No Eyrie tonight, sports fans. Over the weekend I ran across a nice-looking WP theme that I’ve been piddling around with, trying to shoehorn Ye Olde CF Blogge into the thing so’s it’ll work right. The theme has lots of pretty nifty-galifty customization options and features but, being based on a fluid layout scheme instead of the fixed-layout the old one has, there’s a right fair amount of jiggery-pokery to be done here before it’ll work properly. Figure on some unexpected wonkery to be going on hereabouts, as I ladle out generous dollops of skull-sweat attempting to get this little birdie to fly.
Update! Okay, this is turning out to be a right royal pain in the ass—for some unfahtomable reason, the central column wants to float over to the left, thereby obscuring part of the Butthurt Report Form, which is just completely unacceptable. Also, for some other unfathomable reason, the antiquated Feedreading Blogroll widget, which I haven’t been able to make work properly for a long time now and eventually just gave up on, actually works with this theme…assuming the linked blog even HAS an RSS feed, which apparently no Blogspot blogs do. Go figger.
Well whaddya know about that update! It appears that some Blogger sites DO have RSS feeds, and then again some of ‘em don’t. I repeat: go figger.
Oh fer cryin’ out loud update! Well dammit, even though options for such are mentioned here and there in the settings, this new theme is utterly useless for sail foams, near as I can make out. Need to figure out a way to implement a Desktop/Mobile switcher somehow, but it ain’t gonna be tonight, I’m just about tuckered. Plus, I think my poor old eyeballs might actually be bleeding at this point. Been a while since I did any website tinkering at this level, I fear.
Let me know if there is anything I can do. I’m not up to speed on WP of course, but I’ll help in any way I can.
I like it.