying the Hudson River — their two principal cities — but at what cost? The slightest puff of smoke from a chimney (not to mention a cigarette) throws them into paroxysms of fear and rage, a herd of cows gives them conniption fits, and even the thought of your exhaling drives some of them mad, even though the CO2 we breathe out adds net-zero to the ecosphere. They are in fact triggered by any sign of life or human activity, and the net-zero carbon future they so devoutly pray to the winged hermaphrodite Baphomet for would in practice mean that we’re all dead.
In short, extreme “environmentalism” is an instigated, de facto suicide cult. Indeed, it’s not really “environmentalism” at all, but a neo-totalitarian nihilist movement that deals with opposition in the same way all Leftist movements do: by banning it, outlawing it, demonizing it, proscribing it, destroying it. Like Dracula suddenly confronted with a crucifix, Leftists froth and foam at the slightest challenge to their claim to be on “the right side of history,” as if history had a side, and they promote “climate alarmism” with the zeal of an End Times evangelist.
So let me blunt: there is no “climate catastrophe,” full stop.
From this beginning, we have gradually expanded our purview to include the Covid Hoax, all its attendant loss of freedom, and the naked fist of the Permanent Bipartisan Fusion Party state slamming into the body politic. This astounding bit of medical effrontery — essentially, replacing the seasonal flu with a one-year-only junior version of the Black Death — brought forth the foolish and dangerous vaccines, untested lab experiments on people all over the world, that have since killed untold numbers via their deadly side effects.
However many lives they “saved,” it wasn’t worth it.
Much more at the link, of which you should read the all. Congrats to you, Mike, and to all your fellow contributors, editors, go-fers, flunkies, and sundry hangers-on. Y’all do good work.
Speaking strictly for myself, I am no more likely to “celebrate” Earth Day than I am to observe…oh, whaddyacallit, the day we’re all supposed to Save Gaia© by turning off all the lights for a couple of hours that night? Yeah, that one, whatever it is. In fact, I usually turn on every light in the damned house instead, right down to opening the oven, microwave, and laundry-dryer doors for the prescribed period so as to get their interior bulbs alight also.
Because FUCK you, that’s why.
I celebrate earth day by using as much of it’s natural resources as possible.