When it comes to writing about politics, Mark Steyn reminds us he’s still the baddest mutha in the Valley.
So no, I haven’t been reading a lot of Trump indictment analysis by Andrew McCarthy, Jonathan Turley, Alan Dershowitz… They’re all great legal minds, but how naïve do you have to be still to think that America has anything recognizable as a “justice” system? I have the advantage of Andy et al in that I’m a Canadian who has been in a mere civil lawsuit in the District of Columbia that is now entering its twelfth year. When you turn the calendar on Year Twelve, you know it’s a racket – and all that’s happened over the last decade or so is that the racket’s gotten more shameless and cocksure.
My DC rubbish is a First Amendment case, so you can imagine how impressed I am, eleven years on, by my so-called rights under that Amendment. Trump’s is also a First Amendment case, and perhaps a more consequential one – because there won’t be a First Amendment if a politician can be charged with conspiracy for disputing the results of American elections, which objectively are among the crappest in the world, by comparison with Norway, Bostwana and most other functioning or even semi-functioning polities.
“More shameless and cocksure”? Perish the thought, Mark! Why, everyone knows they’re afraid of us, literally pissing themselves with terror at us! Right? RIGHT?
In a pig’s eye. Which is all the more reason not to take their shit, but to spit defiantly in their fucking faces at any and every opportunity, lest they turn out to have been perfectly correct in their assessment of whether or not they ought to fear us…because we ourselves proved them to be.
Indeed, if you think the central issue is not Ukraine or the next variant but the suffocating corruption in which the most powerful agencies in the land behave ever more openly as organs of a one-party state, you’re sticking with Trump because the permanent state’s weekly indictments of him are the most outrageous embodiment of the problem.
These are not normal times: in the years ahead, ever greater corruption – political, judicial, bureaucratic, technological – will be necessary to constrain the people’s choices to the shriveled offerings of the Uniparty. So, if you reckon it’s bad now, wait till next time. GOP primary voters seem to get that at least. The real GOP “suicide mission” (to use John Hinderaker’s phrase) is pretending that any of what’s happening right now is part and parcel of politics in a long-settled society of self-governing citizens.
Whatever their “suicidal” inclinations, the base seems to get that – and they’re disinclined to be told by their betters to pretend otherwise.
From his lips to God’s etc, and may it ever be thus.
Tons more rich, buttery goodness in between the excerpted passages—TONS—every last word of it vital, must-read material, as has always been Steyn’s wont. Thankfully, despite his recent health issues, Mark is still with us, for the nonce. Alas, though, as is true of all of us, someday he won’t be. No matter when it might come, that blackest of days will be upon us far too soon. For Mark Steyn’s is a truly irreplaceable voice, and the righteous cause of human liberty will suffer a staggering blow thereupon.
We have NEVER had a “justice” system.
We have allegedly had a “Legal” system, but even that has been nonexistent for MANY years now!
While I get the sentiment, that we never had a justice system, we were as close as one can get at one time. I think the end of that era was in the early 70’s.
What we had worked for the vast majority of law abiding citizens. Once you allow criminals to walk free you can no longer have even a semblance of a justice system.