Scales are beginning to fall from people’s eyes all over the place.
Maybe This Latest Blatant Ballot Box Stuffing Scandal Will Be the Last Straw
Whether it’s because they have no fear of consequence or because they really are that stupid, Democrat operatives regularly stuff ballot boxes in full view of cameras. The pattern is nauseatingly familiar at this point: First, Big Left’s candidate comes from behind to win an election with a handful of mail-in or absentee votes. Then, video, sworn testimony, and/or official complaints of ballot harvesting and ballot box stuffing emerge. The matter is referred to law enforcement, which opens an investigation.And then…nothing.
In the film “2000 Mules,” rampant ballot harvesting — which is illegal in Georgia, one of the states featured in the film — was documented. The matter was referred to Ga. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, whose office launched an investigation. “If Georgia’s investigation into organized ballot harvesting leads to actual arrests and punishment, it will be a great day for America,” I wrote at the time. “We are all weary of lengthy investigations that go nowhere and accomplish nothing, but perhaps this time will be different.”
LOL, it was no different. Raffensberger declined to proceed without one of the film’s producers, election integrity non-profit True the Vote, giving up the name of a confidential source, which they refused to do. One source — out of the mountains of data and evidence the group provided — was the excuse for halting the investigation. The last I heard, Raffensberger’s office was suing True the Vote. Meanwhile, more elections have occurred in the district without any arrests or serious addressing of the problem.
Now a new video is making waves in Connecticut, and once again, I’m hoping that this is finally the last straw that forces an actual enforcement action.
As the saying goes, hope is not a strategy, Athena dear, sorry. At this point, anybody who isn’t deeply, deeply cynical about “elections” in Amerika v2.0 simply isn’t paying attention. And no, cynicism isn’t a synonym for strategy either, but it’s a logical first step towards the anger that might conceivably lead to Real Americans getting off their duffs and devising one. So in the end you might be cynical, sure, but the question now is: are you cynical ENOUGH?
I was born cynical and yet I get more cynical each passing year.