Now that the Constitution has been well and truly cast onto the junkheap, Amerika v2.0 definitely has one, and you damned well better like it. Y’know, or ELSE.
We Actually Do Have an Established Religion, and That’s Not Good
“Not good,” is it? *checks contacts on phone, checks again, checks again* Say, anybody out there got the FBI on speed-dial, perchance? I have a hot tip on a ÜberUltraMegaMAGA domestic terrorist I need to tell ’em about.
America has no established religion, which is undeniably true and a peculiar stroke of genius of the Founding Fathers in preventing the hegemony of one religious system over the others. Yet even without an established religion, the United States has always stood for certain values, notably for its own republican form of government. And today, we have an entirely different kind of established religion, which, while unofficial, is most definitely established.
President Woodrow Wilson was among the first to see this as practically a religious crusade of its own. In April 1917, as he called for a declaration of war against Germany that got the U.S. into World War I, Wilson sounded much like a Christian missionary without the Christianity: “The world must be made safe for democracy. Its peace must be planted upon the tested foundations of political liberty.”
A century after the Wilson administration, the U.S. is exporting not democracy, but the Left’s ideology. Our established religion in the United States as we approach the second quarter of the twenty-first century is Leftism’s contemporary sexual obsession and confusion, contempt for masculinity, erasure of femininity, obsession with racism real and imagined (mostly the latter), and all the rest. Today LGBT pride flags are proudly (of course) displayed at U.S. embassies around the world, there are openly “gender fluid” and transgender government officials, and officials at the highest levels, including the president of the United States himself, heap fulsome praise upon Leftist societal and sexual fads.
The Biden regime was establishing a religion for his people in exactly the same way that the Roman Emperor Theodosius was when he made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire in the year 380: as Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization details, he was rewarding the orthodox and punishing the heretical and their institutions in ways that would make the heresy less appealing and put it on the road to extinction.
Biden’s leftism isn’t generally recognized as a religion, but it very much is one, as can be seen all over, for instance in the transgender pronoun fantasies and hunt for heretics who dare to “misgender” a particular fantasist, and the fervor with which supporters of abortion vowed to fight against all restrictions to the practice after Roe v. Wade was overturned. But since this secular ideology is not understood to be a religion, it is not seen as an established creed in violation of the First Amendment, as it would be in a sane polity. If it were, then the solution to it would also be found in the First Amendment, in the prohibition of such an establishment, and provisions such as school lunch money being withheld from schools that refused to indulge insane gender faddism would be seen as establishing a religion and accordingly ended.
America today, however, is a long way from being a sane polity.
Said a mouthful there, Robert. Even though America’s Greatest President, Calvin Coolidge, labored mightily to undo them, with fair success, so many of the ills which still plague us today can be traced directly back to America’s Most Evil President, the thoroughly loathsome Woodrow Wilson (the rest of the major ones are on FDR). All of which presents us with a kinda-sorta chicken-or-egg conundrum: did Progressivism drive the polity insane? Or did a not-sane polity drive America That Was into the arms of Progressivism? Either way, t’ain’t funny, McGee.
Nicely said by Mr Spencer.
What we have is a religion for freaks that celebrate insanity.
Point Of Order:
Calvin Coolidge was America’s Second Greatest President.
The honorific of Greatest U.S. President belongs to William Henry Harrison, the hero of Tippecanoe himself, our 9th president, who leads that contest by a country mile, and who had the great good grace to die after serving for only 31 days after his inauguration to the presidency, with an unblemished and nigh-untouchable record of not doing anything in office in his entire term which should have seen him hung by the neck until dead, unlike at least 87% of his colleagues in that job.