I’ve had a few queries about my snail-mail address for the sending of Fall Begathon contributions, from folks who don’t have any electronic means of doing such, or just don’t feel comfortable about using ‘em. No, I have no intention of posting my home address on the blog, for reasons which should be obvious. But if that applies to you, contact me via the thinly-disguised email addy under the “Correspondence” header over in the right sidebar and we’ll get it all worked out in suitable fashion.
Also, the response so far to the Little Richard poll has been lopsidedly in favor of me doing the post, so I’ll get cracking on putting that together soon as I’m able. Gonna be a pretty arduous task, honestly; there’s a lot to tell, and I can only hope I remember all of it. Sadly, after doing a bit of searching, my 2017 obit for the late, great Pat DiNizio seems to have vanished from internet history with nary a trace, thanks to the über-destructive Rooskie hack of the site around that time. Too many years of writing went up in smoke from that maleficent intrusion, which just annoys the living shit out of me.
Meeting Pat a week or two after the Little Richard shows—and utterly humiliating myself by not realizing who it was I was talking to and pretty much rudely blowing the man off, then having to crawl over and beseech forgiveness for my bare-knuckled arrogance and stupidity once I’d realized what I’d thoughtlessly done—was one of those unlooked-for offshoots I mentioned the other night, one of surprisingly many. Ah well, whatcha gonna do.
Testing Testing
Loud and clear…
For me the comments section have been wonky on both a PC and my phone.
For example, I can’t type a comment in Visual Mode now. I have to switch to Text mode. If I then switch back to Visual after typing a comment it disappears. Switch back to Text and it reappears.
Manage Subscriptions used to be clicking a single blue link and I’d get follow up comments noted in my email. Now I have to click a button that sends me to another screen. That says to check my email. The email has me click on a link that confirms my subscription in Cold Fury. Then I have to navigate back to the Post! Sometimes it opens multiple windows doing this.
But if I type a comment and click the Box for follow up I am Subscribed. But sometimes that doesn’t work.
Sometimes I keep getting the emails over and over for the same post. Like the Eyrie Up. I got 6 emails for that one!
Not sure what happened.
Ouch. I’ve never used the “visual” tab, so can’t comment (changes) but now that I swap it worked fine for me (changes back), and it’s still there in text mode. Swapping back and forth makes no difference to my PC. I may need to create a new account with no privileges just for testing.
I also don’t do the subscription as I get enough damn email as it is 🙂
Either the Visual tab was the default and it worked for me or the default has changed.
Either way, something has changed.
I subscribe because sometimes I can’t get to CF for a day and the last 10 comments makes me miss some. By subscribing I always see new comments on posts.
That’s odd as the visual tab was never the default for me. I recall switching to it just to see what it does, maybe a couple years ago. Maybe it’s recorded in your cookies.
Gotcha on the subscriptions.
Okay, did some fiddling around with the comments plugins, see if that helped any.