Giuliani says things that might have been so twenty years ago or more, but aren’t now.
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani had a dire warning for supporters and detractors alike on his way to be arrested in Georgia should “the political winds shift, as they always do…”
Faced with the same number of charges as former President Donald Trump, with a number overlapping the president’s as well as the other 17 co-defendants indicted by the state, Giuliani was stopped by the press on his way to the airport to offer some words.
After recounting his record as mayor and as a state’s attorney who “took down the mafia and made New York City the safest city in America,” he expressed, “I’m fighting for justice. I have been from the first moment I represented Donald Trump, and as a man who has now been proven innocent several times — I don’t know how many times he has to be proven innocent and they have to be proven to be liars, actually, enemies of our republic who are destroying rights, sacred rights.”
“They’re destroying my right to counsel — my right to be a lawyer. They’re destroying [Trump’s] right to counsel. It’s not accidental that they’ve indicted all his lawyers. I’ve never heard of that before in America — all the lawyers indicted,” the mayor continued before voicing concern to the public.
“Now, whether you dislike or like Donald Trump, let me give you a warning, ” said Giuliani. “They’re gonna come for you. When the political winds shift, as they always do, let us pray that Republicans are more honest, more trustworthy, and more American than these people in charge of this government. Because if our government is conducted this way and the system of justice is politicized and criminalized for politics, your rights are in jeopardy and your children’s.”
“Donald Trump told you this,” he reminded. “They weren’t just coming for him or me.”
Pathetic, there simply is no other word for it. “IF,”? Rudy? You’d’ve been a helluva lot more accurate to have ommitted that word entirely from your statement. Yes, it’s true that you ARE fighting for justice—or you were. Sorry to have to tell ya, but you lost, and so did justice…and so did we all.
It’s simply beyond belief to me, how so very many of us still carry on like this isn’t really happening or something—even Trump, Giuliani, and the rest of these poor schlubs, all denying the evidence of their own lyin’ eyes even as the handcuffs are snapped on and the mugshots are being taken. Soon enough, they can join in with the J6 Gulagees for a rousing nightly sing-along of the Star Spangled Banner from the comfort and security of their own cells, I guess.
This is now business as usual in Amerika v2.0, and it’s not going to stop until (and unless) it IS stopped—firmly, almost certainly by force of arms. Lincoln Brown grimly reminds us that America That Was is well and truly dead, dead, DEAD.
If you have read much of my stuff before, you may know that years ago, my wife and I were part of a human trafficking awareness mission to Cambodia. We traveled around the country and visited some historical sites. We saw the infamous prison Tuol Sleng, where people were routinely tortured, often to the point of death.
We saw the killing fields with stacks of skulls and bones of victims and their pictures in which they gazed ahead with anger or resignation during their final moments. We saw a tree on a place called “Women’s Island.” Khmer Rouge soldiers would take babies by the feet and slam them against the tree until the infants were beaten to death in front of their grieving mothers. Across the country, we saw the legacy of Pol Pot’s rule.
People may be tempted to think that Pol Pot’s forces only targeted known political enemies. As illustrated above, that was not the case. I met some of the people who came through that horrific time. One man told me that as a young person, he was forced to take the buckets from the latrines, and with no shoes or gloves, hand-fertilize the rice fields. Rice was a year-round crop. People were arrested for having too much fabric in their possession. They were arrested for owning radios. They became suspects for wearing glasses since glasses were seen as a sign of education, and an educated person was a potential threat.
Under the Khmer Rouge, anyone could be arrested for anything, even those who thought they were loyal and obedient party members. Many soldiers who had enjoyed herding people into crowded cells and then hauling them away for torture began to find themselves under arrest and sitting in the very cells that they used to guard. Because that is what happens when a government is run by amoral, power-hungry people.
The people who hate Trump will find a way to get to you. Even if you are a solid Trump-hater yourself, they will get to you for something. They may freeze your social media or your money. They may refuse to let you fly. They may shut down your business or establish laws that might get you fired. They may even knock down your door in the early hours of the morning and take you to jail because of your views on abortion. This current episode in American history is nothing more than an appetizer. These people are just getting stretched out and warmed up.
They most certainly are. You don’t have to like it, but you DO have to admit it, unpleasant though it is.
Update! In an irony so scorching it could raise blisters on unprotected flesh, in the course of doing my usual post-posting proofread, I noticed a most curious juxtaposition:
Learn it, know it, live it indeed.
This always bears repeating: